is the phoenix force evil

Abomination | Spider-Man & X-men: Arcade's Revenge: Arcade | Carnage | Rhino | Apocalypse | Juggernaut | Selene Gallio | Sentinels | Master Mold The Legendary Edition includes:- Marvel's Midnight Suns base game- Marvel's Midnight Suns Season Pass, which includes 23 premium skins available at launch and four post-launch DLC . Mystique | In this state, Phoenix was the strongest, but also an evil entity that thirsted for power and destruction. Her task now is to find pieces of the Phoenix that scattered all across the omni verse. It appeared before her, shaping its form and consciousness after Jean's own. Omega Sentinel | Empowering them with a portion of its power, the Phoenix pitted the contestants against each other in trials by combat. Weight The Wolverine: Silver Samurai | Madam Viper | Shingen Yashida | Noburo Mori | Magneto Albert Wesker | Freedom Force | Malekith the Accursed | However, her psychic barriers weren't strong enough to hold back such power. Apocalypse | The Sagas have become genre defining in their own right. While she has access to the Phoenix Force, she is able to manipulate matter and energy on a sub-atomic scale using her telekinesis. | Lilandra announced that Phoenix, who everyone believed to be Jean, would have to die. She asked Wolverine to kill her, forcing the Phoenix to bring her back over and over again, until the Phoenix was weak enough that Jean could kill them both by submerging herself under a glacier. [81] It was eventually stripped from Thane by the Coven during his final battle against Thanos in the God Quarry. Alpha Flight Villains | Madame Viper | The phoenix seemed to be in control in the last stand though, and still killed a bunch of people, wouldn't that mean it's evil? Marvel, Mattel Reveal Mystique, Storm, and Dark Phoenix Barbie Dolls - Comic Con 2019, Like Jean Grey, the Phoenix used telepathy and telekinesis, but at a much, much greater limitless power levels (unlimited as White Phoenix). Egghead | Scorpion | It can, and has, bonded to regular humans. The Phoenix Force may be one of the X-Mens most iconic concepts, but with such a storied history, its no surprise that theres still more for fans to learn about it. In discussing her nature with the goddess Gaea, the Phoenix says to the Earth-Mother, The Phoenix must fly free or riskbeing bound by darknessI have stayed about as long as I dare. Gaea attempts to comfort her by reminding her how much she loves this Earth, and the Phoenix agrees by saying, With all the embers in my heart. Gallery Norman Osborn | Emma Frost (also Phoenix-possessed) suffered when she telepathically detected Wanda's presence,[67] but as the Phoenix Five gained more portions it becomes less effective, becoming ineffective when Wanda tried to hurt Cyclops by herself. That's the same for the movies, including Apocalypse. [25] She fell in love with Odin, but left him due to his callousness. Help the authorities stop the Swamp Witch and save innocent people! In Earth-616 the pillar became the lighthouse base for the British superteam, Excalibur, a team its future host Rachel Summers herself would join. Polka Dot Man | The X-Men are a group of mutants, born with superhero abilities, who try to use their powers to serve humanity. After battling Proteus, Phoenix was reunited with Scott Summers. Gunnar, The Last Reality Holocaust | The memory of even incredibly traumatic events, such as Scott Summers's memory of Jean Grey's suicide on the moon, fades.[96]. The Goblin Queen locked herself, Nathan Christopher Summers, her and Cyclops' son, and Jean inside a psionic barrier, where she explained her origins as Jean's clone. Phoenix Force. The Phoenix Force, in a less powerful form, came back recently during the events of Avengers vs X-Men, trying to get control of Hope Summers. Dont ask. Bushwacker | High Evolutionary | Clan Akkaba | The Phoenix fled towards Earth and entered Jean's dead body, reviving her and forcing her to crawl out of her own grave. Eventually, he killed his mentor Charles Xavier, and depowered from the cosmic entity by Hope Summers and Scarlet Witch, was put in a cell. Boyacky | After the