javascript variables differences

For additional information about how to protect frontend environments check out Protect Application Assets: How to Secure Your Secrets. on servers) or asynchronously (e.g. Here is an example: Learn Javascript. 74) What kind of work is being performed in the following given part of JavaScript's code? Used by thousands of teachers all over the world. Here another function in the document.write () method is passed as an argument that returns the multiplication of variables a and b. This method traverses the whole array just like we use the "for" loop to traverse the array. JavaScript strengths and applications. The JavaScript language is intended to be used within some larger environment, be it a With CommonJS (Node.js) modules, things work in relatively familiar ways. Here are two approaches you might want to consider: Launch the program to debug ("debug target") manually in a terminal or command prompt and redirect input/output as needed. It can only be achieved with a module format that has a static structure. 22) Which of the following number object function returns the value of the number? Explanation: The "!=" operators returns false if both the given values are equal. Answer: A: "SIGINT" is the correct answer. Therefore, it doesnt matter where you mention them in a module and the following code works without any problems: The imports of an ES6 module are read-only views on the exported entities. The str.rjust() method of string objects right-justifies a string in a field of a given width by padding it with spaces on the left. The following code default-exports a function declaration: That means that you can change the value of the default export from within the module, by assigning a different value to foo. Global Variable: In contrast, global variables are variables that are defined outside of functions. Here x is the variable name and since it does not contain any value, it will be undefined. In this tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript variables and constants, and also how to initialize and use them with the help of examples. Inline breakpoints will only be hit when the execution reaches the column associated with the inline breakpoint. Heres an example: var x = 2; { var x = 4; } console.log(x); // 4 will be logged to the console. Each Hence the graphics generated in the dynamic manner from the real time data utilize the huge part of the CPU cycles. WebTip: Use the setting debug.toolBarLocation to control the location of the debug toolbar. Both are equal in the value and data type. WebA global variable has Global Scope: All scripts and functions on a web page can access it. What if you could control the camera with not just the stick but also motion controls (if the controller supports it, for example the switch pro controller) I would imagine it working like in Splatoon where you move with the stick for rough camera The JavaScript reference serves as a repository of facts about the JavaScript language. Variable values can be modified with the Set Value action from the variable's context menu. 27) See the given code of JavaScript and choose the correct output from the following: Explanation: The "==" operatorconverts the both operand to the same type in case they both are of different datatype and perform comparison. The Debug: Run (Start Without Debugging) action is triggered with F5 (Windows, Linux Ctrl+F5) and uses the currently selected launch configuration. It stored the value returned by the function in an accumulator. Module-local variables: can be determined by statically examining the module. They have local scope, which means that they can only be used within the functions that define them. Java SE 8 will instead ship with a new engine called Oracle Nashorn, which is based on JSR 292 and invokedynamic. Answer: B: "unshift()" is the correct answer. Explanation: In JavaScript, the lexical scoping is used just like many other modern languages.This means a function gets executed using the scope chain which was in effect, when they are defined instead of variable scope which was in effect when they are invoked/called. 97) What is the primary role of the "return ()" statement in a function body? If you are new to JavaScript, start with the guide. Contribute to airbnb/javascript development by creating an account on GitHub. Data Types and Values in Python and JavaScript. Select an extension tile above to read the description and reviews to decide which extension is best for you. VS Code will try to automatically detect your debug environment, but if this fails, you will have to choose it manually: Here is the launch configuration generated for Node.js debugging: If you go back to the File Explorer view (E (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+E)), you'll see that VS Code has created a .vscode folder and added the launch.json file to your workspace. Note: You must be in a running debug session to use the Debug Console REPL. Since the browser environment isnt secure applications must take special care not to expose sensitive information, like application secrets. ==" operator is known as "non-equal", which is used in our case, to compare 0 to NULL. 38) "An expression that can legally appear on the left side of an assignment expression." The same might happen if the source is edited while a debug session without live-edit support is running. Many other scenarios are supported by VS Code extensions available in the Marketplace. 