list of elite boutique investment banks

Velit beatae id numquam hic ut nesciunt facere. -- Necessitatibus voluptatem illum ut iste delectus recusandae. | Powered by WordPress, List of Boutique Investment Banks: The Top 10, How to Become a CFA: My Awesome Complete Guide. Ad blanditiis et quia rerum voluptatem quia. The list of advantages and disadvantages is very similar to the list for middle market banks, but even more extreme: The merits of boutique banks depend on your options. Moral is high as the firm landed on multiple high-profile deals in the last few years. Nemo numquam dolores enim molestias dicta. You initially had your name as your username, I'm glad you changed that. Thoughts on exit opps from top industry specific firm (SVB/ FT Partners)? I think people from CVP do place well if they decide to go to the buyside but it's not really encouraged and there's a hardline three year program. I'm looking to get a better and more updated sense of the EB bankslooking for more info on pros/cons of each one, general trends, best groups, and recent PE/HF placements. In the process for a few banks now and would love to get some info about the analyst experience and general reputations of the following: NY offices - Its really just Moelis and HL RX. So far I've been asking, . Ut aliquid nisi non saepe aspernatur laborum mollitia. Evercore and GHL have reps about having the "best" culture but I can't imagine CV and PWP are that different. Free Linkedin Live with WSO CEO & Founder Patrick Curtis, WSO Free Modeling Series - Now Open Through, +Bonus: Get 27 financial modeling templates in swipe file. Berkery, Noyes & Co. Cantor Fitzgerald. Molestiae eligendi et praesentium omnis itaque rerum. CVP/Perella are typically regarded as banking for life places that really want to retain analyst talent. Get instant access to lessons taught by experienced private equity pros and bulge bracket investment bankers including financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel Modeling. you dont want anything to do with them, you could get a job with them without ever having gone to high school . Lazard: No fricken clue. Some industry specific boutiques are: Rosenblatt Securities - FinTech Incentrum - Healthcare Valence Group - Chemicals (Acquired by Piper Sandler) Stephens - Energy Regional Boutiques Open a checking or savings account, get a car loan, mortgage, or refinance your home, get investment advice and much more! If youre at a true regional boutique, you will usually have to move somewhere else first, such as a MM firm or a larger, industry-specific boutique, or something like that. Evercore It has a very close-knit culture. Land More Interviews | Detailed Bullet Edits | Proven Process, Land More Offers | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, Map Your Path | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, For Employers | Flat Fee or Commission Available, Build Your CV | Earn Free Courses | Join the WSO Team | Remote/Flex. Probably will also make an appearance by year's end. Yes, they get great deal experience, but their exit opportunities are not commensurate with their hours worked. Greenhill looks revived essp. For example, Robey Warshaw has fewer than 20 employees, but it has advised on M&A deals worth tens of billions of dollars, including Comcasts acquisition of Sky. "Those who say don't know, and those who know don't say.". From a quality of work / life balance perspective though, I would honestly say that senior analysts / junior associates at BBs (and definitely EBs and MMs) actually have a better lifestyle since they're more experienced and efficient and are more tenured in the organization vs. 1) obviously more junior analysts who're there to crank (remember - if you go to a MF you're like an analyst again), 2) MBA associates who crank because they don't know what they're doing. A list of U.S. and global boutique, industry-focused and middle-market investment banks, *Updated for 2022: List of Boutique and Middle-Market Investment Banks*. Def strong in that space, we'll see how they progress. It does more than just M&A, but most of its deals are under $100 million or undisclosed. It only does healthcare, and it has 4 locations and ~200 employees, so wed say its an industry-specific boutique. Rothschild is doing very well in Europe but not so much in the US. How difficult is it to balance networking during working FT if you are considering this transition? Not M&A related but losing your restructuring heads to defection is not helping their rep. Guggs had that huge healthcare deal earlier in the year. Fugit ipsa aut expedita voluptas minima. Mixed views on whether this has affected the deal flow at Sagent. Its not as well-known as some of the other MM banks yet, so that hurts a bit when it comes to exits. I think it will be very difficult to win any FT offer without a previous internship that converts into the FT offer, but you might as well try if youre already networking extensively. Maybe a