banana sexually asexually

I immediately called him he did not answer but I did leave a message on his voice mail to clarify if it is so that his site is going to expire half of 2010 and that he should put down a comment on DI about it. Written by Christopher S. Putnam on 20 January 2008. and finally, one that Im sure youre familiar with.. Unskilled and Unaware of It Two Italian amateur radio operators listen in to the top secret Soviet space programs radio communications, and might have proof that the Soviets covered up more than a few deaths in Earth orbit. This is the same perspective we need to hold onto for ourselves. Watchman: and that is for me unacceptable, and thankfully we live in a free country with free opinion. cuttings rather than seeds, the banana tree itself did evolve as a I want to see another book. (makes another banana milkshake before its too late.). This one isnt really a challenge to connect to pie, though. Heres hoping for more. No; maybe; and abso-freaking-lutely! Keep in mind that its work in progress so not everything works as of yet. I was just reading Misfit his comment, and felt really good about his idea. Hermetically sealed farming of food crops in high worldwide demand is never likely to become a viable approach. This startles the young monk, but the elder monk counsels that you cannot find any solution when you are so full of confusion. With all respect to you Jason and Your Brother Alan. I hope someone hits you with a car. In the Course it says that we think that without our ego, all would be chaos. A carcinogen is a cancer-causing agent. Subject matter? Yes my bad that i wrote Alan wrong, but it still concerns me that DI expires on Juli 29 2010. Its been an absolute pleasure from start to finish :), THEY ARE EVERYWHERE !!! Who the hell do you think you are? All text/images/media copyright their respective creators It is an essential process for plant reproduction. Doing it with GE (at the moment) amounts to finding and switching on various big dog genes in an egg/sperm, impregnating a dog, and hoping to Christ that you dont get a viral superdog that can blight bananas into extinction. A friend of mine was hanging out with a buddy and his little kid, and they had a brown banana laying around. The Course tells us we see nothing as it is now. I have bought another one of the books as a Christmas gift, but the people Ive given books to are also wondering why the site is dead. I suppose the most interesting thing at this point is thinking that I am part of some grand (or not so grand) experiment is seeing how people react when fascinating stimuli they enjoy partaking of is no longer available and how long they will return to the same feeding trough even when it is empty. Considering that IP addresses are supposed to run out soon, the Brothers Bellows might want to consider renting this address to someone, when and if the addresses do run out. Calm down. All that is needed is to find people that are interested enough to create good, well-written articles. flower So be patient and have faith in the site you still visit on a regular basis. I dont care however. Anyway, food for though. Jason Bellows wrote on, 18 March 2010 at 11:57 am, #308 Jason Bellows 22 March 2010 at 08:23 am reply, Well, here it is. A sign? I finally registered to post this comment in order to weigh in on the ongoing lack of articles discussion. Of course this says nothing about about future activity on the site. Miss your writing, Alan. They are meticulously tested before even considering being used. Do banana is sexual or asexual Advertisement Answer 3 prncsscstr11 Answer: Sexual po In nature, bananas reproduce through sexual reproduction. KarmaPolice You really are a dick. Sucked and spat out like a half-eaten smartie. Very interesting article thanks a lot! Watchman: This separation is often due to the action of water drops or wind., Alan Bellows 08 October 2009 at 10:50 pm reply. I remember signing yours Alan, Bryan and I had all met for dinner, and were desperately trying to keep buffalo sauce from the pages. Please add your comments there: Kejawas sugestion is good. I hope you find your happy place soon. Just kidding, well just post one or two articles and then abandon the site again. Best we can do is add our own encouragement, links, knickknacks, and absurdities into the comments to make it worthwhile for the average DI devotee to check back every once in a while. Raketemensch I loved the article on the lost cosmonauts Is this officially the end of DamnInteresting? The abuse though that the bar staff got during those time-outs!! I understand the basis of and agree with your comments. What happened guys? Transplanting genes in whatever way to some organism (plant, animal, yeast, bacteria) is nothing more but a quicker way to introduce mutations, that might otherwise have occured naturally after a vast time period, or that could have been happening sooner due to selective breeding (which happens