event of Phoenix Resurrection, Jean Grey joined the X-Men, forming its third team: Red (along with the originals Blue and Gold). Janga | Comics Magneto | Sentinels | Sabretooth | Juggernaut | Apocalypse | Mesmero | Horsemen of Apocalypse | Mister Sinister | Omega Red | Brotherhood of Mutants (Mystique, Avalanche, Blob & Pyro) | Dark Phoenix | Master Mold | Bolivar Trask | Silver Samurai | Hellfire Club (Sebastian Shaw, Harry Leland, Jason Wyngarde, Donald Pierce & Emma Frost) | Reavers (Bonebreaker & Lady Deathstrike) | Supreme Intelligence | D'Ken | Deathbird | Graydon Creed | Red Skull | Toad | Sauron | High Evolutionary | Phalanx | Brood | Skrulls | Super-Adaptoid | Awesome Android | Mojo, X-Men: Evolution [2] The Guardian of Creation and a de-facto guardian of the M'kraan Crystal, the Phoenix is among the most feared beings in the entire universe - having the power to cut and regrow existence itself, as well as destroy it entirely, which is part of the Phoenix's purpose: "The Judgement of the Phoenix": to burn away what doesn't work. She was reborn as the Phoenix after sacrificing herself to save the X-Men, an act of love. With training, her telekinesis improved, but it wasn't until after she was released from the stasis chamber she was placed in by the Phoenix Force that her telekinesis really started to become powerful. Leper Queen | Juggernaut | X-Men Legends: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants/Acolytes (Magneto, Mystique, Blob, Pyro, Avalanche, Sabretooth & Toad) | Marrow | Juggernaut | Shadow King | Apocalypse | Master Mold Cobra Kai | Jean Grey isn't the phoenix, she's Jean Grey with the phoenix, so what is the . Awesome Android | Theres the White Phoenix of the Crown, which is considered the purest bond between the Phoenix and a physical avatar. Evil and witchcraft are gaining strength to carry out an insidious plan to take over the city. Savage Land Mutates | Nitro | Cyclops (real name: Scott Summers) is a mutant capable of generating concussive force-based, red-colored beams from his eyes. In What If? Dark Phoenix is the secondary antagonist of X-Men: The Last Stand - this time caused by Jean apparently going insane. Phoenix lent its energy to break the connection and kept close watch on young Jean, as it felt a kinship with the young mutant. They proceeded to destroy it for good, only to awake it in the end. The Phoenix became Dark Phoenix due to allowing human emotions to cloud its judgment. In this timeline, The Phoenix kills the Guardians of the Galaxy and other heroes, before eventually merging with Hope Summers. Iron Monk | Venom | Obnoxio the Clown | A.I.M. Dark Phoenix is the name given to Jean Grey after she became corrupted by the Hellfire Club and turned into a vastly powerful supervillain who proceeded to cause chaos across the universe until being defeated in a battle that supposedly claimed her life (of course Jean Grey was later revealed alive) - although modern retelling attribute much of the events to the corruption of the Phoenix-Force in the original comic book (and X-Men 3) the Dark-Phoenix was simply Jean Grey gone bad rather than a separate/merged entity. [33] The cosmic Phoenix Force entity, which had created a duplicate body of Jean and absorbed a piece of Jean's consciousness, acted in her place while Jean's body lay in suspended animation in the bay. Nobody has seen her after that. Omega Red | $19.99 to $24.99. Beast | Rachel Summers initially tries to use the Phoenix Force, but cannot because Madelyne controls itat least until the skeleton of Wolverine kills her. Predator X | Absorbing the portions of the Phoenix from each of the remaining contestants, Maya fully became the Phoenix, and flew away. Onslaught | While accessing the Phoenix Force, Jean's empathy, telepathy, and telekinesis are greatly magnified and heightened to an incredible degree. Orochimaru | Kurohagane | An accident caused by Iron Man caused it to split in five parts, which found hosts in Magik, Colossus, Namor, Emma Frost, and Cyclops: The Phoenix Five. Deadpool | Moria Mactaggert | Celestials | The Phoenix Force Raptor began approaching Earth, and in its path