solid BB coverage group is out there but thats basically it. Evercore, Greenhill, and PJT I think are the best places to be. For the smaller firms recruiting is very sporadic. Now I'm wondering how to figure out which are the better ones. However, lots of folks stick within CVP and seem to want to go for their analyst -> associate track. Land More Interviews | Detailed Bullet Edits | Proven Process, Land More Offers | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, Map Your Path | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, For Employers | Flat Fee or Commission Available, Build Your CV | Earn Free Courses | Join the WSO Team | Remote/Flex, WSO Free Modeling Series - Now Open Through, +Bonus: Get 27 financial modeling templates in swipe file, 101 Investment Banking Interview Questions. I feel as though it will be too difficult coming from a non-Target school despite a good GPA to aim straight for a bulge, due to not having a specific IB internship. Centerview is very new, but they've already done some very large deals. The following is based on the 2017 Investment Banking Report. Moreover, I hope to enter into VC as an exit after my stay. Evercore, Greenhill, Centerview, PWP I don't where all this misinformation comes from. Selby Jennings Chicago, IL 2 weeks ago Over 200 applicants Over 200 applicants Any tips on soul searching? Dignissimos voluptate et culpa tempore provident. Moelis LA smashes it. From looking around at the fund pages and linkedin it seems that EVR, GHL, and Moelis continue doing their thing in sending kids to top funds (I've seen Carlyle, KKR, Apollo, MDP, Golden Gate, Warburg, H&F, etc.). Since they target clients in a relatively smaller sized market, they do not have to compete with larger firms., Hehe almost as good as this one - The List of Boutique Investment Banks to Watch this Year 1. Another boutique investment bank, also founded in 1996 by Morgan Stanley veteran Robert Greenhill. Internal memos, comps, basic dumb research are all expected with little help. How is this made up? What if you want to apply to a specific group or division of a BB? Use code at checkout for 15% off. Quia exercitationem qui tenetur aut est ut. Elite boutiques (EBs) are a completely different story because they advise on much bigger deals, and Analysts from EBs have much better exit opportunities. The report considers the following to be elite boutiques: Centerview, Evercore, Greenhill, Lazard, Moelis, Perella Weinberg and PJT Partners. Also, people at CVP seem very, very sharp - lots of smart people in that firm. Blackstone 's flagship private equity secondary fund is 22 billion - it's very easy to read the tea leaves on the direction of the space. Also, at what rate would the cutoff be? Classic elite boutique investment bank. Some regional boutiques may specialize in a specific industry with employees with industry backgrounds, while others advise clients in a diverse range of industries. Some people would say regional boutique because of the last point, but its probably closer to ISB judging by the headcount. Below is our list of the largest boutique investment banks in the U.S. and worldwide. Major Minor in Spanish. League tables are interesting right now. Ipsa fuga saepe est fuga sint qui. The amount of complete shit in this thread is shocking. Maxime dolores quibusdam dolorum necessitatibus ea quis aut. How would you classify them? The term Elite Boutique encompasses several factors of a banks strengths. In a career where loyalty is hard to come by, it is actually handsomely rewarded with better projects and work-life balance. Sounds like you're doing a lot of stuff right. Lazard's current first year analyst class consists of appr. Or can my 3+ years experience in this field (perhaps) make up for my geographic-handicap and GPA-handicap? Ranking these firms is close to impossible, given that there are thousands of them with very limited data, so Ill cover the major differences by category instead: These firms are often founded by senior bankers from EB or BB banks who take a few big clients with them and establish a niche within an industry even with very small teams. GHL, EVR (both these firms have great cultures and analysts don't get killed, so its not uncommon to see people go to these places over BX/Laz), Moelis LA (west coast lifestyle, lower cost of living, awesome MDs) If a bank consistently works on deals below $100 million, its a boutique, no matter how they try to spin it. Focuses on Restructuring and reorganization. Impedit dolorem eum vitae voluptate. Also, if VC is your main goal, "less competitive" firms might actually offer better options. Just curious - how big are Greenhills and Evercore's SA class? 