all the time for all kinds of plants and animals, e.g: humans created the dog race. I caught the eye of Jones coach and just shook my head, he says. the stamen is present or the female reproductive part is the pistil is present. I know a few people who would love the book! I dont think your posts are informative or interesting, but its not my place to say it on a public forum open to everyone. What gives you the right to be so vicious to somebody whos only crime was to stop writing Im getting tired of checking back every few weeks to see if theres a new article or at least some reason for the lack there-of. Theres this hilarious British show called QI with plenty of interesting factoids to quench your palate. It was not the only positive email I have received regarding the rumored Damn Demise, but this one struck a chord and prompted me to explain myself a bit. and size must be held at practical minimum, but not so with a house. At least give us an update on why nothing happens or let your guest writers make an article or two. Sperm cells are produced inside pollen grains. Bananas and plantains(cultivar of Musa) are propagated vegetatively rather than sexually because nearly all cultivated varieties are seedless, and fruits develop parthenocarpically (in the absence of seed development). Frank, Im sure you are going to post some half-baked, essentially meaningless retort; so, please, try and at least make it intelligible. Jason: Reposting without the link: Someone who always wanted to build something unusual has built a Banana Car. Its peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time Thanks for that one. Unfortunately this site has gone the way of many others that got a book published. That would be worse than complete neglect. Anonymousx2: Take my word for it, Im broke. Hmm. Its impossible to prove a direct link between what people are reading and watching and what they report as UFOs, but one interpretation could be that the latest advances in technology may be influencing what people see in the sky, he said. Between these two products of nature, the former produces unpalatable fruit flesh, and the latter is far too seedy for enjoyable consumption. I enjoy bananas as much as the next individual, but I really hope scientists put cancer ahead of bananas on the Stuff to Fix list. Usually by taking a paragraph taken from the previous article, changing all of the nouns, and then dumping it in as the seed paragraph of the current article. The object was not to make money but to have the kind of party that we would like to be at ourselves. Fear doesnt make life exciting; it makes it exhausting. Cool. While these other varieties display more genetic variability, all come from the same sterile Musa hybrids which so delighted our forebears thousands of years ago. Techbalang Gadget and Computer Security. Made public Thursday, the files are the fifth collection of records about unidentified flying objects to be released by the Ministry of Defense and The National Archives as part of a project to open the files up to a wider audience. ;), Still, the theory of fruits being optimized for human consumption really doesnt explain coconuts or pineapples. It wont be back, ever. get in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We spend so much time in the company of fear but no one likes it. Listen in to to hear what might be the last transmission of a Soviet woman cosmonaut who died upon re-entry. I revel in your impending doom, banana bread! Final comment (my usual): The book is great. So I will refer you to this: God bless you all, Ill check in again one of these days. Finally after a few hours the other monk could not keep his mouth shut any longer. However, I also dont think it is good to put pressure on the owners of the site to keep adding content if they cant or dont want to Hey Guys dont get me wrong here i do not want to be disrespectful towards anyone. I look forward to more articles in the future and Im glad you are beginning to sort out the things that have been bothering you. I suggest that you read The Unburdened Mind again. You are being harsh and it serves no purpose. His plan is to tour the world on a mission to raise awareness about deep vein thrombosis. anything?. It is the same situation we have with apples eating only Red Delicious and missing out on any real apple taste, or with beer drinking only Bud Light and thinking you have experienced the taste of beer. Again thanks, Frank G. Frank, this was my first post ever on here, and I didnt mention any names. Im looking forward to when Damn Interesting officially returns. Sealed habitats for farming projects have a variety of problems. See also this related article by Jon Michaud:, (In the latter article, you can find a link to a 2008 NPR audio interview with Dan Koeppel, author of Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World.). The final nail was some of the comments in this thread, come on guys. She was in great