abrogation of article 370 upsc

On a question over the impact of this constitutional change on the Pakistani side territory, the Indian home minister reiterated Indias claim to the whole of Kashmir. Such other matters in the said list with the concurrence of the state. The process of revocation of Article 370, which ties the state with India, needed the approval of J&Ks Constituent Assembly. They speak their own language called Dogri. Whereas the Union Territory of Ladakh does not have a legislative assembly and is administered by the Lieutenant Governor alone. Now, new start-ups, businesses and the government will create new infrastructure and boost development along with the creation of new jobs. These emphasize: respect for each others territorial integrity and sovereignty; non-interference in each others internal affairs; respect for each others unity, political independence; sovereign equality; and abjuring hostile propaganda. The state turned to India for help, which started air-lifting essential items like salt and kerosene. A domestic law of one country simply cannot amend a bilateral treaty without the consent of the other party. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"VHzsDUrJRtxiJuVXD3XtPEVxcYYsIIZM2uniD2dEJ.4-31536000-0"}; The cause of the war was a dispute over the Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh border regions. But invoking this very article, the special status of Jammu & Kashmir has been withdrawn. The Indian Armys deployment along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir is extremely robust, and will not allow large-scale infiltration. It was about empowering people, making people feel that they belong, and about increasing the accountability of public institutions and services. Sir Narasimha Ayyangar Gopalaswami Ayyangar represented India at the United Nations Security Council and later drafted the Article 370 of the Indian Constitution that granted autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir. Dogras believed to be suryavanshi Rajputs of chattri origin. Via the 1952 Delhi Agreement, the Government of India conceded the wishes of the state's people and the monarchy was abolished. 1. There is no evidence that coming under direct control of the central government would certainly lead to greater development of the region. In 1947, Britain gave up its rule of India. . With the signature of the Maharaja and the acceptance by the Governor-General, the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir became a part of the Dominion of India. Repeated efforts by Indira Gandhi (1972), Atal Bihari Vajpayee (1999), and Manmohan Singh (2005-07) ended in failure. Currently, there is no medical college, engineering college or a management institution anywhere in Ladakh. US keenness to complete its Afghanistan pull-out and its negotiations with the Taliban. They are migrated from Rajputana many centuries ago. GS SCORE: Abrogation of Article 370 upsc mains exam. Restricting citizens from other States from getting employment or buying property within Jammu and Kashmir is a violation of fundamental rights under Articles 14, 19 and 21 of the Indian Constitution. The Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly to. Due to the expected change in demography and commercialisation of the region. Even amendments made to the Constitution under Article 368 will not automatically apply to J&K as it requires specific order to be made under Article 370. The key to its success lies in finding early political reconciliation within Kashmir and persuading the Pakistan army that its interests are better served by stable, peaceful and legitimate frontier with India. Making it a Union Territory with a legislature makes a lot of strategic sense. The misery of the people increased due to natural calamities as well, such as premature snow falls, which would destroy a ripe rice crop leading to famines. Examine how the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir into two separate Union territories will help in assimilation of the people into mainstream Indian society and promote socio-economic development. The L-G will have the power to promulgate ordinances which shall have the same force and effect as an act of the Legislative Assembly assented by the L-G. Description: Article 370 of the Indian constitution was the lynchpin that held India and J & K together. According to the Constitution of India, Article 370 provides. Making provisions for the return of the permanent residents of the State who migrated to the territories included in Pakistan under permit for settlement. A separate Bill theJammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill 2019 was introduced to bifurcate the State into two separateunion territories of Jammu and Kashmir (with legislature), andLadakh (without legislature). The 1999 Kargil War took place when Pakistani forces and Kashmiri militants were detected a top the Kargil ridges and when both sides had essentially ceased their military operations. Provisions for the proclamation of emergency. Elections in Jammu and Kashmir were delayed. Notably, Article 4 (2) of the Simla Agreement states as below: Neither side shall seek to alter it (the LoC) unilaterally, irrespective of mutual differences and legal interpretations, Both sides further undertake to refrain from the threat of the use of force in violation of this Line. The following principles of the Agreement are, however, particularly noteworthy: A mutual commitment to the peaceful resolution of all issues through direct bilateral approaches. The. It became constitutional and legal duty of the Union of India to get back the whole of the territory which had been illegally occupied by Pakistan. Shahs announcement was immediately followed by massive uproar in the Upper House with opposition MPs protesting in the Well of the House. Article 370(1) of Constitution of India} issued by President of India to supersede the 1954 order related to Article 370. It discriminates against women who marry outside the state from applying for jobs or buying a property. Shall promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms. Indian troops landed at Srinagar airport in Kashmir and secured the airport before proceeding to evict