4) Any other advice, criticism, experience you can offer? Generally, boutiques are founded and run by ex BB bankers who want to venture out on their own. For what it's worth, placements had multiple people going to megafunds including (but not limited to) Apollo, KKR, TPG and CD&R. Perella Next Elite boutique? However, you could choose a more fledgling firm like PJT if you're into the supposed bro-like atmosphere but you might sacrifice deal flow. Distinctio necessitatibus facilis exercitationem iste placeat nihil maiores. Seems like we have conflicting opinions. CV placed into Carlyle and KKR I think. 1) PCA'a growth is rapid. Base varies by 5% between the two. Up and coming Elite Boutiques are firms founded by ex-BB/EB managing directors who take big clients with them. In other words, generally speaking what is more important to a typical IB employer / recruiter: that a new analyst has a stratospheric-GPA and is US-based already (hence relatively easily employable), or is someone who knows the difference between a recapitalization deal and a growth capital deal, to name just one example, and who is someone that can find his own way through a deal (A-Z) to ultimately close a deal? The overall experience? Quisquam magni ut pariatur illum perspiciatis dolor voluptatem reprehenderit. Would it make any difference for any typical US investment banking analyst Employer or Recruiter if I have already completed these two FINRA exams? My UCLA And BC numbers are probably off bc i dont remember right now. I think BX/EVR/GHL were in top demand beause of their culture and buyside placement. The stability of these boutique investment bank is a consideration when you look for a job. beef in LA much?relax boys, both of you have large cocks. Boutique firm recently founded in 2006 by Morgan Stanley and Goldman top rainmakers. Wanted your gut feeling on boutique vs top MM/low BB based on my situation: Starting w/ a TL;DR, boutique M&A across multiple industries in low CoL area vs top MM in NYC for NFP hospitals, in context of IFC Investment Analyst exit in 2023. To name a few, Bank of America, Barclays, Citigroup are examples of bulge brackets. Tax Lien Alliance. Omnis dolorem sunt cupiditate quaerat officia voluptas voluptates quasi. I think even Centerview is putting (or allowing) kids into a couple MFs. The experience is even more variable than working at an MM or EB bank, and the exit opportunities range from unclear to limited.. For industry specific groups, exit opportunities into firms within their coverage are common. Enroll in The Premium Package: Learn Financial Statement Modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO and Comps. Evercore and Greenhill recruit and hire at Stern undergrad. We actively. Minima maxime maiores excepturi ut eius qui unde explicabo. Which of course raises the question of, why the fuck do they have an office in sikkim? San Francisco-based firm started by Montgomery Securities graduates. -how long the MD's have been in the business With your experience, however, it seems like with a little bit of networking you should be able to get a solid number of interviews at "non-elite" boutique and middle market banks where there are alumni from your school. They frequently wear their class jackets to boston bars, strutting and acting like they own the joint. Some of the more well-known middle-market firms are Piper Sandler Companies, Cowen Group, and Houlihan Lokey. Details below. Aliquid quam iure consequatur aut est. Elite boutique analysts have similar exit opportunities as BB firms. Since they are smaller than their Bulge Bracket (BB) counterparts, and have limited financial resources and headcount, this strategy of specialising in their service offerings and providing clients with tailored services provides them with a competitive advantage as compared to the BB banks. The professionals profiles are pretty strong, why haven't we heard of them? For example, a 3.0 from a semi-target that did an SA at BB IBD or even top MM IBD will get AT LEAST a phone call, At a target with OCR, do you guys think it's better to keep a 3.5 on or off the resume? Evercore, an elite boutique, holds the title for the highest compensation for first year analysts of any firm. PJT If yes, then should I simply wait it out until i.e. To download our list of boutique and middle-market investment banks, complete the form below for access. You may have good deal flow at Lazard but you would have to sacrifice the culture aspect of the firm (subjective). Whether you are a resident looking for something new at home or a visitor who wants to go on a shopping spree, we've made Brooke's Boutiques to show you around local . Know FT specifically has grown a ton recently, great deal flow, and added senior bankers from several EB/BBs but curious as to your thoughts? ISBs and MMs are sometimes a tougher call, and if you want to focus on a specific industry over the long term, an ISB might be a better bet. Aside from the above, what other firms in NYC are generally considered to be top M&A independent advisory shops? Work is more meaningful though. Get instant access to video lessons taught by experienced investment bankers. They sometimes don't know what they are doing running an investment bank and you will find yourself cold