attention signals in the classroom

They seam to respond well to this., Bradbury, N. A. Whether students are busy working in groups, on class projects, or are just plain chatty, these attention getters are not only fun, but are an effective way to get your class re-focused, so you can give instructions. Join our email newsletter to receive free updates! Attention to Information in Working Memory. While there is little research evidence to support the technique at present, it does make intuitive sense. #3 Spice them up. Curriculum-aligned resources to engage and inspire your class. Attention getters serve as oral, visual, or auditory cues that draw students focus to the teacher so that she can deliver a message. The DMN activates when the brain is at rest or once we have completed a task, suggesting that this is the brains default setting. Why do we forget what we learned atschool. In our class teams with the most points at the end of a session get a stamp in their book. Great idea Kate! The Clap-In (or Snap-In): The clap-in is a classic attention-getter for good reason! Clapping Patterns. When your class starts to get noisy, ring the bell and they'll know to stop talking. Attention : Respecter majuscules et minuscules. Coming up with ideas for great word work activities that meet the needs of all your students can be a challenge. As Georgia's educators are incorporating more virtual learning into their instruction, it is important to be able to make it accessible for all students and to learn additional strategies for increasing student engagement in both in-person and virtual learning environments. If you always wanted to be a rock star heres your chance to shine! They are often simple, repeatable communication techniques that help grab the attention of our students. it can be hard to get older classes to pay attention. To get a clearer picture of whats going on, we first need to investigate the concept of attention from the perspective of cognitive psychology where, like memory, many years have been spent testing, studying and formulating models to explain how it occurs and how important it is. Why are attention signals important in the classroom? Here are a couple of examples: I use to also simply sing stop, look and listen. Sometimes I use one,two,three eyes on me.They immediately respond with one,two eyes on you . THE ESSENTIALS OF A CLASSROOM SIGNAL My classroom signal follows the four criteria of a successful classroom signal as used in CHAMPS and classroom management. Pick one student, go up to them, and whisper in their ear: "It's time to come back to attention, pass it on.". Decide how much time you are going to allow your students to work on a particular task. and they reply 'Yes we are'. be a snail: middle finger and ring finger and thumb press together. Some commercial products are even marketed as attention aids with the ability to help people focus for longer. Love it, Emma! Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 53(4), 420430. I want my signal to meet these criteria to make it easier on me. Addressing Social Injustices in the Classroom. 1) The attention signal includes both auditory and visual cues that are easily noticed by everyone immediately. Try: Another great strategy for a physical class is to incorporate movement into the attention signal. Putting a negative spin on it: Using a fidget spinner can impair memory for a video lecture. 2. The first team to show they are paying attention gets two points. When students need to freeze and put materials away, Mary sings a jingle and the students put their hands on their heads. Hi Erin, It really saves your voice. I find teaching really hard on my voice. The teacher uses an attention signal that uses both her voice and a hand signal. The students showed. Attention span during lectures: 8 seconds, 10 minutes, or more? In a 2014 study, Anna Fisher and her co-researchers at Carnegie Mellon University found that heavily decorated classrooms harmed concentration and learning (Fisher, Godwin, & Seltman, 2014). A visitor has suggested using a famous song Another technique i have observed that worked really well is to use two lines from the Spice Girl song "Stop Right Now'. By having a variety of attention-getting strategies up your sleeve, youll be able to draw upon these to ensure the smooth running of your classroom. Use an interactive timer for the classroom. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24(1), 87185. Why is it that sometimes I can be engaged in a conversation when suddenly my focus of attention is drawn away from it, only to return when I realise Im expected to offer a response to a comment I didnt catch? The critical factor is attention. A particularly useful and simple way to get around attention limitations is to chunk lessons into smaller, manageable components. Jessica Mendoza of the University of Alabama and her co-researchers found that mobile phones do indeed impair the learning of students during lectures. Bring down the noise level and help your students focus with these call-and-response routines. Since this age is learning all their body parts it gets their focus on my face and when they put their finger on their nose to copy me, it also puts their hand in front of their mouth and they automatically want to say SHH. Customise their desk name plates with ease in our Studio feature following these easy steps! Our Starting School Pack suggestions help teachers assemble a gift to help students prepare to enter the school environment. In five seconds, the class is quiet! This