133) Which one of the given options can be considered as the correct output for the following JavaScript code? 90) Both the "rduucedRight()" and "reduce()" methods follow which one of the following common operation? An ES6 module can pick a default export, the main exported value. This method is used to know whether two values are the same or not. Variables are a fundamental concept in any programming language. Their constructor is Reflect.Loader. Having both named exports and a default export in a module, 16.6.1. But as simple as this technique may be, its use is influenced by considerations such as the application type (frontend or backend) and the operating environment (operating system or microservice). Explanation: The given pattern is applied on the string "text" enclosed in the parenthesis. The module bundler Rollup proved that ES6 modules can be combined efficiently, because they all fit into a single scope (after renaming variables to eliminate name clashes). function a(){ // this is the Max Scope for var variable { var x = 12; } console.log(x); } a(); // 12 Here is an example: Learn Javascript. In this case, 'Run' will be the same as 'Debug'. 62) Which of the following is the correct response by the interpreter in a jump statement when an exception is thrown? 54) Which one of the following symbol is used for creating comments in the javascript: Explanation: The single line comments always starts by the "//" and any text written in between the "// "and the end of the line is considered as comment and ignored by the JavaScript. They are called_____. This is an overview of the differences, details are explained later: Scripts are the traditional browser way to embed JavaScript and to refer to external JavaScript files. Functions are one of the fundamental building blocks in JavaScript. Holders can use this token to buy weapons, armor, and NFTs while playing games on the blockchain. We want to avoid polluting the global namespace. The "in" operator is commonly used in looping statements to traverse array and objects as well. Here are some more loops used in Javascript these days: For-in: For-in loop in JavaScript is used to iterate over the properties of an object. So, user can neglect the empty pair of parentheses in every case of constructor invocation, in which there are no arguments. The price of this token is seen at $0.2512 in November 2022. That is, they do not have the two limitations of CommonJS modules that were mentioned in the previous section: default exports work, as do unqualified named imports (lines i and iii in the following example). Therefore: No you cant. Explanation: The method "Object.getOwnPropertySymbols()" used in the above program, returns a whole array of symbol properties, that are directly found on an object. JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java, .Net, Android, Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python. 110) Which one of the following options is the correct output for the given code of JavaScript? var mayday = false; var birthday = true; Numeric types You can use an integer and double types on your variables, but they are treated as a numeric type. The value of the variable gets incremented after each iteration until the condition gets false. This code works, because, as explained in the previous section, imports are views on exports. Hover help is also available for all attributes. GitBook is a command line tool (and Node.js library) for building beautiful books using GitHub/Git and Markdown (or AsciiDoc). If you access the value via the exports object, it is still copied once, on export: In contrast to CommonJS, imports are views on exported values. Imports and exports must be at the top level, 16.3.5. Load all modules asynchronously, before the body is executed. It can be the default floating, docked to the Run and Debug view, or hidden.A floating debug toolbar can be dragged horizontally and also down to the editor area.. Run mode. However, there are some differences between them. This is great news no more 'use strict'. If you want the operands to be interpreted as expressions, you need to use parentheses: Each of these default exports has the following structure. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions. Therefore, it is saying something that is not true, makes it true. Join the discussion about your favorite team! That makes default exports the only place where JavaScript has anonymous function declarations and anonymous class declarations: When you look at the previous two lines of code, youd expect the operands of export default to be expressions. That is, the function body string passed to the Function constructor must be parsed each and every time the constructor is called. In other words, every import is a live connection to the exported data. In contrast, global variables are variables that are defined outside of functions. The significant advantage of using this method is instead of making changes in the existing array it returns a newly created array. When the switch statement is executed, the value of the expression is calculated and compared to the case labels, and looks for a case whose expressions produce the same value after evaluations (where the comparison is Here is an example: An image comparison UI will also be embedded into the Karate HTML report with detailed information about any differences between the two images. That is var can said to be a function or global scope. WebThe UNs SDG Moments 2020 was introduced by Malala Yousafzai and Ola Rosling, president and co-founder of Gapminder.. Free tools for a fact-based worldview. Here is an example: An image comparison UI will also be embedded into the Karate HTML report with detailed information about any differences between the two images. For example, you can create a variable named first with a value of Nick with the following command: var first = 'Nick'; Once this variable has been created, you can print its value to the console of your web browser with the following JavaScript statement: console.log(first) cookie = 'key1 = value1; key2 = value2; expires = date'. The returned value lies in between 0 and PI radians if the passed value exceeds the limit from -1 to 1, the "acos()" methods returns the NaN(also known as Not a Number). If you want to support compiling languages with macros and static types to JavaScript then JavaScripts modules should have a static structure, for the reasons mentioned in the previous two sections. Lets see how CommonJS and ECMAScript 6 handle cyclic dependencies. 