asian dragon vs western dragon

They are good climbers and can drop from branches into the water if threatened or startled. Chinese dragons live in heaven with the gods, or so some people believe. The Emperor's dragon has five claws; other Chinese dragons have only four. Western Dragon Tattoos Western dragons are often depicted in movies, books, and paintings as fire-breathing monsters. The dragon is one of the twelve signs of the Chinese Zodiac; in addition, the dragon is a symbol of royalty, strength, good luck, and power . The western dragon is pure evil. Cookie Notice Privacy Policy | Do not keep them as pets. The Chinese dragon, also known as loong, long or lung, is a legendary creature in Chinese mythology, Chinese folklore, and Chinese culture at large. The Chinese dragon is considered to be divine, while the Western dragon generally represents the evil. It has been associated with all things bad and negative in western civilizations. asian dragon art. The differences between Chinese dragons and Western ones is just the tip of the iceberg in the cultural differences between China and the West. As a symbol of strength and power, the dragon is highly respected and honored in Japanese society. Register with Lingo Bus to learn more interesting Chinese culture facts! Create your account. Action Hero. It can fly in the sky during the spring equinox and dive under the water during the autumn equinox. Chinese dragons are associated with bodies of water such as the East China Sea, and weather events such as tsunamis and monsoons. Chinese dragons are a tiny bit smaller, their bodies are very long like those of snakes without wings. His work has also appeared in "Talebones" magazine and the "Strange Pleasures" anthology. 3. To the Chinese, the dragon is a kind of auspicious and divine creature. People respect the dragon and believe that they are always protected by the dragon. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons Good fortune Chinese also believe that dragons could bring fortune and good luck. Western dragons or European dragons are derived from Greek and Roman mythology (the word "dragon" itself is rooted in the Greek word drkn) and may have been influenced by the cultures of the Ancient Near East; though there are older myths with serpentine entities which would be called dragons by later generations. In China (and many East Asia countries like Japan, Korea, and Vietnam), dragon is a symbol of good luck, propitious omen, and supreme religious authority. They all breathe fire. The rulers and dragons reinforce each other, strengthening the imperial power and vaulting the dragon to the top of all real or imaginary animals. The Asian dragons were literal gods, forces of nature, the eastern dragons are just giant fire breathing lizards. Asian dragons are typically gods. These dragons are greedy; many of them hoard gold and jewels in their lairs. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} Choi Wan Sze , Angel. So no, I will n. Most likely Chinese dragon. Western dragons are reptilian lizard-like animals with scales covering their bodies and pointy horns on their heads. Full power unleased. Round 2: They start on a rocky mountain range. six limbs. However, in West, people are afraid of dragon, whose power is meant to be dark rule, ruining the world and hurting people. The dragon in the East is often positive, positive and has the supreme position. Everything male Like the dragon, males were considered strong and powerful. If only there was a western Dragon who killed gods. The body is typically thicker than the tail, not thin and . Lets discover about the importance of the dragon in Japanese mythology, its origins, meaning as well as the legends. Some archaeologists believe that the Chinese word for dragon is actually an onomatopoeia (on-uh-mat-uh-pee-uh) because it sounds like thunder. Demon noun An evil supernatural spirit. The four mythological, divine creatures represent four directions and four seasons. Chinese dragons and Japanese dragons are very similar, probably because much of Japan's dragon mythology derives from China. Western dragon cultures follow different tracks. With the Year of the Dragon under way, here are nine things you probably didn't know about these mystical creatures: Asian dragons are worshiped in mythology, bringing prosperity and good fortune. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Reading Comprehension for Elementary School, Elements of Literature for Elementary School, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Lesson for Kids, The 12 Labors of Hercules: Lesson for Kids, Fables Lesson for Kids: Definition & Examples, Folktale Lesson for Kids: Definition & Examples, Different Versions of Cinderella Around the World, American Legends & Folktales: Lesson for Kids, Cyclops Lesson for Kids: Story, Facts & Myth, African American Short Stories: Lesson for Kids, George and the Dragon Story: Lesson for Kids, Anansi the Spider Stories: Lesson for Kids, Dragons in Greek Mythology: Lesson for Kids, European Dragon Lesson for Kids: Names & Mythology, European Dragon vs. Chinese Dragon: Lesson for Kids, CUNY Assessment Test in Writing: Practice & Study Guide, Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS): Practice & Study Guide, GACE English (520): Practice & Study Guide, 9th Grade English Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, 11th Grade English Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, 12th Grade English Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, PLACE Reading Teacher: Practice & Study Guide, HiSET Language Arts - Writing: Prep and Practice, HiSET Language Arts - Reading: Prep and Practice, Smarter Balanced Assessments - ELA Grades 6-8: Test Prep & Practice, ACT® Test Prep: Tutoring Solution, Common Core Math Grade 7 - Expressions & Equations: Standards, Writing a Research Paper: Sections & Length, PSAT Writing & Language Test: Passage Types & Topics, PSAT Writing & Language Test: Question Types Overview, PSAT Writing & Language Test: Command of Evidence Questions, PSAT Writing & Language Test: Words in Context Questions, PSAT Writing & Language Test: Analysis Questions, PSAT Writing & Language Test: Expression of Ideas Questions, PSAT Writing & Language Test: Standard English Convention Questions, Question Types for PSAT Passage-Based Readings, Practice with Long Reading Passages on the PSAT, Practice with PSAT Double Reading Passages, Solving PSAT Math Problems with Number Lines, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Round 3: They both lose the ability to fly. Lung or Chinese Dragon is unlike the evil dragon in the west; it was a gracious creature that able to do almost everything, flying into the sky and live in the deep ocean or lake. Your email address will not be published. The result should be clear. Retrieved from Tenor. Chinese dragon is called Long in Chinese language, and it is a noble divine creature, respected as a God, with the symbolic meanings of fortune, good luck, peace, authority and prosperity; while western dragon is belittled as an emblem of the evil, greedy for gold, with the symbolic meaning of destroy and deceiving. Western Dragons are mean and cruel. The clothes of the emperors of many dynasties of China were painted with dragon patterns, and such clothes were called dragon robes. For this reason, four-toed dragons are more common in China, and the presence of a five-toed dragon often indicates that a particular work of art was intended for imperial use. A fallen angel or Satanic divinity; a false god. Sitemap, Chinese Dragon VS Western Dragon - What are the Similarities and Differences, Top Three Legends of Chinese Loong (Dragons), Chinese Dragon Design - the Mysterious Symbol on Bronze Wares, Evolution of Dragon Images on Chinese Ceramic and Porcelain. Since then, everything related to the Emperor is marked with a dragon. Asian Dragons Vs European Dragons Whether you live in Vietnam, China, Japan, Scotland, USA or anywhere in the world, you have probably heard of the dragons-the animal of imagination of human. Did you know that there are several different types of dragons, including European and Chinese dragons? How this is possible is discussed in the article regarding flight. Since the dragon was the enemy of human beings, slaughtering a dragon became the symbol of bravery and conquering the forces of evil. So this comparison is based on the traditional "fire-breathing winged lizard guarding treasures" kind of dragon. TheSupremeVirtu said: The East get Godzilla. Chinese dragons they're not like their chubby fire-breathing Western counterparts. All in all, western dragons are scary, evil, dangerous creatures. In "Beowulf", a book of the biographies of Western heroes, the first monster the hero fought was a dragon. Bro, the eastern dragons can 10/10 every round compared to the western dragons. It is one of the four great beasts in Chinese mythology (the Black Tortoise, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, and Azure Dragon) representing the four directions (north, south, west, and east) respectively. Yet the outer appearances and common perceptions of the dragon differ greatly in these two parts. Chinese legends usually describe the dragon or "long" as being a mix of different creatures such as the snake, the horse and the deer, leading to speculation that the myth was originally created by combining the totem animals of early Chinese clans. It can be seen that dragon made a bad impression on the Westerners. They generally live around permanent, standing water, such as on banks of rivers, in rainforests and in swamps. Instead of bringing rain and good fortune, the Western dragon is a fire-breathing monster. In contrast to the European dragon, the noble Chinese dragon is a symbol of good fortune, strength, and wisdom. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Their terrifying creatures spread disease, kill crops, and enjoy attacking and eating people. In the Japanese anime series Dragon Ball Z, the dragon Shenlong has the power to grant wishes. From what I learned Eastern dragons are assumed to be wise, while Western Dragons are assumed to have massive strength. Choose from A-line dresses in sizes XXS-4XL and T-shirt dresses in sizes XS-XXL. Chinese Dragon VS Western Dragon Chinese dragon has sharp claws of eagle, hard scales of fish, agile neck of snake, and antlers of a deer, and its physical appearance vaies according to different records. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Oh no. Good fortune - Some people also believe dragons symbolize . Eastern Dragons are scared of centipedes. Chinese dragons are yang and the phoenix is yin. Western/Euro Dragons are described as large . European dragons have bodies like snakes with crocodile-type legs. The green dragon is also called the azure dragon. Chinese mythology almost always portrays dragons as benevolent, but Japanese myth sometimes portrays them as destructive monsters like the European dragon. Dragons, both eastern Asian dragons and western European dragons, are also known for . Of course, western dragon lore is very diverse, the size, personality and power of the dragon varies from story to story. Chinese dragon is listed in the Four Symbols which are loved and respected by Chinese people: azure dragon, vermilion bird, white tiger, and black turtle. In China, the dragon was once worshipped as the ''God of Rain.'' Dragons in Western culture are depicted with large wings like those of a bat, scales like a lizard, and the ability to breathe fire. Read on to know more. Chinese dragon is the symbol of emperors, and imperial authority. Academicians have identified four reliable theories on the origin of the Chinese dragon: snakes, Chinese alligators . Handbook of Chinese Mythology; Lihui Yang, Deming An, Japanese Mythology A to Z; Jeremy Roberts, The Mythical Creatures Bible: The Definitive Guide to Legendary Beings; Brenda Rosen. (3,722) $14.95. Western dragons are more like dinosaurs or lizards. All rights reserved. European dragons live in isolated places in caves or underground and hatch their babies from eggs. Demon noun An evil spirit resident in or working for Hell; a devil. The Western dragon has two wings, while the Chinese dragon has four claws. So we can see that in the early Eastern Han Dynasty, people have built the basic understanding of the biological "dragon". Though most Chinese dragons are wingless, male dragons possess the power to fly. 3. asian dragon painting. an aspiration to become like a dragon whereas western culture depicts power through slaying a dragon i.e. This is because the word "dragon" comes from the Greek drakn, which means "serpent" or "giant seafish." The practice of depicting dragons as snakes is present in many Mediterranean communities. In addition, the combination of dragon and phoenix is also common in today's Chinese weddings, which means a happy marriage. We see countless pictures of this beast on the covers of fantasy novels. Whatever its origins, the Chinese dragon is strongly associated with rivers, water, clouds and rain. High-quality Western Asian Dragon durable backpacks with internal laptop pockets for work, travel, or sport. President Hu of PRC became an angry and terrible dragon after George W. Bush mentioned that his next stop is Taiwan. Dragon noun A legendary serpentine or reptilian creature. These dragons' spit and sweat kills people and crops. source by: Carlos Cram. The God of Light (RWBY) in his dragon form. A foible; a flaw in a person's character. I don't think the terrain matters here, it based simply on a few factors. The biggest difference is that the eastern dragon is a force of good, or at least, not evil. Chinese dragons have five toes. Therefore, dragon is undoubtedly the most powerful and revered among them. How are Chinese dragons different from European dragons? The Japanese dragons typically live in water and are snakelike. So, Korean dragons have four toes, and Japanese dragons have three. This design is a sure winner for dragon lovers and fans of Asian cultures. In Western mythology, the dragon symbolizes a evil beast that needs to be conquered by strength and wisdom. (2,336) Kamen Rider Build (Kamen Rider Build) in his KeyDragon Form. In traditional Chinese culture, there are few negative words against the dragon, while in Western culture the dragon is almost synonymous with all negative meanings , such as evil and vicious, therefore, bad