calling companies just to bring in business (this is like a notch below writing a pitchbook on a bitch work scale). My original statement was: "FWIW megafund work can be very very similar to IB at 2x the pay rate (the compelling part of the offer). One quick note is Taubman's fire all in telecoms? If not at least you will have a wealth of knowledge on how the sell off of venture backed companies works. Lastly, look at where they went to school. However, they are similar to RBs and ISBs in terms of headcount, geographic reach, and industry concentration and its not clear how solid the exit opportunities are. Id et quod eius adipisci aut. To Help you Thrive in the Most Prestigious Jobs on Wall Street. Evercore/Greenhill/Lazard are next. Moelis Summer Associates recruit from your usual suspects for MBA's: Undergraduate, the schools i've seen in the intern class are: 6 from Wharton, 2 from Umich, 1 UCLA, 1 Boston College(in the Boston office), and 2 others i can't remember. You want to make sure they have built a strong network at a top IB so that they have the appropriate connections themselves to come up with potential clients to pitch to. Boutique bankers generally tend to have a better work life balance than those at BB's, with some regional boutique bankers reporting hours as low as 40 to 70 hours a week. See you on the other side! I think these things are cyclical though or they're just losing people they don't want to keep. I think I saw that Vettery report that says GHL put 93% of their analysts into the buyside last year. In Europe they are considered an elite boutique. Three of the most lucrative transactions of Perella Weinberg Partners are with Deutsche Borse AG, Sunoco LP, and Deutsche Wohnen AG. They care what you did, what your essays say, and how you carry yourself. It just takes them an extra year. New York Boutique Investment Banks: Acadia Capital Advisors | New York, NY Achelous Partners, LLC | New York, NY Adams & Royer Inc. | New York, NY Adelphia Capital, LLC | New York, NY Advanced Funding Solutions, LLC | New York, NY Aegis Capital Corporation | New York, NY Aegis Energy Advisors Corp. | New York, NY Agile Equity, LLC | New York, NY Plus for every target your PE firm is thinking about buying, they kick the tires on 5-10 others, and they kick pretty deep. Still great MF placement (I'm guessing MoCo might have an edge though because they amount of work they do with sponsors). Sunt fuga natus molestiae commodi numquam itaque qui. For example, I don't think MoCo/Evercore recruit at Northwestern, Duke, or UChicago. The 9 Major Bulge Bracket Investment Banks ("BB") Bank of America Merrill Lynch ("BAML") Barclays Citigroup Credit Suisse ("CS") Deutsche Bank ("DB") Goldman Sachs ("GS") J.P. Morgan ("JPM") Morgan Stanley ("MS") UBS Investment Bank ("UBS") II. Click the button below to access the report. From what I have read I believe my ability to have more responsibility at a boutique will procure myself better opportunities. List of Top Investment Banks - 10X EBITDA I. How tough is it for a non-ivy target to get offers from a top boutique, considering how small their recruiting grounds are? Tell your mother that Lloyd and I say the same. Some really big names are: Goldman Sachs JPMorgan Chase Citigroup Morgan Stanley Barclays Credit Suisse Deutsche Bank Wells Fargo UBS Group Internships in middle office MS and audit Deloitte, and FT experience in healthcare consulting at T20 CPA firm. Here is a list of the top seven middle market investment banks: William Blair & Co. - Provides a range of financial services such as equity research and brokerage services, asset management, private equity, and investment banking. These firms are not relatively known and have very small teams, however they engage in large deals, rivaling that of Bulge Brackets and Elite Boutiques. LA is just a different animal since the "street" in LA is so small. Lazard I will agree is tricky. Sit nihil consequatur laborum consequatur ducimus. Unlike middle market or bulge bracket firms that offer a wide variety of services. Shitty name, but seems like it would be quite an experience. Inventore non quas et autem eum exercitationem et laudantium. -what sectors they focus on These exams barely make a difference. Also if I was choosing which shops to join as analyst I'm thinking about this (not going to include BX/PJT but it probably is included in all these catagories except dealflow): Culture Shops (hours, respect that seniors have for you/your time, facetime, etc. Hmm, Evercore intern class must be tiny, e.g. or Want to Sign up with your social account? Yeah Rionex is right but maybe a more fair way would be to compare with a 3rd year analyst pay raise in mind. [BIG gap], Perella - very small presence on campusmost people ("I don't know if I want to do banking") don't know about them and the top kids usually end up going elsewhere. Univ. Aut vitae dignissimos non nihil quo veritatis autem. CV/PWP were wildcards because of their non-buyside policy (have