distress, for she needed to get across the stream but she could not swim. One hundred and fifty-FIRST! GM product can be dangerous if they arent regulated (like just about anything else) but for the most part they are safe. Why not do something constructive and write an article for the site Ive provided, or, at the very least, write one here? I have no idea what family politics or whatever is within the behind the scenes world of DI are, but its a true shame you cant get the keys to the house here Jason. For most other blunders, theres no smiling whatsoever. If nothing else, these advances offer hope that science will one day overcome the unfortunate sexual inadequacies of the banana. Or,; might also be @ Hellooo, yes not the correct grammar but i dont care. I learned of Teslas awesomeness and that the American standards Champion toilet can flush some 40 golf balls in a single 1.3 gallon flush. Stuck with the clunky, inefficient cloning of asexual reproduction, the sterile banana is at a serious disadvantage in the never-ending biological arms race between plant and pest. I agree with Bananaman and Korbor. Garlic, onions and tulip plants all reproduce using true bulbs. Did yall forget the password to the Editing program? I imagine that many of these same people also expect doctors, attorneys, and CPAs to work either for free or for a greatly reduced fee. I am sick to death of everyone on the Internet expecting everything for free. and a link to his blog at They grow at least 6 different varieties (some locals say the best are grown by Cyril, the proprietor of the Cyrils Snack Stand in Jamestown). Banana eugenics has brought us to the brink of a bananapocalypse and yet the fruits last best hope lies in GMOseugenics on steroidswhich have so far proven to be a far less predictable and far more destructive trial-and-error science? ), Britain releases new UFO files, The fact is miracles are happening all the time; what has gone wrong is our unwillingness to notice them. It happened in October 1996, when the officers saw strange rotating red, blue, green and white flashing lights in the sky, the report said. Damn Interesting, Indeed! will lose its raison dtre. So I HAVe A NOTHER personn here ( zeemayla ) who now,,, has a problemmm with my grammar!!! ( Mighty Mantes Written by Jason Bellows on 29 October 2005 ) I forget sometimes that youre not too bright, and that I need to walk you through things. This is the banana found in the supermarkets, splits, and milkshakes of the developed world. It take Remember, just because you cant reproduce doesnt mean you cant have sex. Although it has enjoyed some public acceptance in Australia, it suffers from the drawbacks of a distinctly different, non-Cavendish flavour, and a longer maturation time. :P. Poster #9 beat me to it. Biosphere 2 failed in a whole lot of interesting ways. Getting caught in the fear that often surrounds a situation does nothing for us it neither solves the problem nor helps us to feel the peace that will allow us to be open to another way. I like odd stories, Wallechinsky says. A ship in The Wash, a bay near Boston, also saw the lights, and at the same time RAF air defense radars picked up the blip over Boston, the report said. Strawberry plants reproduce asexually through their stolons, also known as runners. Todays update: $150 million Jungle Jackpot Albeit not inpossible, I dont believe it warrants any serious discussion on a site designed to promote stimulating conversation. Here ya go honey: I told my girl that this article said she had to have sex or her teeth would fall out. DI Readers. Well, why not? Sweet irony. Or tell it to the Norwegians that wiped out a third of their arctic fisheries by using GMO krill. Its quite clear your priorities dont lie with rewarding your fans for all their support and any sinking in readership or revenue this site or your book receives from your lack of commitment is quite well-deserved. Well that certainly blows one creationists argument away. Arab traders carried these new wonderfruit to Africa, and Spanish conquistadors relayed them onwards to the Americas. Anonymousx2 good point. If you are not able, thanks for all that you have been able to give. :(. On the previous version of this site, all the article IDs were numeric and you could change them in the URL. Affected crops would soon deteriorate into rotting piles of unprofitable vegetation. Great read Castle. What is print materials and non print materials written by: Our machine overlords: our long, complicated relationship with mechanical beings:, > To me, the whole subject of the automaton is so interesting Its so damn interesting. Best Answer. Ive read every DI article on this site, and, quite frankly, I love it. Me neither, to be honest. Its basically Stephen Fry asking a panel of comedians random questions, with hilarity frequently ensuing. Check it out get signed up and write some good and fun stuff guys, life does not end with DI it just