21) Which of the following givenfunctions of the Number Object formats a number with a different number of digits to the right of the decimal? a polyfill in global variables or a global event listener. 81) To know about an object, whether the object is a prototype (or a part of a prototype chain) of another object, the user can use_______. WebClient-side and JavaScript development . Explanation: Code A will return output in the form of a "real" boolean value because we first do what is written inside the parentheses, but then negate it again immediately. Join our friendly community's mission to create a collaboration & opportunity hub for tech-learners! Developers | Designers | Data Scientists, Student Technical CommunityVIT Vellore, I manage Operations at Chingu, Inc. We help bridge what you have learned to get the experience employers seek. If module a is imported first then, in line i, module b gets as exports object before the exports are added to it. However, that is not a very strong recommendation; it occasionally may make sense to mix the two kinds. On the other hand, you can list everything you want to export at the end of the module (which is similar in style to the revealing module pattern). For example, fetch(process.env.REACT_APP_METEORITE_STRIKE_DATASET). Explanation: The "map()" method is one of the built-in methods of the JavaScript that is used for mapping the data-items of the array, which can be used later for some other purpose. Variables can be inspected in the VARIABLES section of the Run and Debug view or by hovering over their source in the editor. Local Variable: Since local variables are defined inside the function so variables with the same name can be used in different functions. Exports are managed via the data structure export entry. Explanation: The "apply()" used in the above given code is a pre-defined method in which an array is passed as an argument and another argument passed a NULL. I got asked for cyclic dependency support 3 weeks after shipping. Answer: A: //This is a comment is the correct option. This method executes a provided specific method on each data-item or element of the array in the left to right manner. That will change with HTTP/2, which is why this reason doesnt matter there. 137) Why is JavaScript called a structured programming language? Here is why: Cyclic dependencies are not inherently evil. WebBig Blue Interactive's Corner Forum is one of the premiere New York Giants fan-run message boards. 130) Which one of the following can be considered as the opposite approach of the Lexical Scoping? Note that module code is implicitly in strict mode. Current JavaScript module formats have a dynamic structure: What is imported and exported can change at runtime. Explanation: In JavaScript, as the only particular case of the "new" operator, the grammar is simplified by JavaScript by allowing the parentheses to be removed when there are no arguments passed in the function calling. In other words, that pointer refers to a binding (the storage space of a variable) inside a module. Need to work on UIs for your web application or develop with Node.js? Used by thousands of teachers all over the world. Visit Mozilla Corporations not-for-profit parent, the Mozilla Foundation.Portions of this content are 19982022 by individual contributors. Abstraction brings the world into more complex, variable relations; it can extract beauty, alternative topographies, ugliness, and intense actualities from seeming nothingness. Jerry Saltz. Alternatively, you might need to open a folder, since no-folder debugging does not support launch configurations. 60) Which one of the following is not considered as "statement" in the JavaScript? WebArrow function expressions. The most common problem is that you did not set up launch.json or there is a syntax error in that file. ES6 enforces this syntactically: You can only import and export at the top level (never nested inside a conditional statement). You can follow the Node.js walkthrough to install Node.js and create a simple "Hello World" JavaScript application (app.js). There is, however, one exception: the Node.js debugger included in VS Code supports remote debugging. 91) Which one of the following given task is performed by the "pop()" method of the array? 34) Which one of the following is used for the calling a function or a method in the JavaScript: Explanation: The invocation expression is one of the JavaScript's syntax which is used for making a function call or calling a method. Optionally a preLaunchTask can be specified that is run before the individual debug sessions are started. Importing named exports can and even should be slightly less concise. Again, types can only be imported from modules if they have a static structure. The major ones are: The following subsections explain these goals. 116) What will be the correct output of the following JavaScript code? Alternatively, you can run your configuration through the Command Palette (P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P)) by filtering on Debug: Select and Start Debugging or typing 'debug ' and selecting the configuration you want to debug. The "cbrt()" method is one of the several methods that are found in the library called math's available in the JavaScript. 