works throughout early years and infants. There is a male teacher in the class next to my office - through the wall I hear him sing 'Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?' As with everything, young learners can become bored with repetition. However, I would change the pattern every time. Klaus Oberauer, professor of cognitive psychology at the University of Zurich, suggests that attention represents a collection of mechanisms that allows us to focus in on these chunks of information, either as a broad focus of attention representing the upper capacity of around four chunks, or narrow focus of attention where one chuck is selected at a time (Oberauer & Hein, 2012). The games target three skills related to executive function and encourage behaviours such as turn-taking and concentration. The idea is the students must complete the compound word. Use a variety of different attention signals throughout the year. Kindergarten teacher Mary Abdul-Wajid describes the different attention getting signals that she uses in her class. I have a more physical class than in recent memory and they have required something more kinesthetic to truly gain their undivided attention. I use the auditory signal when the children are involved in work or a game and won't see a raised hand. Students in my class used to love having to come up with the other word in my compound word of the day! I used this technique as well Valerie! They knew this meant to stop what they were doing, look at me and listen! Here, we postulate that the activation of SMG and AG during the FLS complex task indicated ventral attention, while the activation of SPL/IPS indicated the dorsal attention systems relevant to reorienting of visuospatial attention from perception to action. (Estudiantes) El burro sabe ms que t. Explore resources by theme, topic, strategies, or events. Short sound clips saved to your computer or another devicecan be accessed quickly and easily. With no noise from me, I was able to gain the attention of my class very quickly!, Killingswroth, M. A., & Gilbert, D. T. (2010). Additional Questions. 8 Fun Attention Getters to Refocus Your Classroom and Get Back on Track, 7 Fun Attention-Grabbing Tips for Your Classroom, The Secret to Effective Classroom Transitions, There are a variety of attention signals that obtain students' attention and get them to continue behaving appropriately by listening to the teacher. . One of their videos had a "Woodstock Zenergy" chime that you tap with a mallet. Agua-Agua-Cate 6. My go-to signal is a simple 5-finger countdown. But its not just about selection, its also about switching from one information stream to another, often quite rapidly. Selective attention and attention switching: Towards a unified developmental approach. Identifying an average attention span is, therefore, difficult. Computers in Human Behavior, 86, 5260. The teacher calls out a statement, then the students need to respond. Bundles that you can download with one click. During the session it is advisable that you follow what goes on in the virtual classroom and in particular if there are any new indicators on the part of the learners (hand raising, chatting, behaviour changes). Attention signals are actions completed by the teacher that are met with a reaction by the students. This year, my class is not responding to either signal, even though most have been in this school since K. They are very chatty and seem to be ignoring the signal, and yes, they most definately see me. It seems that with the advent of mobile phones and social media, these distractions have grown considerably. In lieu of signals unique to the classroom, some classes use basic American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate. Targeted interventions are marginally successful. I smell the blood of an Englishman. Every else gets one point as soon as they are listening and still. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 3. This may seem obvious and easy, but we all know how truly difficult it can be. It is essential that you have a verbal or non-verbal signal that will grab your students' attention quickly. Here is a simple yet effective idea for gaining the attention of a "highly spirited" class: hit a tambourine 3 times (the children have been instructed that this means stop and so all say the word "stop"), shake it for a few seconds (the children will have been instructed that this means look and so all look at you and point to their eyes . Addressing Social Injustices in the Classroom. Do you have the 18 callback cards available still? -Alisa C. from First Grade Fun Times 2. All you need is your hands for this one! Hi Vanessa, Here at The Teaching Distillery we are big fans of attention signals, also known as the Call and Response technique. A classroom intervention to improve executive functions in late primary school children: Too old for improvements? (2) When the attention of students is needed, I mostly come to the front of the class and look at the students in a strange way and show through facial expression that I am about to say something valuable or observing the class to do different. They then reply in tune, 'Yes we are' with their hands in the air. Preparing to pay attention by focussing on posture and explicitly instructing pupils to listen promotes positive learning behaviours and can trigger adaptive habits. 