got a little brother or sister if you like that more me DutchFrankie2010 or Frank G as i am called here am looking forward for new members and writers on the new site and yes i still hope that DI writers are going to pick up their writing pen and am looking forward for new articles here to. My problem is with you. Jason, I think Frank was trying to be helpful. I will say that I have no intention of allowing Damn Interesting to die completely. Here from a link on mental_flosss article on (of course) bananas. Either submit an article, or cease and desist. I remember reading somewhere, sometime, that women in Hawaii used to be (long ago) prohibited, under pain of death, from touching bananas because of the magical phallic resemblance. No wonder your wife left you. Please do us, and yourself, a favor by removing or deactivating your link. please answer it : ( After the movie were going vincent house there are 33 blacks and gold balloons in a party. Youre still paying for the fucking site. Bananageddon FUD for the whole family! Its been nearly eleven years? Press coverage of the incident led the RAF to look into the lights, later identifying some as stars and bright planets, and attributing the radar blip to a permanent echo created by a nearby church spire. Each orange on this particular tree was found to have a tiny, underdeveloped twin sharing its skin, causing a navel-like formation opposite the stem. [nitpick mode] Sexual reproduction in flowering plants involves the production of separate male and female gametophytes that produce gametes. Finished Alien Hand Syndrome. Kejawa had a good point there, something should be done perhaps like what went down with GnR->Velvet Revolver. Other banana growing regions have yet to be added. 10.5 years older. Just checking in, looking at the Damn Interesting Comments. also introducing the new and improved would say that they are sexual, but repressed. I think the message from this moment on came over, and yes twitter and Face book are more important Jason Bellows wrote on, 18 March 2010 at 11:57 am. Yesterday I received an email from a fellow named Drew asking about the status of Damn Interesting. BTW, a future article on Thomas Midgely, Jrs arch-nemesis, Clair Patterson, could be DI! Its much easier to peel from that end, you pinch off the little black bit that no-one likes to eat, and the remaining end pops easily out of the skin when you eat down that far. Why dont you shut up with your smart ass arrogant comments here, Eduardo and Lilac!!! Thanks Alan. Id like to say Thanks to Alan and to all the writers who have contributed over the years, for giving me some fantastic reading. Close-up, light background Footage / Woman Sexually Eats A Banana. Far-be-it from any of us to criticize the Bellows bros. for falling behind on a website that they provide free of charge and for nothing in return, so lets do some contributing of our own! Select pesticide-enhanced grains have been shown in independent tests (some of which have already been mentioned in this forum) to cause carcinoma, meningioma, and other varieties of cancer. Sex, bananas, naval orangeswhat would Freud say! Banana companies delayed switching from Big Mike for as long as possible due to the necessary changes in growing, storage, and ripening infrastructure, and many producers teetered on the edge of bankruptcy. When mature, gemmae break off and scatter away from the parent plant. I agree. I vote banana. Further, a book is a discretionary expense, whereas at least basic Internet access is arguably almost a necessity for many people. Good Job! Looking forward to a restart on the articles when you are ready. Its pretty cool. Dance, monkeys! But that sticks not just ugly, its distracting and information-diluting. youre doing it badly. Until that time, though, I will continue to enjoy the sensory experience of reading words on wood pulp or, even better, rag content. I was all Ohmygodtherewillbenobananaswhatinheckwillwedo etc. The Banana Open Access Platform, a banana growing areas map & wiki, has been updated and expanded since its August launch. I bet if you posted a request for articles you would find more than enough diehard fans to fill the gap for quite some time. EXCELLENT! Tropical Race Four, a fungus that threatens the Cavendish, is discussed in an article by Mike Peed in The New Yorker. So I encourage you to NOT harass Alan and if he wants hell respond here telling us whats up. I dont appreciate being called smart ass and arrogant, when you dont even know me. The organic producers may try to use the more difficult method of seed extraction, they have a more lenient view on what is deemed genetically modified, or they may use a more sturdy strain in its place ie. Take care of your health. I would crushed if I couldnt eat delicious bananas. In 2007, Ugandan field trials of the first Leuven uber-banana were announced, although public distaste of the idea of GM foods may impede its long term success. Using