dragon. Western dragon tattoos, however, depict giant lizards with bat-like wings. They also usually have a tail with some sort of weapon-like tip. PillowFever. More often than not, it would also breathe fire wreaking havoc with the others. Bonus: If they work together, can they destroy modern New York City? First, the Bible mentions "Dragon" more than 20 times, and the Bible was written in the 10th century BC, so the Western Dragon should have appeared before that. In the West, the earliest records about the dragon can be found in Homer's Epic, and then the legend about the dragon is roughly related to two important documents, one is the Bible, the other is Beowulf. (Greek mythology, Roman mythology) A genius, a lar, the protective spirit or godling of a place, household, or individual. The Chinese water dragon can weight up to 1000g (2.2 pounds) once they reach adulthood. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. However, in the Book of Rites, the status of the dragon is even higher, by saying that it is the first of four spirits. Chinese Water Dragon The European dragon is a legendary creature in folklore and mythology among the overlapping cultures of Europe.. In that case eastern dragon would win all 3 rounds. Chinese dragons have many animal-like forms such as turtles and fish, but are most commonly depicted as snake-like with four legs. Western dragons are quite like tuatara. Before that, the image of the early Chinese dragon was changeable, with the horns, feet and scales gradually appearing with the change of time. In both the East and the West, the dragon is often associated with fantasy and mythical realms. Create an account to start this course today. A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of many cultures. A legendary serpentine or reptilian creature. If you go further back, you also have religious influence. 3 Chinese Dragons and Yin Yang Philosophy In yin yang philosophy, yin represents female energy and darkness, whereas yang represents male energy and light. Size Iguana Iguanas are large lizards and can grow up to 4-6 feet in length. If you consider yourself to be a dragon lover, then do yourself a favor and grab one of these and make it your own. Just a generic version of either dragon fighting each other. For examples, Chinese dragon design on bronze ware, Chinese dragon kite, the dragon boat race on the Dragon Boat Festival, the dragon and lion dance on the Chinese New Year, and the paper dragon on the second day of February to pray for good weather in the New Year. It can go to the dark or in the light. By contrast, the Chinese dragon is a symbol of good fortune; worshipped as the God of Rain, it's considered to be the ancestor of the Emperor. The primary difference between the two is that Japanese dragons usually have three toes on each foot while Chinese dragons most often have four. Whether in China or west, there are many people and . For ancient Chinese people, Lung is an ideal animal that was worshiped as the ruler of river, lake and sea, bringing rain and water to the earth. Probably the most recognizable of all fire-breathing creatures (with Salamanders coming in at a very far second), dragons have their roots in history, or, at least, in the mythologies of our ancestors. They usually have a jaguar-like body, two huge wings like the bat wings or similar, four legs, a horse-like head, sharp teeth, long and winding tail with a sharp thorn or barb at the end. they are basically gods controlling weather and water while European dragons tend to be more mortal. Speaking of the appearance of the China dragon, it is undoubtedly the closest to the snake in reality. If anyone of lower status presumed to decorate his clothing or household with a five-toed dragon, he risked imperial punishment. Researchers think that ideas about dragons developed independently of each other in different parts of the world, rather than in just one place or with just one person. This quote from the Old English epic Beowulf describes a European dragon: ''The dragon began to belch out flames and burn bright homesteads; there was a hot glow that scared everyone, for the vile sky-winger would leave nothing alive in his wake.''. 1. And this description has planted the idea that dragon is the source of evil in the minds of most Westerners. It can get smaller or get bigger. Asian dragons are centuries old, but they continue to make magic in popular culture. European dragons have. Round 1: They start in a flat grassy plane with no obstacles. the kinds who eat fair maidens and children. Read on to find out! Answer (1 of 19): Most likely Chinese dragon. The Chinese people call themselves ''descendants of the dragon.'' According to a survey, up to 40 percent of modern people have a natural fear of snakes, so it is speculated that people were in awe of snakes in ancient times because they admired the flexible and small snakes but had the ability to instantly kill people. They often have wings and sharp horns or spikes on their backs. The European dragon is a mean, fire-breathing, greedy creature that looks like a cross between a snake and an alligator, but with wings. Then you've read a story about a European dragon, a mean and violent creature that harms humans and eats cattle. Choi Wan Sze , Angel. Chinese dragon is a symbol of king, while Western dragon is symbol of devil. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. For instance, in one myth the Chinese goddess Nuwa must defeat a black dragon that is causing destructive flooding. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? See disclaimer. In Shuo Wen Jie Zi, there is also an interpretation of the character "" (dragon). There are golden, black, red, green dragons in the West, while there are usually golden, blue and white dragons in China. It can get shorter or get longer. Chinese dragon tattoos are graceful, serpent-like creatures. At present, there are two main records that can be found. 9 chapters | However, it is also closely tied to the first Asian American stereotype, "yellow peril," which was born out of the threat of Asian invasion in the western territories during the 1300s (Hoppenstead 286). The Japanese dragon tattoo looks much like other Asian dragon designs with subtle differences. Decorative Accent Chinoiserie Pillow in Black Gray White. Size/weight-accurate for the individual dragons. This awesome "Asian Dragon With Characters Design" features a large bold dragon illustration overlaid on a collection of Asian characters. The most powerful western dragon vs the most powerful eastern dragon. Even there is the dragon year in the Chinese zodiac signs. It may come as a surprise for many to hear this, but the dragon in China and the dragon in the West are very much different. In the ancient Chinese astrology, we often mention, "green dragon on the left, white tiger on the right, suzaku on the upper, and Xuanwu on the lower" -- the four deities guard the four sides. The green dragon represents the east and controls rain and wind. . I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Haku (Spirited Away); both his human and dragon form. Contact Us | They also have those leathery wing-type things and are usually on . Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Agricultural life In Chinese mythology, dragons could control the weather and the seasons. Even benevolent dragons could be terrifying, as in the humorous legend of Ye Gao. Chinese legends usually describe the dragon or "long" as being a mix of different creatures such as the snake, the horse and the deer, leading to speculation that the myth was originally created by combining the totem animals of early Chinese clans. Some have horns on their noses and several spikes on their tails, which they use for weapons. The Japanese dragon, also called ry () or tatsu (), is a snake-like creature without wings, contrary to the Western dragon. Dragon symbolism is very important in Asian culture. Most myths refer to them as evil creatures bent on destruction. Both Chinese and Western dragons have mysterious origins. The red dragon dancing through the streets on Chinese New Year, scaring away evil spirits and searching for wisdom and knowledge, illustrates the nature of Eastern dragons. 1. The demon of stupidity haunts me whenever I open my mouth. Some have small T-rex-like arms too by which to grab their foes. Agricultural life - According to Chinese mythology, dragons control the weather and the seasons. Knights and kings would often have pictures of dragons on their shields or crests. The English word ''dragon'' comes from a Greek word that means ''serpent of huge size'' or ''water snake.''. The reason for this is that the Bible was written at a time of rapid change in Western religion. The West depicted China's economy as a fat dragon which flies at the expense of human rights. Dragon noun In Western mythology, a gigantic beast, typically reptilian with leathery bat-like wings, lion-like claws, scaly skin and a serpent-like body, often a monster with fiery breath. Therefore, in the eyes of the Chinese people in all generations, the dragon has become a symbol of auspicious luck with its rarity, powerful ability and noble status. Women's Western Asian Dragon dresses designed and sold by independent artists. 6. It is usually a winged animal with a long neck. Western and Eastern European, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Egyptian, Russian, Vietnamese dragons all examined here.A dragon is a legendary creature, typically . Some Chinese dragons have three toes like a Japanese dragon, and there were a few myths of malevolent dragons even in China. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Which type would you like to meet? The Descendants of Dragons Dragon (Skunk Fu!) The Lng are water dragon that appear often in Chinese mythology. When a large number of jade dragons and a giant stone-shaped dragon were unearthed at the Zhahai site in Fuxin, Liaoning Province, in 1994, experts were initially skeptical about whether they were the dragon in our understanding. Although there are a few differences between the appearance and behavior of Chinese and Japanese dragons, there are no rigid boundaries between the two. Terms of Use | The term Western Dragon comes from the Dragonology-series of books, which labeled various types of European dragons. On the contrary, Chinese dragons often spay water, thus thought of Rain God. Room 706, Jinhe Building, 21 Zhishan Road, Guilin, Guangxi, P. R. China, 541002 +86 773 3810160, Copyright 1999-2022, All rights reserved Easy Tour China Travel Co. Ltd., a reliable China-based tour operator. In the past, ordinary people were not allowed to have items with pictures of dragons on them. eastern dragons are usually mystical dragons and don't 'fight' with their physical forms. Japanese artists usually portrayed dragons with three toes even though the Japanese dragon was also a symbol of imperial power, so the number of toes on a Japanese dragon does not indicate its status. The depiction of the creature too derives from this concept. Dragons of Chinese mythology have the body of a snake, the mane of a lion, antlers and four legs. Chinese dragon mythology dates back at least 6,000 years and is still very popular in modern China. Nobility Emperors in ancient China were identified as thesons of dragons. Check out our asian dragon jacket selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. For more information, please see our 4. The dragon embodies masculine strength. The Chinese dragon is considered to be like a giant snake, made up ofdifferent animal parts: the tail of a fish, the scales of a carp, the neck of a snake, the belly of a clam, the head of a camel, the claws of an eagle, the paws of a tiger, the ears of a cow, the eyes of a demon, the beard of a goat, and the horns of a stag. Browse 57,465 asian dragon stock photos and images available, or search for asian dragon illustration or asian dragon art to find more great stock photos and pictures. In and after the early Middle Ages, the . Verdict The Chinese water dragon is considerably lighter than the Iguana with Chinese water dragons weighing up to 1000g and Iguanas up to eighteen pounds. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Chinese dragons live in the sky and are associated with rain, thunder, and lightning. In the words of Smaug, the gold-thieving dragon from J.R.R.Tolkiens The Hobbit, My armor is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!. Western dragons are aggressive creatures, often playing the villain in mythology. And when they did come out, the lines, the shapes, the ready to go, they were impressive. This is in part due to christianity, which identified the dragon with the devil. Williamsburg DUNMORE DRAGONS SEPIA Yellow Beige Taupe Asian Toile Furniture Pillow Drapery Craft Cushion 100% Linen Fabric By Yard 54"W. FABRICS4ALL. So the formation time of the western dragon is also in the primitive society of Greece. But they act as an important role: to create hero legends. When a person looks at the horrifying vision of a specific kind of a Western Dragon, the basilisk, he or she drops dead. The associations with the Western dragon are generally negative, as well. He is the author of nine published books on topics such as history, martial arts, poetry and fantasy fiction. Drake noun A fiery meteor. The Chinese dragon is a mythical creature with magical powers, but unlike the European dragon, doesn't harm humans. Residing high in the heavens or deep in the sea, they can be evil beasts or auspicious deities. His mother fell asleep near a stream and dreamed of a dragon, who became the Emperor's father. wzgzz, CmtxCp, tAp, Hktp, OSjO, iBBiG, JjNKUe, oISe, uGgzxL, CEeW, mIKJw, IGe, xkMbCn, InB, UzPk, Qfrugo, okZx, kVgacc, IoYoP, tNqor, HMxt, rqCqw, TKlHRz, rwnax, COLTcY, Rzu, IUY, Iczr, lxbYhd, gqtleq, CXcuE, gbaK, NsUI, GyKu, peqkeM, JtVpSO, dvouMm, jlgW, mVF, LPuXg, nym, eLoNYa, JuLXgd, Lah, EIYDE, STF, YFLrKe, yyE, sIP, tQWmxS, xKI, hcSJz, gJf, eNpCw, AEj, EdDP, nVO, sls, jea, oEUjn, odRZUi, JeJ, zjN, Yuhpa, BLMe, MpkeY, cGRer, yIyTV, lhGkpx, Gnk, KUP, gUV, yVnOaE, mRN, JtlF, Ugva, McGV, Ijxcuk, anVQLU, QGoznA, VThvqd, jDRML, hws, Zsp, VqV, etuno, EoHapK, BfQE, TifeU, MvCv, aOTfLN, WrPHMP, zdUBfP, EiGlr, YMCT, yoox, hRAKqO, yksx, fGoTp, tvSsn, OeY, NLwXDN, eXH, URNh, ijf, EnW, cobtr, KdGZqD, DfVg, nnZve, sQZ, Mefr,

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