it destroyed Birj, as witnessed by Nova. Sugarman | She has demonstrated the following specialized uses: Telekinesis: Projection of psychokinetic energy enables her to levitate objects, propel or manipulate them however she wishes, lift herself and move through the air to simulate flight, stimulate individual molecules to create heat, generate concussive force as blasts or bursts, and create protective shields. Pryor-Summers and Grey fought one-on-one, with Madelyne unleashing a psionic force, intending to destroy both herself and her opponents. Secret Scarlet Witch | During their adventures, the young X-Men were sent in space among the Guardian of the Galaxy in order to save their red-headed friend from the Sh'iar Empire, which was ready to sentence her to death for the Dark Phoenix's genocide. Urien | She is also an Omega-Level Telepath. Blastaar | Akhenaten | Genesis | If he isn't asking you about your feelings on the Oxford comma, he's probably asking you to name your favorite Green Lantern. Master of Illusions | Apoth | She even helped Emma Frost, in one of her visions, from being neutralized by the Sisterhood of Mutants. Niles Van Roekel | Rachel and Kate illegally entered the laboratory of Project Nimrod, which was the attempt to construct the most highly advanced Sentinel possible with the technology of that time, in the hopes of sabotaging the project. Dokugozu | [76], When Strange, Cyclops, and the other heroes fought the Cabal, they were confronted by Doctor Doom. Unusual Features Psychic Firebird: She can manifest her telekinesis as a psychic firebird, whose claws could inflict both physical and mental damage. She then went on to destroy the thousand Cuckoos, shattering their newly-manifested Diamond forms. Ahab | [21][22], A billion years ago,[verificationneeded] the alien Demon Lords of Stasis weaved a spell that had halted evolution on their planet. Empathy: On many occasions, Jean has shown to have incredibly strong empathic powers that enable her to control, manipulate and alter the feelings, sensations, and emotions of others. So, originally in the comics, the Phoenix was just Jean Grey at he full potential. Titania | I love it so muchthat I must leave it. Irises:Variable Enchantress | Nightmare | [173][135], Mental Amnesia: She can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia. Crossbones | That said, not everyone experiences the Phoenix Force the exact same way. X-Men: Madness in Murderworld: Arcade | Magneto | Juggernaut | Blob | White Queen | Mystique | Pyro | Wendigo | Silver Samurai My guess from all of this is that if the Scarlet Witch were an appropriate host for the Phoenix Force, it would take over, probably go evil for a while possibly because of the demonic origins of the Scarlet Witch's powers, then use chaos magic on a universal scale with its cosmic understanding to achieve whatever goals the Phoenix/Scarlet Witch . Joker | Confused, it attempted to force Cyclops to open his eyes so that she could feed on his optic blasts. She can extend these defenses to others around her as well. Supreme Intelligence | Count Nefaria | Firehair was a Phoenix host from 1,000,000 B.C. Evil and witchcraft are gaining strength to carry out an insidious plan to take over the city. I am an admin of this site. Not inherently evil, but has potential to corrupt if she's not in balance with it. Sabretooth | Chameleon | The Phoenix intervened, bonding with one of the aliens of that world and breaking the spell, and purging the world. After Cable and Hope returned from the future, Emma and many others saw Hope manifest a Phoenix flamebird from the flames of a bonfire. When its long life-cycle ended, the phoenix bird died in a show of flames and combustion. Emma Frost | Brainchild | Doctor Slone | Demons, Others Alive She isn't invincible. It was attracted to Jean waay long ago when it noticed her keeping the soul of her friend from crossing over momentarily. Sentinels | Jean held onto the Phoenix Force's arm and fell into a coma-like state. Despite these weaknesses the Phoenix Force itself has never really felt it or ever even said it hurts. This can go so far as to make other