selective breeding to make a big dog takes years of breeding big dogs to other big dogs. I couldnt agree more. Sexual reproduction in plants involves the exchange of genetic information via pollination, seeds, and fruit. ANGRY!!! Genetic engineering is the process of bypassing Mother Nature and shoehorning a characteristic into an object. For a short video visit YouTube and search for this video ID: So how exactly is selective breeding any different from genetic modification??? Tried everything from CCleaner to MalWareBytes to SpyBot to AVG to Revo Uninstaller. So I ask for an explanation. As practiced Which following performs fertilization reproduction? Corn, papaya and cucumber produce unisexual flowers, whereas mustard, rose and petunia have bisexual flowers. Nevertheless, this site has provided so much entertainment and wonderful information. Wiki User. , Ginger plants reproduce using rhizomes. It cannot be lost or found by someone else for you. Anyway, Ive been reading this website for years. three sides. Its the proud yellow monolith beneath which we claim refuge from our turbulent world. I went to see the cataclysmic movie 2012 recently. Another fruit subject to such human-assisted reproduction is the ubiquitous navel orange. You are part of a team of engineers who have been asked to design a container that will protect the medications as they fall to the ground .Identify the problem and the information you need to understand the problem pasagot po asapp , _____ diversity-measure variety of different versions of same genes.______diversty -measure number of different kinds of organisms within a communit I dont like seeing ads on other sites, so I cant put them on this one in good conscience. (In the search results youll also find an earlier story about the Banana Car that I mentioned above.). i also wanted to say thank you, because for my gcse english coursework we needed to make a speech about something interesting. Holding on to fear and reliving it over and over again is like finding a piece of food between your teeth and re-chewing it. Until that time, I intend to read older articles and their comments and, as others have suggested, make an attempt to write an article of my own, either to submit formally or merely to post here. Sorry I missed the one year anniversary of the last article. Close-Up, Light Background Item ID: 107500908 By: Lucky33 Commercial Usage ? So at the present time, one could This is a little teaser, about the article that i am working on now. When studying A Course in Miracles we are told that we are entitled to them, so maybe we should believe it! The texture plays a big part for a lot of people. :-\. Also, entreating minds guys one day I will get that article done, sorry it's taking so damned long! Still watching and waiting. To make all your friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them. The alternate domain (which redirects to this site) was set to expire on March 17 2010, but it has now been renewed to 2011., Oops! I cant eat that supermarket variety here in seattle. GMOs = quick way of selective breeding. Belgian banana scientists have become skilled in using DNA-transfer to introduce disease-resistance genes directly into the plants genome. Great call on the Clair Patterson article. Perhaps theres fate as well. Titles of books, movies, and articles should be either underlined or put in quotation marks. Also, tried posting through Internet Explorer. Farmers rely on both traits: sexual reproduction produces fruit, whereas asexual reproduction provides breeders with clones of useful strawberry varieties. I am not NAGGING, just asking for some answers and according to a lot of comments here I am not the only one, SO PROVE ME WRONG and give me and your other LOYAL readers some answers !!! Incidentally, I am now going to go buy a delicious toblerone! The anti-gmo movement has raised attention towards genetic engineering, which is a good thing, but it has also significantly damaged and stagnated research and development. Theyll never be as good as these ones, but at least its something. And apparently gnawing. My point is: Mutation = a good thing. Astounding. So be it !!!. Please? Just tried it. I still check the site daily in hopes that the Phoenix has risen from the ashes and I will continue to do so. The different types of asexual reproduction are binary fission, budding, vegetative propagation, spore formation (sporogenesis), fragmentation, parthenogenesis, and apomixis. What a simple and brilliant idea! But if they havent told us then maybe its none of our business. Definitiely DI. But far too many people expect far too many others to provide free content. As a little girl growing up in the outskirts of Portland, Oregon, I remember that when we went into the big city I would often see a man standing on the street corner holding up a sign that said the end of the world was near. Every Cavendish is genetically identical, possessing the same