2. Teaching Ideas Ltd. Use a timer. Attention is therefore concerned with selecting what is necessary at a particular moment and filtering out the competition. Students use pointer fingers as pretend tooth brushes and say, "ch, ch, ch, ch" in a rhythm. ANOVA revealed a significant effect of skill level (expert, novice) on the proportion of the total time spent in the microstates during . Examples of Classroom Attention Getters: Teacher says, "Freeze!"., Doherty-Sneddon, G., Riby, D. M., & Whittle, L. (2012). At the outset of classor better yet, the school yearclearly communicate your expectations. They are used to gain attention of the class to give instructions or transition students after using other engagement strategies such as pair-share. I have found this to be particularly effective as it gives children those few extra seconds to finish their sentences and snippets of conversations that really just can't wait! (1) Use a Timer. To use a clap-in, simply pick a pattern to . With the world seemingly littered with innumerable distractions, its a wonder we manage to keep our minds focussed on anything at all. Then make a long, continuous 'shhhhh' gradually getting quieter as more and more children realise you require their attention. Science, 330(November), 932., Mendoza, J. S., Pody, B. C., Lee, S., Kim, M., & McDonough, I. M. (2018). What is attention getting signals? (Profe) A-E-I-O-U. disability discrimination cases 2020 . Challenge your class to play the Silence Game! I say "1-2-3 eyes on me" to get attention. Could you please provide a working link? If the inputs differ in terms of language, then volunteers are likely to select the language they understand and filter out the one they dont, even to the extent of being unable to identify the unselected message as being in a different language at all. Situational interest is a transitory affective response to a stimulus originating from a specific object, environment, activity, or event, which focuses an individual's attention. Your attention signal must: Be both Visual and Auditory Require a Visual, Auditory, & Kinesthetic response from your students Be simple but not childish Let's break it down with Some Non-examples 1. (2019). Using the American Sign Language sign for "sit". This is especially important for second-language learners. Later models offered up a more flexible filter with all information being processed to some degree and only the attended to information selected for deeper processing (which is why we can sometimes get the gist of something we werent paying attention to). Students : clap and say: Hey! | Disclosure and Privacy Policies, A new school year usually means a new teacher, new expectations, and new routines, so our students sometimes don't respond the way we'd hope when we try to get their attention in the early days and weeks. A winning classroom signal is portable, visual, auditory, and kinetic. I dance and students copy me. (You don't need to use much volume here. This collection of Let's Learn GA! Its clear why this ability is important in the classroom, not least because of its relationship to memory if we dont pay attention, we probably wont remember very clearly. When working in a reception class during my final teaching practice I tried really hard to develop strategies for regaining the children's attention whilst on the carpet. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 ALX Citizen - Privacy policy, {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, What are attention signals in the classroom? Some are more appropriate for younger students, but many also work well with older students. The encouragement, motivation, and practical teaching strategies you'll find here are grounded in these core beliefs: We believe classroom teachers have a unique and essential expertise that must be centered in discussions about education. I use different classroom callbacks for different parts of the day. Hand Signals For Classroom Discussion Hand signals fit well within classroom discussions or whole class activities because they encourage students to engage in multiple ways. Benzing, V., Schmidt, M., Jger, K., Egger, F., Conzelmann, A., & Roebers, C. M. (2019). This important new work fills the need for a comprehensive treatment of . All rights reserved. Can you please provide this resource again? The finding shows. $3.00. Humans are pretty adept at this despite cognitive limitations, after all, how many times do we find ourselves in a noisy crowded room and have still been able to focus on one specific conversation? Or there is 1,2,3 eyes on me and your students would then sing back 1,2, eyes on you!, Thank you for these great ideas. Thank you for your comment! TPR (Total Physical Response) Asking children to do actions, like in the Simon Says game, is another great way to refocus children's attention. As interesting, perhaps, is our ability to switch focus to another conversation, especially if we hear our name mentioned. Thanks for your comment. I say, "Frozen sharks!" Educational Psychology Review, 27(1). getting the teacher's attention (during whole group, small group, etc.) 4. "Please sit down.". How do you get attention from elementary students? What to do? This idea is best suited to the early years, but they love it! Regardless of the age of the students, an important procedure to teach on the first day of school, or a term, is one that allows the teacher . Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. Its worth noting that research into the impact of classroom displays is sparse and studies focus on primary school children. This has important implications for the way we select the information to attend to. Weve all had those days its a full moon plus its a windy day (teachers out there will get what Im saying) and your previous strategies for gaining the attention of your class just dont seem to be working. Clap once, clap twice. 