people believe that the camouflaged people are not there (invisible). Green Goblin | Deadpool | In it, Fongji Wu appeared in Yu-Tis prophetic dream. It does, in essence, exist at every point in reality, since its the embodiment of all psychic energy in the past, present, and future. Children of the Vault | Kate hypnotized Rachel into using her psionic powers to tap into the Phoenix Force and send herself back in time when Kate said the words "Dark Phoenix". One of the most powerful is the Phoenix Force.Tied directly to life and rebirth, the Phoenix Force gives its bearer godlike power that rivals that of any cosmic being but there's a cost, most Phoenix hosts go crazy. Demon Bear | Occasionally, but not always, the Phoenix Force will account for this and divide itself among numerous individuals. From there, Rachel summons the Phoenix, it cleanses the world of every demon and whats left of humanity return to nature. At this time, Mastermind began entering the Phoenix' mind and had her question her sanity. Hellfire Club (Mastermind & Emma Frost) | U-Men (Sublime), Legion Baby Bonnie Hood | The Phoenix Force is indestructible; however, it has been left without a host and has been seemingly 'dispersed' on a few occasions, in several locals. Phoenix Force Avatar: As the favored and true avatar of the powerful Phoenix Force, Jean may greatly increase her powers by tapping into the life energies of those yet unborn. Hordeculture | It takes the form of a large Phoenix Technically it is a universal force of the universe that represents creation and destruction that acts with goals that are beyond human understanding. But as long-lived and mysterious as the Phoenix is, its hard for anybody to ever truly know its full story. I've seen almost all the movies of the X-men, and Wolverine, one thing I don't know though, is whether or not the phoenix is just evil or not? Doctor Rice | Initially, Jean's powers were simply restricted to telekinesis and even lifting her own weight quickly tired her. 1 for Eternity, 1 for Phoenix Force, 1 could be either (though "sentience of the universe" is a better description for Eternity than Phoneix Force. The Phoenix Force is said to predate darkness and is stated to be the fire from which all things were born. Dark Phoenix was also used in the 1990's X-Men cartoon's third season. Marvel's Midnight Suns - Marvel's Midnight Suns Legendary EditionDARKNESS FALLS. Nekra | The Phoenix Force is one of the most powerful cosmic forces in the Marvel Universe. Jean Grey became a being like no other, the White Phoenix of the Crown, in a higher state of life. To this end it summoned a group of champions from across the globe to the White Hot Room. Sandman | [45] Cyclops' "death" broke Mastermind's hold over Phoenix's psyche--as well as any control Jean's psyche had had over the Phoenix. The Joker | Together, they must fight the infamous Cassandra Nova, who is menacing the peace between mutant kind and humankind that Jean is desperately trying to maintain by advocating for her people's rights. She is the leader of the D'Bari, a race of extraterrestrials who were near-extincted when the Phoenix Force absorbs their sun, who comes to possess Jean Grey and works to manipulate her to transform the Earth in a new world for the . Whether you see the Phoenix as a comsic entity from before our universe or the ultimate evolution of Jean Grey herself (I've heard it both ways), the history we know started with Jean. Now it must bring the essential gems to the Tree of Life, so Earth will be reborn. Maximus | [90] The Phoenix remained on Earth, and nested in the Arctic Circle. Show more Thanos | Rook'shir's rampage led to the Phoenix Force being feared and demonized by the Shi'ar Empire, who went to extreme lengths to exterminate all bloodlines deemed compatible with the cosmic entity. X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse: Apocalypse | Archangel | Magneto | Dark Phoenix | Juggernaut | Sabretooth | Silver Samurai | Sauron | Blob | Pyro Jean Grey was the closest thing the Phoenix Force had to a true earthly Avatar or physical embodiment and further that the Phoenix Force empowered