pleasant taste (which is somewhat lacking in more subtle flavours according to banana aficionados). you can find all the info from Allen Bellows. They even managed to listen in to John Glenns space flight and win a trip to visit NASA on an Italian game show, shocking their best scientists with tapes of radio transmissions no one was supposed to be able to find. Like magic, unicorns and lepricons. I am an Evidence guy. From the comments a lot of people agree with me. Presumably, the same may be true of But I doubt its paying their bills. I had no idea the banana (and the navel orange) had such an interesting past. Flowering plants, the dominant plant group, reproduce both by sexual and asexual means. Frank. They grow baby trees from the root crown that can be separated from the mother They helped prepare me for a few of my college level history classes. Come on ! As for what we deserve, the answer is nothing. Rant over.. Makes me have to wonder if KarmaPolice understands how Karma works. another science blog: Thanks, Matt, both for new DI content (dont call it a comeback) and for opening my eyes to something new to worry about, and something new to connoisse. I remember when everyone was civil to one another but now everything has changed. fizban, that nice brown state a banana reaches is not time to throw them out. Last updated 02 November 2020. If so, why there isnt a widespread anti GM movement against bananas as there is against those other crops? Technically speaking, most edible bananas (the most i always knew bananas were sexy! Even today navel oranges are produced through such botanical surgery, and all of the navel oranges everywhere are direct descendantsessentially genetic clonesof those from that original tree. Please let us know what the future for Damn Interesting is after that date. QUESTION: Is banana sexually or a sexually or both, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . There has been a lot of talk about a cataclysmic event happening to change the world, but why does that have to be a bad thing? There is a fable about two monks who were walking by the side of a stream and they came across a woman. HI ALL I AM NOT AT ALL WORRIED ABOUT THE SITE ANYMORE IT WILL GO ON FOR SURE SEE THE OLDER COMMENTS DOWN HERE . My book still smells of BBQ. I agree with this spoon guy here, i havent seen a new article since i discovered this site. I would like to direct you to a book Ive found to be very interesting: Further, he commented in October. Your site is great and should last forever. Frank. Add to Cart Individual License Included | Upgrade A legend in his own lunchbox. Otherwise, they may be poisonous. Good job boys. Kind of like lollipops, which were also designed by god. Thats great news. If they publish another book, Ill buy it, just as I did with books, newspapers, and (yes) albums in the old days before the Internet encouraged people to think that all printed information and music should be free. Do me a favour Frank, just be quiet for a while. To me it sounded as though he was basically saying he had lost his inspiration somehow. But the books are also chock full of bloopers and blunders, which he believes have only added to our enjoyment of the games. First, that would not produce many bananas compared to demand. The release highlights how the reported shapes of UFOs have changed during the past half-century, the National Archives said. At the end of 2008 experts didnt really have an idea how our mobility is going to be in 2088. I realised that you are just a poor simpleton, and not really responsible for your own actions, and that maybe I should go easy on you. Its funny though =), Regards, , s too long and it is too dangerous to bring the medications in by truck. Another submission to temporarily entertain and interest bored, impatient, and otherwise restless minds: The latest (plausible and non-extraterrestrial-involving) hypothesis regarding the construction of the Pyramids in Egypt holds that they were made not of giant quarried blocks of limestone hauled by slaves at all, but rather of reconstituted limestone a concrete, of sorts poured into giant block-shaped molds. I am sorry that other difficulties of life have kept you away, but I look forward (patiently) to any articles you care to share in the future once the time finds you. Okay, so, we havent seen a DI post since last August. Beyond all of that, this site is not their main source of revenue. Ohhh if only I had realized I had just happened upon a fresh article I could have posted first before the chance had spoiled. this was interesting a month ago.. when do the articles start coming in on a reg basis again? It just tastes better. Both the male and the female unisexual flowers may be present in the same plant or in different plants. Book not selling? If a payment of $15 year would keep the site going with a new article every month, then I would pay. I just enjoy what I get. Let us become aware of the thoughts that