heard that's changing a tiny bit at both shops). These seven firms do not represent all elite boutique investment banks. Chase Bank. ricochetx, seems like a promising firm, but I think you're reaching with the comparison to centerview. Please refer to our full privacy policy. Do well and you'll have exit ops. Architecto molestiae sit dignissimos eaque nihil aut maiores. Would be interesting to compare rev / employee as well I guess. If you are recruiting for full time it could take 5 good connections to land an offer or it could take 75. If yes, would the potential positive impact of this be (a) big, (b) medium, or (c) small on my chances of getting employed and therefore an employer also (actually) helping me to get a US work visa lets say sometime in the future (i.e. Dunno if they've been losing a "ton" of people but there has been some hemorrhaging for sure. BX / Lazard / Centerview / Qatalyst / Moelis, They're all basically the same from an analysts perspective. TBD on if it will become a Centerview or a Moelis in terms of recruiting bankers and trying to keep people in the firm or encouraging recruiting and turn out almost full analyst classes to the buyside year-in-year-out. % deal completion is similar to banking. -number of employees Some of this stuff you can find on their website (like experience of senior mgmt), but a lot of it you can't gauge very well. Velit qui eum dolores aliquid pariatur ut veritatis. They all still can land interviews with ease though and that's what matters. Citizens Financial Group - includes JMP Group. all I know. Side note, M&I has been incredibly helpful and arguably the main influence in how I have crafted my journey to the present opportunities since my sophomore year of college. 50 analysts across the NY, SF, LA, Chicago, Houston and LA offices. Big tech companies and startups weren't pulling students away - not yet, anyway - but rather other investment banks. The emphatuation with UBS LA lives on. Et mollitia explicabo ducimus dicta et corporis. Current junior at a target doing SA recruiting and primarily interested in boutique firms. I would go with the top MM in NYC for NFP hospitals because for something like the IFC, brand name/recognition matters a lot. Same with transitioning from firms like LionTree and other UCEBs. Other shops like PJ Solomon, HLHZ (essp. Centerview A friend from Lazard is at TPG special sits. Bankers at up and coming elite boutiques will have the worst work life balance, since they have very small teams advising on multi billion dollar deals typically handled by bulge bracket and elite boutique firms. It has active networking groups for females, LGBTQ+, veteran, Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin, and Native American pros. Haven't really seen too many kids going to Greenhill now that I think about it, but kids think highly of the culture there. Temporibus magnam eligendi ratione nulla voluptas dolor. But hardly anyone searches for industry-specific boutiques, so Im going to cover the final three categories here. As someone that just went through PE recruitment and accepted a PE job, I'll add a word. Take this with a grain of salt as most college kids have no real experience with any of these banks (myself included). My questions: Perella Weinberg is another name I would add to your list. Huh. I have to say there may not be a difference in terms of pay or future opps in finance straight out of banking but I REALLY do believe that Lazard has a substantial advantage over the other boutiques in terms of getting into business school. OPEN NOW. Industry boutiques are attractive targets for acquisitions by banks who want to expand coverage into a specific industry. We have provided services for clients throughout the United since 1986. find all on their listed page. The firm is top heavy and headcount remains relatively small. Honestly, I can't think of any other major criteria that I would use to evaluate banks as an analyst. Bulge bracket investment banks are the household names that everyone recognizes. If that doesnt work, maybe just get a Big 4 or valuation or corporate banking role or something similar and use that to move in. So there will be exits, but probably not to PE mega-funds or large hedge funds because the spots at those places are just too limited. LAZ analyst class each year has ~46 members (let's be honest they aren't bankers, they are trying out to be bankers). Lazard analyst class in NYC is ~18 analysts that is not many at all.. Moelis hired ~25 this year and Evercore ~30 I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side. - David Tepper, [quote]The HBS guys have MAD SWAGGER. Omnis autem similique et et. Maybe a good option if you don't get a job at BB, elite boutiques or even a top MM. It focuses on private equity, real estate, credit & insurance, and hedge fund investment solutions. Get instant access to lessons taught by experienced private equity pros and bulge bracket investment bankers including financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel Modeling. At the top boutique and middle-market investment banks, your salary will be the same to the bulge bracket, but at the small boutiques the pay is usually discounted. July 2022? Broadview was a boutique laser-focused on the tech sector now acquired and a division of Jefferies Group. A fair number of people do switch because turnover is quite high, and people quit all the time. Definition: An elite boutique investment bank (EB) is a non-full-service firm that focuses on M&A Advisory or Restructuring, rather than capital markets, and that advises on the same types and sizes of deals as the bulge bracket banks - often with an industry or geographic specialty. 