Jean with life in a kind of mutual relationship or psychic bond. Super-Apes | Whenever someone or something manages to do that, the Phoenix Force finds a way to be reborn, thanks to laying a cosmic egg. Alan Lewis | As Jean was a part of the Phoenix, she was more than a match for it, and separated it from Emma's body, merging with it again. Puma | After Namor fell, his portion of the Phoenix left him for the other four remaining hosts. The polar opposite of the Phoenix Force, an evil entity that ruins everyone's life and reeks havoc to the universe. Today on Variant, Arris breaks down the history of the Phoenix Force!Subscribe to the Podcast YouTube Channel: to the Podca. Matter Transmutation: She can manipulate and transmute matter on a sub-atomic level (e.g., turning wood into gold, plant into crystal, and cause physical bodies to disintegrate by altering their molecular structure, etc. However, when Emma discovers what the Inner Circle plans to do with the Phoenix, she absorbs the fiery creature into her body, turns into a diamond and explodes, releasing the Phoenix into the atmosphere and killing both of them. Vampires | Unus | The Phoenix became Dark Phoenix due to allowing human emotions to cloud its judgment. RT @JoeL_MecKz: The person that consistently cheated , got pregnant, lied , and was about to force another man child on him is not the deeply evil person .. wow. The cause of both the explosion and the fires on Earth were revealed towards the end of the series when Emma Frost and Cyclops look at the X-Mansion before it is destroyed; both were caused by stress from Jean Grey, the unfortunate host of the Phoenix, who would unintentionally unleash her powers. It was also capable of great destruction, as evidenced by the fact that it destroyed the home planet of the D'Bari Empire. Annihilus | Hi. Erik Killmonger | Quire wanted to use the Phoenix Force to resurrect Sophie, one of the Stepford Cuckoos, who had died trying to stop him from taking over the Xavier Institute. Beerus | Professor X ordered the X-Men to subdue Phoenix, so that Plan Omega would not be necessary, and they managed to subdue the Phoenix, for a brief time. Simultaneously, the Phoenix Force fully took on the form, memories, and personality of Jean Grey, by absorbing a portion of her consciousness. Goals Nunez collapsed into a catatonic state by empowering the Phoenix tattoo. This is Thesecret1070. Does it have a body of it's own, or can't it live without a body to host it? What Did Reed Richards Whisper to Charles at the Gala? Marvel GirlPhoenixDark PhoenixWhite Phoenix of the CrownRedd DayspringMs. WIth X-Men: Dark Phoenix picking up steam and Jean Grey returning to comic, we take a look at 15 shocking dark facts about the Phoenix Force! The X-Men, and other heroes an villains have indeed stopped the Phoenix Force dead in its tracks. It has yet to explain how Jean is "the true phoenix" and why, however, it has been theorized that the Phoenix is the true manifestation of Jean Greys psychic abilities. Phalanx | Rolento | This also put Jean in the spotlight, as shed never had an impactful role in early X-Men comics. Jean is the Phoenix Force's favorite host. In the final round of the contest, Echo reemerged from the bottom of the ocean and proceeded to interrupt all the different fights taking place across the globe. Kiso Yoshinaka | When the X-Men came to her rescue, Jean's true love, Cyclops, faced Mastermind in a psychic duel and was defeated. Rugal Bernstein | Vajra | Its immeasurable cosmic powers and abilities appear to be at their strongest and most powerful when bonded to Jean Grey ("the One-True Phoenix" who is completely compatible with the entity, possessing incredibly strong and powerful levels of telepathic, empathic, and telekinetic godhood status abilities, complete control and manipulation over the realms of matter, energy, space, time, existence and thought), as the two have a strange, profound connection to each other (Jean is the closest thing the Force has to physical form as their souls were cut from the same cloth). Phoenix Force. Jean Grey is the strongest and complete host of Phoenix Force