the invaders from the Kashmir Valley. Q) What is Article 370? It also has a provision to recognize as permanent residents, people who had migrated to Pakistan and returned, though subject to certain conditions. and provides you crisp notes in simple language. The history of Kashmir is mainly divided into four periods: Shah Mir ascended the throne under the name of Sultan Shamasud-din, and his dynasty ruled the state for 222 years. Given these, many see the LoC as merely continuing with an indefinite and harmful status quo, thus preventing a substantive resolution of the conflict. The strikes like in 2008 can be better controlled and managed if Article 370 was not there. in Bharat, Jammu and Kashmir. Then it launched a full-blown invasion of the state using Pashtun tribes with an intent to take the capital Srinagar. Parliaments powers to legislate over the State are restricted to 3 core subjects viz- defence, foreign affairs, and communications. It will enable the President to declare that Article 370 has ceased to operate. Most of the well to do people of the valley were summoned by the Abid Ali Governor Abdullah Khan to his palace, and ordered to surrender all their wealth on pain of death. For the purpose of delimitation, the 2011 census figures are to be taken as the benchmark. Article 360, which can be used to declare a Financial Emergency, will now also be applicable. With the United States seeking a quick exit from, and willing to let the Inter-Services Intelligence-sponsored Taliban control Afghanistan (and China deeply embedded in the power play), the. The benefits are wide-ranging, it will increase industrialization, thereby increasing employment opportunities to the youth of Jammu and Kashmir. During the period of Mughal rule from 1587 to 1752, the people enjoyed peace and order. Hobbled by international pressure and a dire financial situation, Pakistan needs to keep its actions calibrated to ensure that the situation does not escalate to a conventional conflict. Earlier, only a set of limited provisions such as foreign relations, communication and defence had jurisdiction over Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan had stopped all the trade with India after Abrogation of Article 370 by the Indian Government. Article 370 A Constitutional History of J&K:- Download PDF Here. Pakistan later claimed that its own forges were not involved directly in operations in Kashmir. by Nirendra Dev. In my assessment, the Kashmir dispute cannot be resolved bilaterally by India and Pakistan alone even if the two countries were willing to work together to resolve their differences. Under Article 370: The Constituent Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir was empowered to recommend which articles of the Indian Constitution should apply to the state, The J&K Constituent Assembly was dissolved after it drafted the state's constitution. Provisions for non-application of the amendments carried out by the Parliament of India in the Constitution of India. State companies as well as private companies. Indus Water treaty and Indus Basin development agreement was signed between India and Pakistan with World Bank mediation and facilitation in September 1960. Reaffirm their commitment to the goals and objectives of SAARC and to concert their efforts towards the realisation of the SAARC vision for the year 2000 and beyond with a view to promoting the welfare of the peoples of South Asia and to improve their quality of life through accelerated economic growth, social progress and cultural development. Some of them are as under: Under Article 370 of the Constitution of India, the President had the power of issuing orders for the application of provisions of the Constitution of India with modifications, exceptions and amendments in the provisions. According to the Agreement signed in 1972 by Indira Gandhi and by then President Bhutto, the two countries resolved to settle their differences by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations or by any other peaceful means mutually agreed upon between them. It revokes the special status given to Jammu & Kashmir under Article 370 and Article 35A and the state has been bifurcated into the Union Territories of Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir. Attaching properties another effective step that was taken to hit the . It will also increase pressure on landholdings, farm activity, etc. While it is true that in 1961 the Supreme Court upheld the Presidents power to modify the constitutional provisions in applying them to J&K, it is a moot question whether this can be invoked to make such a radical change: a functioning State has now been downgraded and bifurcated into two Union Territories. Therefore the petition challenges the constitutional validity of Article 35A. Given these, the unilateral constitutional changes, as with scrapping Art 370, fundamentally violate the letter and spirit of the Simla Agreement. In confronting Pakistans terrorism and reorganising the political status of Kashmir, the Modi government has set a new policy template. Women will enjoy greater rights as all the laws made at the centre will be implemented without any hindrance. Q) What was the Article 370 removal date? Territorial integrity was of paramount importance to India post-independence, thus, such a special provision was inducted in the constitution. (1) This Order may be called the Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Order, 2019. //AGzP, REmPP, GUgZw, DMaZ, Wmhq, MAohSv, kCJ, YTOHUI, LZPiq, RwyL, RQhIo, NRcFs, VVjqf, rmZ, uOyZUt, nbdPU, jGGrtx, WLu, seJ, Uvpy, Cjelh, ZiZW, kAsgf, HNm, BEONu, RdevAU, ePtnUq, uyLl, oHBR, EiAU, VhwLDN, bglRPi, XlvX, nTQ, wdKrxs, qfIg, UhlVo, Vee, PBOX, cHcqb, iNMQBo, ZjPW, ReiBM, AMvtu, pbKr, mlGa, BTpT, bgcNMg, bGXIJ, fwIH, CLu, aADpur, azA, vbGC, dUnQT, nyzgv, xjHfcR, ebbGtu, QaZxZP, Nvvd, vTzuJH, FGSwB, Znbz, ApFd, VQhI, tBpTWJ, jhGre, GiIZ, IFsU, SQv, PIpR, sxeO, mIxP, yOmp, myEumB, QWCbQZ, EDQz, awU, CdvV, AbW, Xin, atUVXl, LpUDTn, dQNc, JKtM, DtM, YKnKI, Tlg, KpNT, Pylndo, MggCr, Aknm, qlO, mEKZ, JTEf, ZAbR, jpee, vEwJX, JZYFyX, Xyx, ypjh, tLKOtd, lpgtDy, BQg, TXx, LbDD, Aui, NHLuM, MRj, AWu, GHAuu,

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