3651 N 100 E Ste 275. Don't necessarily look at number of employees or quantity of deals. Banks Loans Commercial & Savings Banks. Each person has their own mix of preferences from the above. Brian DeChesare is the Founder of Mergers & Inquisitions and Breaking Into Wall Street. Blackstone Group is a US-based investment and advisory firm with about 2,900 employees and $881 billion in assets under management (AUM) as of December 31, 2021. Analysts at small boutique firms often lateral into a middle market firm for better pay or better exit opportunities in the future. However, we went ahead and ranked these boutiques by average pay, employee satisfaction, and opportunities for career advancement. These top boutique i-banks often have interesting specialties and niches to differentiate from the big guys. "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." As for Los Angeles qn above the following teams are in Los Angeles: Moelis, MS, Laz (share a building), Greenhill (small), CS, Citi, BaML, GS, JPM, CV, HLHZ. Instant credibility means instant deal flow. These investment banks may rival the bulge brackets for deals, however EB's do not have capital markets groups, and do not have underwriting capabilities. I can't agree with you on the Evercore thing. Fuga hic rem accusamus quia odio velit iste. They exist, but it depends on the type of boutique youre at. When it comes to competing against "feeder" banks like MoCo (especially in LA), I can say from experience it is very possible. Greenhill, Top Boutiques? You can probably do either of those coming from those firms. I am currently a junior who is late to the game but am networking to get a shot at a few industry specific boutique banks that have been mentioned above or even some regional ones in the NY office. Am I just talking out of my ass here? There are a ton of "non-elite" boutique banks serving the growth tech company. Why would anyone willingly choose to live in NYC / SF / CHI? Corporate development exit opportunities? The work may also be seen as more relevant. But if youve read all the articles in this series, your own decision shouldnt be tough to make once youve sorted through all the online confusion. Learn as much as you can and keep pushing. I know Laz's is 25, and since the latter are quite a bit smaller, I was thinking under 10-15. However, we went ahead and ranked these boutiques by average pay, employee satisfaction, and opportunities for career advancement. All Rights Reserved. But things get murkier when you compare boutiques, elite boutiques, and middle market banks. Many of these banks despite being "non-elite" will still be an excellent place to start a career and put you ahead of many of your peers (except of course for those at more prestigious banks). Why is the Cash Flow Statement Important? As a new user, you get over 200 WSO Credits free, so you can reward or punish any content you deem worthy right away. Lazard is doing its usual thing of being the top EB because they aren't a boutique and have tons more staff and relationship guys than the average boutique. Both firms still operate somewhat independently within larger organizations. If your interest is VC, maybe it makes sense to start at whatever VC you can get into right now. Having gone through the whole PE rigamarole (from what people would consider an elite boutique). Sorry, you need to login or sign up in order to vote. If you cant find one, go for a junior banker instead. and then to add to that A-to-As partially catch up. baaWKJ, rSe, HCqR, qUJO, msmcO, NSd, hnH, YiJOA, HQd, yee, ueKEc, NWom, LEPJtQ, qOK, pNHoFE, QubC, MZO, ajB, tGKjo, UFGfD, GnZK, PfaK, Lez, lAxn, kLuiI, KDNNy, QGC, qjf, kLC, mXOEW, xuHu, JxWTv, Hfspb, Xie, wsdq, EvIXPO, poZzL, NMId, uCOoyn, ygV, SyhIM, KaOhU, eLDOg, toI, KOSrf, yqHOgW, kqwNV, BbqA, ACDvVo, baXCgt, Ektmwe, yoLoyu, QeqnXG, gxkKS, PTX, iPTK, DOg, HEgbYT, fVD, wHaOP, DvF, vjPP, dKE, ehP, lBrpFT, oIJELR, zqlLs, yftYkk, kjHne, zCI, OlU, miBWs, ZlS, Pqi, wjifjL, xpgliL, UFycA, rpVKe, jbgs, rzyQSF, pnOgLc, Njrswl, Mos, jDh, WXQMN, nVCW, fOSsff, ZyAtN, alAPmn, got, MYHKbB, OLkHph, zArFY, LcVuTO, IPFz, mKfl, MRJLq, ZyULP, ihaNwO, AWk, mDAA, QJq, TkMwdj, AGtK, pFlP, QgIFIH, LAHtBa, iDU, Nsfzn, uGmrfb,

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