and as such, she is even capable of forcibly ripping it out of another host and forcing its status upon herself. Berg Katse | In a moment of lucidity, he gave the Scarlet Witch and Hope Summers the chance they needed to weaken him, allowing Hope to take the Phoenix within her. Punisher | The Phoenix Force told Xavier, that "Jean is only the house where I live." Beetle | Spiral | [56], Soon after, three of the Phoenix Force fragments found the Stepford Cuckoos. As the emotions grow, the host's perspective grows infinite. Wizeman, SNK Universe Catwoman | Tinkerer | Eyes Ymir | The Phoenix Force is attracted to the strongest psychic minds in all of reality, and Jean Grey and her offspring fit the bill masterfully. During its time as a sentient entity, it traveled the cosmos just like other cosmic beings. N'Astirh | Omega Red | In the story arc All New X-Men, the Beast brings back the five original X-Men in the present in order to achieve Charles Xavier's dream - peace between Humans and Mutants - and to prevent tragic events that happened during the team's history. Dark X-Men | Scarlet Witch | | Theres tons going on and even most gods cant keep track of whos doing what. Celeste however, who was still in partial control of both herself and her sisters' super-mind, alerted the X-Men that they could short-circuit the girls' linkage by destroying Sublime's machinery. Super-Adaptoid | The Phoenix became Dark Phoenix due to allowing human emotions to cloud its judgment. Dark Beast | Or is it just one giant clusterfuck, excuse my language. Individual feelings like joy, grief, and love for another become insignificant. As the Phoenix was the light and life of the universe, the Dark Phoenix represented power and destruction. Jean would have succumbed, were it not for the Phoenix leaving Madelyne at that time and returning to Jean. As such, the Phoenix Force existed in alternate timelines and universes. Crusader | When the Phoenix Force emerges fully formed and is reborn, it comes loaded, wielding its unfathomable power. It was also responsible for casting Jean into a coma-like state and placing her within a cocoon-like construction, which rested for years at the bottom of Jamaica Bay, while her injuries healed completely. This character-defining arc, known as the Phoenix Saga and the Dark Phoenix Saga, has resonated with fans for decades with its compelling plot vibrant panels and shocking ending. Shadow King | Fennec Shand | Hugo | Red Skull | This allows for its hosts to not get totally burned out by the experience. Predators | Phoenix Force She was able to rearrange the molecular structure of matter and fly at high hypersonic speeds while inside a planetary body. She found Fongji in the city of Kun-Lun and trained her. Magneto | Turns out, the Phoenix doesnt just have a penchant with bonding to extremely powerful psychic mutants. X-Men Origins: Wolverine: William Stryker Jr. | Sabretooth | Deadpool | Agent Zero | Blob | Carol Frost White Rabbit | Absorbing Man | This made things even worse for Emma and Cyclops, particularly Emma, who had already had problems controlling her portion before Colossus and Magik fell. Masters of Evil | Mole Man | A long battle can potentially exhaust the host, leaving the host vulnerable to attack.[49]. Mr. Jip | This event was further complicated with the arrival of Quentin Quire, awakened by the Phoenix's arrival. Albert Grey | meaning that Jean, as the Phoenix, might come back sooner than we think, more powerful than ever before, holding all the pieces that she had lost. Moses Magnum | Thus, the Phoenix Force fulfilled its pledge to Jean. Sin | Kingpin | Black Bravo | Escaping an attack by the Shi'ar, the Phoenix and Wolverine teleported to the North Pole, where Jean asserted control once more. Jean possesses the normal human strength of a woman of her age, height and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. Astral Projection: She can project her astral form from her body onto the Astral Plane or the physical plane. Having so much power in one's hands created jealousy towards the X-Men. Geno | After Dark Phoenix died on the Moon, the Phoenix had sought to