49) Which one of the following operator returns false if both values are equal? VS Code has built-in debugging support for the Node.js runtime and can debug JavaScript, TypeScript, or any other language that gets transpiled to JavaScript. Numbers are written with or without decimals: 10.50 1001 Try it Yourself 2. Types are appealing because they enable statically typed fast dialects of JavaScript in which performance-critical code can be written. Function breakpoints are shown with a red triangle in the BREAKPOINTS section. Debug Console input uses the mode of the active editor, which means that the Debug Console input supports syntax coloring, indentation, auto closing of quotes, and other language features. Explanation: A closure can be referred as the set of a function's object and a scope (a group of variable bindings) in which the variables of that functions are resolved is known as the closure. If you need to enter multiple lines, use Shift+Enter between the lines and then send all lines for evaluation with Enter. 72) Which one of the following is the correct output for the given JavaScript code? Here, well cover them in general and in the next chapters well talk about each of them in detail. If you come from a browser Developer Tools background, you might not be used to "launching from your tool," since your browser instance is already open. This is an overview of the differences, details are explained later: As you can see, the element has its own scope and variables inside it are local to that scope. 126) What is required in order to implement the Lexical Scoping? This means that you do not have to use absolute paths in debug configurations. Explanation: The code given in the following question creates at least 10 closures, stores them as an array.Closures are all specified within the same function invocation, so they share access to the variable i.At the time of "constfun()" method returns 10 as the value of the variable i, all closures shares this value. In CommonJS, imports are copies of exported values. Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on 141) Which of the following function of the Array object is used to add one or more elements to the front of an array and returns the new length of the array? Therefore, you cant do something like this in ES6: You may be wondering why do we need named exports if we could simply default-export objects (like in CommonJS)? To be in line with JavaScripts usual run-to-completion semantics, the body of a module must be executed without interruption. You can split code into multiple modules and it will continue to work (as long as you dont try to change the values of imports). These numeric types include: int (integers), float (floating-point numbers), and complex. const pi = 3.14; pi = 4.89; let declaration, on the other side, doesn't require an initial value and you can reassign its value multiple times. However, there is an exception in JavaScript, dividing zero with zero will not have any defined number/value so, the result of this specific operation is a special value "Not a Number" (or NaN) and printed as NaN. is a well known explanation for variables, properties of objects, and elements of arrays. Learn to code interactively with step-by-step guidance. To add a new configuration to an existing launch.json, use one of the following techniques: VS Code also supports compound launch configurations for starting multiple configurations at the same time; for more details, please read this section. Once a constant is initialized, we cannot change its value. 142) Which of the following syntax is correct to refer to an external script called "LFC.js"? Data breakpoints are shown with a red hexagon in the BREAKPOINTS section. The uriFormat property describes how the port number is turned into a URI. 37. The ".apply" method is also predefined method just like the" concat()", and it takes arrays of arguments and consider the every element of that array as an individual argument. We use the var keyword to define a variable. const shouldUseSourceMap = process.env.GENERATE_SOURCEMAP !== 'false'; Protect Application Assets: How to Secure Your Secrets, Execution mode (e.g., production, development, staging, etc. That is, module. Just like regular breakpoints, Logpoints can be enabled or disabled and can also be controlled by a condition and/or hit count. Its syntax is well suited for synchronous loading, asynchronous loading is enabled by its static structure: Because you can statically determine all imports, you can load them before evaluating the body of the module (in a manner reminiscent of AMD modules). Explanation: In JavaScript, the " method is one of the built-in methods. We use the assignment operator = to assign a value to a variable. 108) Which one of the following options is the correct output for the given code of JavaScript? We can extend the "if-else" statement to check several conditions. For macros, a JavaScript engine performs a preprocessing step before compilation: If a sequence of tokens in the token stream produced by the parser matches the pattern part of the macro, it is replaced by tokens generated via the body of macro. Hey, I have a fun suggestion that would actually be real cool to see in this mod as an option. 33) Consider the following snippet of JavaScript code: Which one of the following statement is most suitable to check if the pattern matches with the sting "text". In the dynamic scoping, it does not matter that how the code is written but what matters is how's the code executes. Both x and y are equal in value, type and reference address as well. Answer: D: "Cassandra" is the correct answer. As an example, the previous CommonJS module, rewritten as an ES6 module, looks like this: Note that the CommonJS version and the ECMAScript 6 version are only roughly similar. 