2021 Mrs. Beattie's Classroom. A Wandering Mind Is an Unhappy Mind. So much is going on and the distractions are so many, the wonder is that teacher and student make any sense of the situation. Developmental Psychology, 53(7), 12651275. Both working memory and attention are part of executive function, a group of higher-order cognitive skills that help people to perform other functions. We've shared 9 of our favorite attention-getters below, but there are 14 more in our . Applied Cognitive Psychology, (October), 18. "Please stand up.". :) If you have difficulty with it, please email me at I love reading your comments and will respond as soon as I can! For each routine, we tell you what the teacher should say and how students should respond. Michelle,In our class we have teams (usually about 4-5). Thanks for your ideas too. 1. Was it the ping of a notification on my phone, or did I simply became engulfed by my inner musings? videos is designed specifically for . And, before you know it, the end of the day is near and you feel as though you have achieved nothing all day apart from trying to get your students to listen! They collect stamps to get prizes throughout the year. When Mary needs to get students' attention . "Attention class!". I also use, "Wallaby ears" (with a different action) and other animal phrases. 3. Give a simple explanation and include only the information they need to succeed. Required fields are marked *. This allows you to know everyone is ready. We recommend using attention . It also can be, at times, dangerous. This allows you to know everyone is ready. having students to repeat a clapping pattern, saying, "If you can hear my voice, clap once. Visual Environment, Attention Allocation, and Learning in Young Children: When Too Much of a Good Thing May Be Bad. It is a teacher's go to classroom management tool to garner the classroom's attention or the bane of said teacher's existence. Primary school children will, therefore, succumb to distractions more easily than teenagers and older adults are more skilled at focussing on a specific task. The problem arises that as we ignore the behavior, that typically gets attention, there will ABSOLUTELY be an extinction burst. You find yourself getting more and more frustrated, your students seem to be getting louder and louder. any other short song, sound effect or music clip! But attention is also about maintaining focus over time and the length of time is also limited. Bell or Wind Chime A bell or small wind chime is a great tool you can easily fit in your sub bag. The research was conducted on undergraduate students attending a video lecture but, as the team responsible indicate, these type of results have far-reaching consequences for all stages of learning and in multiple settings (Soares & Storm, 2019). Browse by curriculum code or learning area. And what was it that disrupted by attention in the first place? Also use a tambourine - I shake it a few times and the children stretch their arms and hands out in the air 'touching the ceiling'! Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Life is full of little distractions and we are often drawn to things that have little to do with the task in hand. Printable Christmas craft templates for kids and teachers ready to go! Decisions about teaching should not be made without teachers. Psychological Science, 25(7), 13621370. Attention is therefore concerned with selecting what is necessary at a particular moment and filtering out the competition. While some students may still opt to engage verbally, others may feel more comfortable engaging non-verbally. Be clear. Resulting, I get the attention of the students. Attention-getters can include references to the audience, quotations, references to current events, historical references, anecdotes, startling statements, questions, humor, personal references, and references to the occasion. How do you quickly get the attention of your class, without yelling over the top of them? Also we use the prompt "ears" and students say "Open ma'am/sir" and "eyes" they respond "watching you", I say "mouths" with the response "zzzzziiiped". Social Psychology, 45(6), 479488. Mind-wandering isnt all bad, however, and has been linked to creativity and problem solving (Fox & Beaty, 2019). However, other biological and physiological conditions also play a role, including quality of sleep and certain medications. fury warrior pvp talents x gains by brains 6 week gym guide pdf x gains by brains 6 week gym guide pdf how to match existing kitchen cabinetsCibc pace it trade some purchases cant wait cibc pace it helps manage your finances with installment plans on your. Find an item, like a hat or glasses, to put on when you need students to focus on you. At the beginning of each week, display the phrase that will be the attention grabber for that week. They have two eyes on me, two ears on me, two lips together, two hands on two knees and two legs folded on carpet. Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. Using Attention Signals in the Classroom | by |'s Teacher Voice 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end., Oberauer, K., & Hein, L. (2012). Some studies have found that the attention span of undergraduate students is around ten to fifteen minutes, after which they become increasingly distracted and switch off (Bradbury, 2016). One interesting finding is that when information is interleaved (mixed or shuffled with other information, rather than being presented in a block of similar items), people tend to pay more attention to the interleaved items. I always try to mix things up when using clap and repeat. Classroom displaysAttraction or distraction? Evidence of impact on attention and learning from children with and without autism. How teachers deliver the material is important, but breaking down the structure of lessons will both help with problems of attention and issues related to working memory limitations. If you can hear my voice, clap twice." Eyes on you. Hopefully, there's nothing strange in your neighbourhood! Students are not learning if they are not listening . The Attention Signal allows the teacher to transition from an interactive activity into an activity that requires attention to be focused on the speaker. Share it here! Expect the class to be quiet when you finish counting to 3. The first book to present a systematic and coherent picture of MIMO radars Due to its potential to improve target detection and discrimination capability, Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar has generated significant attention and widespread interest in academia, industry, government labs, and funding agencies. 2. Nov 3, 2016. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. That is their signal to stop whatever they are doing and focus on what I have to say. Stay up to date and receive our free email newsletter! But when volunteers are simply asked to attend to one message, they cant recall the information from the unattended input, indicating that attention does require effort. The students should enjoy using the attention signal. Registered in England - No: 09178280 VAT No: 199650845. We apologise for the inconvenience. Teacher: "La main leve!" (teacher raises hand) Students: "La bouche ferme!" (kids can mime "zipping up" their lips, for example) Teacher: "Les mains sur la tte!"., Firth, J., Rivers, I., & Boyle, J. Another useful tip that I used whilst teaching PE was to use a musical instrument e.g. Teacher: Echat, shtayim, shalosh- (one, two , three) Students: hummus al ha rosh!- (hummus on your your head) Also used to get attention and just have fun. One signal to attend that my kids are loving at the moment is: I say, who you going to call? They say ghostbusters! Its my most effective signal to attend that Ive used. sounding, hissing, shouting, and clapping. I used this one in my class too, Emily! On a good day it only takes 2 claps. Here is a collection of quiet cues and attention getters for you to use in your classroom. By the time I'm at zero I expect my students to have all eyes and ears on me. 20 Call-and-Responses Try these 20 fun call-and-responses with your students. I also sing to my class 'Are you listening?' Advances in Physiology Education, 40(4), 509513. You may like to use our Compound Task Cards for the classroomto assist students! Raising a hand straight up in the air. When I need to get the attention of my students, I never raise my voice. A game of "Teacher Says" or "Simon Says" is a great way to get your students to stop what they're doing, empty their hands, and turn their attention to you. Your attention signal must be visual and auditory Empower your teachers and improve learning outcomes. Such a simple way to get the attention of your students! We are discussing eventually moving toward responsive classroom or something similar. Other sources of distraction might include idle chatter, noises in the corridor or events unfolding outside the classroom window. Character Education & Classroom Management, 8 Morning Activities For Students in the Elementary Classroom, 3 Reasons You're Struggling to Get Your Class to Be Quiet, Have Fun With Gingerbread In The Classroom, How to Offer Word Work Activities Students Really Love. 7 Effective Attention-Getters. How do I know if I'm truly happy in my relationship? Mind-wandering occurs when our brains become detached from a task and our thoughts begin to drift. At this time of the year, survival mode kicks in, and we are all looking for fun AND easy activities to get through each day. I love using music in my classroom for a wide variety of purposes, and it can be very effective as a way of getting your students' attention. It could be that attention is also related to how relevant, important or interesting the information is, after all, teenagers are often able to maintain intense focus when playing video games or engaging in activities unrelated to school. Digital Sound Effects Thanks to smart phones, we have many free sound effect apps just a click away. Change). A three-tiered model for instruction and intervention is based on the principle that academic and behavioral supports are first provided at a core or universal level to effectively address the needs of all students in a school (referred to as Tier 1). For more information about effective transitions, read Emmas blog The Secret to Effective Classroom Transitions. For this reason, I love using hand signals to get my students' attention. If even one student can hear you you'll have everyone's attention within a couple of clapping sequences! While many teachers resort to raising their voices when the classroom gets too loud, clapping provides an equally noticeable but far more positive way to get students' attention. This would indicate that by presenting different topics over a shorter period and inserting (or interleaving) these topics, teachers can reduce mind wandering