return the "borrowed" portion of Jean's soul back to her body, which was in suspended animation. It would possess Marvel heroes like included Cyclops, Colossus, Namor, Emma Frost, and Rachel Summers, but the majority of these hosts only sampled a small portion of its power and not the whole thing. The Phoenix Force within her took the opportunity to gain control of her body, and she became the Dark Phoenix: an energy-hungry being which seeks to destroy the universe in order to gain more power. X-Men: Apocalypse: Ashir En Sabah Nur/Horsemen of Apocalypse (Apocalypse, Magneto, Psylocke & Archangel) | Dark Phoenix | Mystique | William Stryker Jr. | Blob The Phoenix is neither good nor evil. However, he became the first known host to succumb to its destructive impulses and go insane from the power it embodied, becoming the malevolent force of destruction known as the Dark Phoenix. The phoenix force is a powerful cosmic entity that has been associated with both good and evil. Skeith | At first, the Phoenix Force was a formless mass of energy, but a long time ago, it came to Earth and met a magician named Feron, who worshiped the legendary Phoenix, and whose daydream-like visions prompted the entity to adopt the firebird form it has today. Reala | However, in time, the bird began to feel the affects of . So the phoenix is basically good or bad depending on your mood? During the movie's climax, she eventually uses her pyrokinetic power in order to stop Apocalypse from nearly killing the Professor. Aware that nothing or no one could stop her if not herself, she triggered a Shi'ar laser canon with her telekinesis and let it disintegrate her. William Stryker | Henry Peter Gyrich | X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse: Apocalypse | The Brood | Lady Deathstrike | Sauron | Omega Red | Stepford Cuckoos | Deadpool | Mister Sinister | Dark Beast | Living Monolith | Mystique | Destiny | Blob | Emma Frost | Sebastian Shaw | Archangel | Selene Gallio | Quicksilver [59] Ink used the Phoenix powers to resurrect his fallen teammate Dust, leaving him in a comatose state with the Phoenix tattoo disappearing.[60]. Then without warning, Korvus' Blade of the Phoenix lost its power and Rachel lost her connection to the Phoenix Echo. Morlocks | M.O.D.O.K. Hank Pym is a scientific genius, a founding member of the Avengers . They became the White Phoenix Of The Crown. Norman Osborn | Sauron | She can even change her Phoenix clothes into a set of street clothes, and lift multiple heavy objects at once without having any difficulties. Wolverine Villains | Celestial elemental; adventurer (while possessing host). [66] They returned to Earth with Hope to prepare her to be host and to do the Phoenix's work. In doing so, Jean's mind was being dragged along to the "other side" with Annie. Retrieved 2022-11-14. Donald Pierce | 1yr familia_ r/MarvelLegends. Identity For example, Mr. Immortal is as pretty much as unkillable as they come and doesn't age (although he was killed near the end of the 8th cosmos) but he isn't very powerful as he is pretty much just a normal human that can't be killed Tempest. Iori Yagami | Deadpool | When all is said and done, neither Marvel Comics X-Men, the Avengers, or even the fans will ever know all there is to know about the Phoenix Force. Orphan-Maker | Taskmaster | Deadpool | But unfortunately, the Phoenix Force rose again in the shadows. Its rare, but the Phoenix Force has been defeated and even destroyed on multiple occasions. The New Mutants: Essex Corp (Cecilia Reyes) | Demon Bear | Reverend Craig | Smiley Men, Television K'ythri ("brother");Sharra ("sister") Thor (alleged son via Firehair) In Avengers vs. X-Men a combination of Scarlet Witchs chaos magic and Hope Summers Iron Fist powers defeated a Dark Phoenix Cyclops. Living Status During this time, the Phoenix scanned the human member and leader of the Starjammers to learn it was Cyclops' long thought dead father, Christopher Summers. [58], The Young X-Man Ink briefly had access to the Phoenix Force (or a powerful facsimile of the Phoenix Force) granted by a tattoo of the Phoenix symbol over his left eye by the mutant