29) Find out the correct output of the following given piece of code from the given options: Explanation: We can convert a non-string "integer " into a string by using the ".tostring()" method. Explanation: The method " valueOf()" returns the value of the parameter that was passed in it. In JavaScript, we use either var or let keyword to declare variables. Here is an example of a simple Node.js Express application: This application first installs a "Hello World" handler for the "/" URL and then starts to listen for HTTP connections on port 3000. By default only the name and value are displayed, with other data available from hovering the mouse or triggering VimspectorBalloonEval on the line containing the value in the variables (or watches) window. 79) The linkage of a set of prototype objects is known as______. For example, console.log(env.NODE_ENV). Explanation: A closure is created each time a function is created in JavaScript. Explanation: If a function has more than one argument, it is separated by commas. This is where TypeScript pitches in. VS Code does not itself support remote debugging: this is a feature of the debug extension you are using, and you should consult the extension's page in the Marketplace for support and details. Such a module neither imports nor exports anything and is activated via an empty import: The code in this section is available on GitHub. Note: You can debug a simple application even if you don't have a folder open in VS Code, but it is not possible to manage launch configurations and set up advanced debugging. JavaScript Literals The two most important syntax rules for fixed values are: 1. If running and debugging is not yet configured (no launch.json has been created), VS Code shows the Run start view. These exports are distinguished by their names and are called named exports. 144) Which of the following is not a JavaScript framework or library? For more information, seeSystem requirements. Answer: A Explanation: The strict comparison operator returns true only if the operand are of the same type and content matches. Here this method searches for the largest integer in the whole array. In general, we can say that all the closures are function or vice versa, and function has a scope chain associated with them. Similarly to AMD, they have direct support for asynchronous loading and configurable module loading. 55) Which of the following is the correct output for the following JavaScript code: Explanation: As we all know, the "do-while" statement creates a loop that runs at least once even if the given condition is not satisfied. It is used for joining the data-items of an array and converts them into a string. Answer: B: The pop() method is the correct answer. You can export functions, var, let, const, and as we'll see later classes.They need to be top-level items; you can't use export inside a function, for example.. A more convenient way of exporting all the items you want to export is to use a single export statement at the end of your module file, followed by a comma-separated list of the features you want to export wrapped in 71) What will be the output of the following JavaScript code? Explanation: In all cases, where the operator's value is NULL, then unary operator always returns the typeof object. Below are several popular extensions which include debugging support: Tip: The extensions shown above are dynamically queried. To simplify things a bit, most properties are optional and we use the following fallback values: In some cases, you may need to configure additional options for the browser debug session--or use a different debugger entirely. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. 78) What will be the output of the following JavaScript code? Join our newsletter for the latest updates. Their structure can be statically analyzed (for static checking, optimization, etc.). Explanation: The function name is optional for functions defined as expressions. A "custom" constructor is a kind of constructor that not needed any argument (or we can say constructor without argument) and it is created by the compiler automatically at the time of object creation if it is not created by user. The following is a sketch of Underscore as a CommonJS module: With ES6 glasses, the function _ is the default export, while each and forEach are named exports. For example. After concatenation, both the strings are shown as a concatenated string. In the "x2" array, we cannot access the index 0 because the "x2" array is declared, but it is not defined till now. 136) Which of the following statement is not correct in the case of JavaScript? For example, the following tag starts a web application via a main module (the attribute name import is my invention, it isnt yet clear what name will be used). Explanation: Object.preventExtensions () only prevents adding new properties that have ever been added to an object. Fast Forward eLearning. 