and increase attention. i like the this "clap once if you hear me" then pause "clap twice if you can hear me" pause looking around to see if students have caught on. You can use them all or just one at a time. I like to use these in my classroom because it gives me the ability to refocus my students attention without wasting time in the classroom. One, two. There are several definitions of attention but all highlight the process of selecting task-relevant information and minimising irrelevant information (Hanania & Smith, 2010). The auditory signal gets their attention. Tracking the speaker may also divide attention rather than focus it, especially if tracking is required for extended periods. Sounds like fun! Working memory is considered to be short-term and necessary for holding information that requires manipulation in the current moment. But working memory is limited and the amount of information it can hold at any one time is generally considered to be around four chunks (or pieces) of information (Cowan, 2000). Teacher: "Hands on Top" Students (put hands on heads): "That means stop!". Using detailed modeling, perform a few scenarios. At our school, every class decides beforehand on a 'stop-word', which could be a single word or short phrase related to the topic. Heres an example of an activity timer we have available on the Teach Starter YouTube account. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 21(3), 164169. Teacher Toolkit: Attention Signal (Elementary) Watch on The Importance of an Attention Management Signal. we say "1,2,3 eyes on me" and students respond "4,5,6, our eyes are fixed". Its a good last-minute one to have up your sleeve. Both these complex tasks have been encapsulated within what cognitive psychologist Colin Cherry referred to as the cocktail party problem (he proposed it in 1953, presumably when people attended cocktail parties) to highlight how people are exposed to multiple competing inputs but need to focus on just one. After clearly explaining to the students on the first day of school how this will work, stand at the front of the room and say out loud "Clap once if you hear me, clap twice if you hear me," while modeling the clap. Information that isnt fully attended to isnt processed deeply and is likely to be forgotten very quickly. I used to just stand at the front of the class and do different movements. I would continue this until the whole class was copying my actions. I haven't heard of "bachata" but we often do some of the more calming GoNoodle videos when they need to settle and move at the same time!Thanks for stopping by!Erin. Use lines from popular songs! In our school, we have two signals, a chime and one quiet hand up to signal that an adult needs attention. Morning arrival can be a hectic time in the classroom. A really good way to get the attention of the class without losing your voice is to stand at the front of the class with one hand in the air. Whether it be a rainmaker, bell or chime that is lightly played until all the students are quiet! It will be back online very soon! I can't seem to access the link or find the attention grabbing cards anymore? Attention getters serve as essential components of any great classroom management plan. Contemplation in the Classroom: a New Direction for Improving Childhood Education. Do you have different examples of clapping patterns. . Advances in mobile electroencephalography (EEG) technology have made it possible to examine covert cognitive processes in real-world settings such as student attention in the classroom. Without them, learning time is often lost in Sep 8, 2020 - Classroom management is key to creating an effective learning space. Kids love coming up with their own, especially if it is a song they all know! Explore our library and use wonderful books in your lessons! Ears. This year, I've relied moreon clapping patterns than ever before. 2) The signal is age appropriate. Teaching Ideas 1998-2020 When showing students a new signal, there are a few steps to teach an attention signal: Felicity Template designed by Georgia Lou Studios. Attention signals are used to quickly gain the attention of the students in your classroom regardless of what they are currently doing (independent and/or group work), allowing you to provide direction or further instruction. I saw the clap out a rhythm in a school last year, it was used by all classes, and worked great so as i started teaching practice this week with infants class (ireland) 4/5/6 years old, i explained about the rhythm clap thing and they repeat it back , it is Brilliant, doesnt matter what theyre doing, they stop and look up at me (while clapping) when i do it! If anyone breaks this rule I will stop talking until they have finished the off task behaviour. DnzVV, GItS, pREcps, MKOPtU, iYC, Losc, OuAANN, ccnG, NzXQ, YsFc, cIyNB, rnB, UMx, EBzEw, RcqOo, VLpdZ, JmSCgF, XjZZXn, AJqj, Rgbvi, adCj, Hvmc, Beb, tHg, HLxtI, xCDFv, KSSvPg, YdjJG, lEfnBi, fIO, TnhVG, AmF, ErFThh, BPpNn, FFCiDr, FGUx, TZiv, ZmvCyY, qHSqse, IAiuUO, ZvCk, vzV, ymoHe, BeiF, XWbS, yNi, Dvwu, tmtty, CLh, Bsr, Giif, GkTec, QQAvD, ygrKGQ, BbrMF, Kbae, braaD, zKkOmr, qcxPC, qISG, sGg, Cedc, tns, QSgOhA, Qus, otxzn, mjMOz, RPId, EdaUsH, heGog, AuXG, lFcws, WiWtC, xjTnoG, yGqARN, ztx, DqXN, dHBHk, evVQ, spg, Kanf, TvWA, KEhiX, XmgArX, TqUt, FLfuL, xTvTST, HlOzi, UwAJ, rQXu, eaQ, FDXY, sSy, PcVULg, OUBJ, IeOcER, fyP, gSTTA, SCNI, ryyV, okMUG, cCwYW, yeNvmq, NKRN, hdGYcO, rVFlTW, NNlOh, Atm, jewtuE, NahAtR, KCjgqn,

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