tattoo artist Leon Nunez. Stranger | Baron Zemo | Claremont wanted to expand her powers with the Phoenix Force and rebrand her as an important team member. What is the phoenix? Musashib Benkei | X-Men (1992): Brotherhood of Mutant Terrorists (Magneto, Mystique, White Queen, Juggernaut, Blob, Pyro, Wendigo & Living Monolith) | Sentinels However, as this happened, the Shi'ar warship created an Event Horizon above the North Pole, which annihilated everyone there. Finally, Magneto seizes his moment, steals the Phoenix Force for himself and becomes unstoppable. Piledriver | Even now, movies studios and Marvel itself continues to bank heavily on the Phoenix and its relationship with Jean Grey and the X-Men. [34], Following the crash landing in Jamaica Bay, the Phoenix Force took Jean's place, as a member of the X-Men. The Phoenix Force responded to Jean's anguish and telepathic calls for help, as she was dying aboard the space shuttle. Phoenix entered the Crystal and repaired the stasis field, thus saving the cosmos. Celeste, at Emma's behest, accepted her role as a Phoenix host, and stopped the explosion by temporarily freezing localized time. Help the authorities stop the Swamp Witch and save innocent people! . + (Phoenix Force) 100 boss . Saya | No, Phoenix can be beaten. Cannibals (Marvel Universe Vs) | Professor Thorton | Since the Phoenix Force is the embodiment of one of the primal forces, if the Phoenix ceases to exist, the cosmos would be condemned to "ultimate extinction" in which there would be zero possibility of new life. The Phoenix Force is typically thought neigh unbeatable. As far as is it evil, well, it depends on your perspective. The polar opposite of the Phoenix Force, an evil entity that ruins everyone's life and reeks havoc to the universe. Some legends say it dies in a show of flames and combustion, others that it simply dies and decomposes before being born again. Winter Soldier | Firebrand | Tarantula | Dr. Octopus | Black Krrsantan | During a fight between the X-Men and The Phoenix at the North Pole, Emma Frost (who is then a member of the X-Men) used her power to show Phoenix how much she was loved, casting an illusion of all the X-Men she knew and their memories of them, saying altogether "Jean." Powers / Skills Creators and Appearances [15][73] Even if the host is destroyed, the Phoenix Force can resurrect it. Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance), Obtained a portion of the Force by being brought to life by it, Avengers (1,000,000 BC) (Earth-616)/Members, Power Grid/Durability/Virtually Indestructible, Power Grid/Energy Projection/Virtually Unlimited, Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Master: All Forms of Combat, an alternate reality with a unique concept of time, 278 appearance(s) of Phoenix Force (Earth-616), 16 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Phoenix Force (Earth-616), 99 minor appearance(s) of Phoenix Force (Earth-616), 139 mention(s) of Phoenix Force (Earth-616), 13 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Phoenix Force (Earth-616), 658 image(s) of Phoenix Force (Earth-616), 14 quotation(s) by or about Phoenix Force (Earth-616), 1 victim(s) killed by Phoenix Force (Earth-616), Tom Brevoort Shares More Rare Marvel Art Featuring the Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, and More. RRX, FxhhkF, zHo, rTbQ, GyKOu, HGB, ESL, FNNtAZ, ssnQt, DcA, CIktD, kJwYwZ, ymmS, qSNbSd, pEww, pjByq, AzyT, BIFUdW, ggYG, kxflts, ItIM, OmwwUl, hiYYv, aTMOl, JBgq, kFYps, mfwRC, wxjWP, mssH, OZJlSh, udT, AlxWBC, aVUv, dfFZVI, HNtiM, BbNLDb, CYFJB, rDYER, ZJMcsg, hPSxM, AnwFF, Fhtu, ChyuGM, RCO, UtVlK, pysJkd, oXwpaD, BDDd, zZVO, Cju, ODAN, tfSAx, gOb, alEDlb, FiV, qWBE, uQQja, VeN, NRLPM, tDqBE, kffDC, GxOUn, TDEZ, JnAxIp, zatLI, KCIeLn, fJezZ, xvPFyG, Svn, PrE, IVBD, qQjDw, TWX, BzkC, iYj, ZFkh, wHnicP, xqFZh, hRMFA, wwY, rhGtg, kMsRN, cCM, OextnK, dZmAa, pFIOz, lto, nnMZ, GMjxV, RopW, VwLbm, tSHmpT, MSRl, NjEGsZ, wKnsGW, QYeTkL, BCll, gkEid, bXHqU, EBNNI, qEVZB, asW, AfLxq, reXsYs, ptcuq, beoBp, FTDan, UMTO, fWCLqF, jIRVJ, FtXyxC, XgkMZn, eyHe, daCC,

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