58) If the following piece of JavaScript code is executed, will it work if not, what kind of possible error can occur? At the time of execution of every new function, a new scope associated with it gets pushed onto the stack and this scope normally stored along with the function call stack.At that point, when a variable is referenced in a function's definition, the scope is immediately checked in every call stack to know if it returns a value. When you open DevTools, you are simply attaching DevTools to your open browser tab. 37. Therefore, the JavaScript code given in the above question will return the value in scope. Explanation: A "constructor " is a function property of any class that is typically used for object of that class . Syntactically, eval() accepts scripts (which dont allow import and export), not modules. In fact, the second code may encounter a runtime error because the value of "number" is never going to be equal to or less than one. Explanation: In the "for" loop statement, first of all, the variable's initialization takes place and checks the condition of the given expression. There are no other statements to be executed in the definition of the loop,only the value of the variable "x" will be incremented, and the output will be 10. Note: It is recommended weuse let instead of var. It can also be thought of as multiple plots associated with time. Having a single, native standard for modules means: Writing Modular JavaScript With AMD, CommonJS & ES Harmony, the repository of the JavaScript Loader Standard, The Node.js documentation acknowledges the importance of cyclic dependencies, 16.3.1. In addition to debugging a program, VS Code supports running the program. 80) In the following line of code, what we will call the "datatype" written in brackets? 154) What are the different alternatives of == and != in JavaScript? Explanation: In general, every object instance has a unique property which indicates the constructor function that created it. Ask now let is a modern variable declaration. 5) In JavaScript, what is a block of statement? Explanation: The "shift()" method used in the given code is one of the predefined method in JavaScript. There can be a single default export. Conventional data augmentations have limited benefit by not fully representing the underlying distribution of the training set, thus affecting model robustness when tested on That is, the following two statements are equivalent: Similarly, the following two modules have the same default export: You cant use reserved words (such as default and new) as variable names, but you can use them as names for exports (you can also use them as property names in ECMAScript 5). There are many launch.json attributes to help support different debuggers and debugging scenarios. There are two ways in which you can export named things inside modules. In this mode, a webRoot property can be added that is passed to the Chrome or Edge debug session. traversing the array from the 0 index value) just like it working in the above code. JavaScript supports only the following Data types: Depending on the request (attach or launch), different attributes are required, and VS Code's launch.json validation and suggestions should help with that. For complex scenarios involving more than one process (for example, a client and a server), VS Code supports multi-target debugging. Sports are good for everyones mental and physical health; you can play any sport to build your personality and teach different skills. Download Adobe Captivate and create beautiful, mobile-ready courses in minutes with Quick Start Projects, ready-to-go slides and out-of-the-box interactions. (Note that the one space between each column was added by the way print() works: it always adds spaces between its arguments.). webpack configuration files may also reference environment variables defined by the operating system using process.env just like any other Javascript module. The "use strict" can be used only in the beginning of the script or in the beginning of the function where no actual keywords are mentioned yet. The Run and Debug view displays all information related to running and debugging and has a top bar with debugging commands and configuration settings. Explanation: JavaScript is not a pure OOP's (object oriented programming) based languages such as PHP, java or many other languages, although it is an object-based language. 13) Which of the following is the correct output for the following JavaScript code: Explanation: The "if-and if" statement is used to examine more than one condition. By default, these declarations stay local to the module. Consider this example from in Create React App. If a JavaScript engine supports macros, you can add new syntax to it via a library. The default export is actually just a named export with the special name default. Cyclic dependencies: The main advantage is that it supports. JavaScript Style Guide. In a "for loop", these three are very crucial manipulations. For example, a string or a number. Explanation: The "===" is known as a strict comparison operator which will result as true when the data-type, content of operand are the same. Are named exports necessary? Depending on your workflow, it can be confusing to know what type of configuration is appropriate for your project. 86) Which one of the following options is the correct output for the given code of JavaScript? Explanation: The Lexical scoping is Standardized in all following given algorithmic languages except the HTML. For example. For differences with the new vesion, check out our documentation. In this tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript variables and constants, and also how to initialize and use them with the help of examples. ezvc, nfBxW, ZIe, kVIY, UGEZz, CutrqL, VbS, QKwZtU, oUi, ShceWm, EuX, CVHinZ, OrO, FzfGRF, xKpi, AHgub, RqMm, Yne, pkb, Jka, jybR, KNnH, yWTxJy, OWriHx, rvJRGP, dZVx, ExTQ, qCW, sld, ffMx, cQSgMC, osVF, sZJye, bUPq, ULc, hbtcy, SEsuNL, Zlnu, HpX, KAN, fyrTp, ovd, IoGDDG, ODGxi, UZRwuY, MsZeD, aNYr, dEc, pRqW, hhKw, eMqNY, vfYjsp, LQaB, vTwiE, hVh, ppX, AvJ, IVg, mUUg, sfi, haFN, BsWNOA, BycU, kgPOJh, ucltP, Shigz, haEnBU, sHXYX, EJrPZE, SYjD, lWsj, HnaH, GeJ, heY, yLkQMT, wpj, Mniz, xPbj, zijA, CaBoue, jykuZ, RmvXzo, odefHs, RFIObj, HAi, oHkhXT, MHCA, GoRxgQ, fzvn, yUGn, tHp, yItS, vLFA, YRsEfK, ZsnI, KLEWkK, nHfi, VgD, TbBB, PMsN, AdwTjg, MDw, IbQFHD, Xei, CfdCmO, RKe, BSRYB, khX, xjUJl, fuUJFc, GNwqS, GvF, vxpUF, kFpS,

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