tkinter user interface

But just a quick reminder, here is the syntax to create and use a widget: You can also bind more complex commands to widgets using events: For more detail about all these things, check this: How to Build User Interfaces with Python Tkinter Basics. Its like a Slider, except you dont change its value with a drag and drop. Like all the widgets, the first parameter is the container of the Frame, then you can provide optional keywords arguments: Some parameters dont need comments as their purpose is obvious. It displays a number of options to the user as toggle buttons from which user can select any number of options. 1 2 3 4 from tkinter import* To create a Frame, you use the ttk.Frame class. Use this Tkinter Cheatsheet as a quick reference for widgets and how to implement them when building the perfect user interface for your application. For now, take a closer look at the Label widget. The Application object is always anticipating events as it runs an event listening loop. Creating a User Interface Using Tkinter (Python) Ask Question Asked 9 years, 4 months ago Modified 3 years, 11 months ago Viewed 1k times 2 I looked through a tutorial on using Tkinter and saw that the following code: >>> from Tkinter import * >>> win=Tk () This should produce a box with the title Tk and nothing else. textvariable is a parameter used to specify the variable displayed by the widget. Tkinter Tutorial: This Tkinter tutorial blog will help you start learning about the Tkinter library in Python and give you an in-depth insight into how Python is used to create Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) applications. GUI elements and their functionality are defined in the Tkinter module. Steps to follow: Importing the module - Tkinter Create the main window (container) Add any number of widgets to the main window Apply the event Trigger on the widgets. ", command=clicked), main_window.bind("