serve us and those that cost us our peace and insight and gladly make the sacrifice of fear today. You too Alan, Jason, and all the other writers. I found the Snow-Motor from 1926 in a couple of places and thought it was D.I. So go to this link and check it out guys and galls. Copyright 2000-2022 Dreamstime. Anyway there are strict protocols to make sure GMOs do not escape into the wild. #80 Hey stop whining, you should be glad they post. The caterpillars death is the butterflys birth. Unfortunately, pro-GMO research is funded at a 40:1 ratio to anti-GMO research (follow the money trails), and dont fool yourself into thinking that research results dont reflect the mandate of the institutions subsidizing them. Damn black hearts and greenbacks.we should go back to trading salt..:). The months and months and months between articles is just ridiculous. And not to mention mostly DI! Not spotted, but pure brown. Its all a lie, I tell you. His car was left covered in dirt and dust, the report said. LordMarcus: A runner named Wym Essajas was the pride of Suriname, the first-ever athlete to participate in the Olympics from the country. Thanks for buying the book. disability rights netherlands If they are safe then they are used. I sincerely doubt that you would have ever bought the book. If I could make anything happen on this site, I would point you all here: Hmm Ill have to figure out how to add pictures here, though. article buffer after writing the book. An ETA on new articles. But Jaaasssssooonnnnn we want the damn interesting site, Jaaaaaaason come on Jaaaaaason come on., If that happens, the asking price can skyrocket. if you have something on your mind about me just say it in plain English. Essajas was scheduled to compete in the 800-meter race, but he was given the wrong starting time. Its true creationists have pointed to the banana as being designed by God just for us. I hope this means that things are looking up for you :). Its getting close to the point where DI is fast approaching the bottom of my favourites listing. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, sory po kung di kita na brainlest next time pwede, Situation: There is a terrible drought in East Africa. Thinking about you Allan;). Frank, I think something may have been lost in the cultural translation. You should peel from the end opposite the stalk, which is the top when theyre growing on a banana plant but is traditionally considered the bottom. What I want to know is what can be done to improve the server (I get unable to connect error often these days)? Waiting with baited breath. How many lanes are there in standard athletic track? You must first empty your cup. why? Bellows and company also have lives outside of this site, and they have provided a great extensive service at no cost to us fans, and with no annoying advertising! If you dont like it.. go away. I want to say it OUT LOUD . But the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul featured one of the greatest blunders in history and it was on the part of the judges. My dads apple bananas are seriously like eating candy when it is just ripe. No, really, Im not kidding. Strawberry plants reproduce using stolons. Thanks for the good times, too bad its been so long since things were smooth, I feel like an abused spouse. The Official Report of the 1912 Games, in the understated manner typical of that era, read: This little accident put Setterwall off his game, for his play fell off tremendously. You dont say? you had to be invited by one of us or by someone already invited and you paid a small cover charge which was calculated to let the party pay for itself. The one thing with GMOs that you have to be carefull with, is that you dont introduce some mutation that might be harmful for human consumption or harmful for the wild flora and fauna, if the gmo race was to be introduced to the wild. (OR DO NOT WANT TO SEE THEM? Auras are fictional. Look here >>> and a fabulous New Year! Bannana Creme Pie.mmmmmmmmmmm.its the best! Dance! But you, without asking, are publicizing what is probably Alans personal e-mail address (yes, I know you can find it online) and inviting people to bombard him with messages, asking questions which are probably rather personal considering his comment which you can find in the comments section on this page. I have been a reader of Damn Interesting since I discovered it 5 years ago. I agree with Blore and Im also appreciative of everything I got here. It seems to me that something similar could be done with bananas. Thanks Matt for a fresh read, Its great to see you back! Hope you all can come back soon! :), Someone in here started commenting about GM and plant auras and what not. I am glad he is working on it and lots of other fans are probably thrilled when his articles will appear. I dont understand the use of sexual acts or anatomy as a pejorative. He, like myself and many others miss the DI updates. From the January/February issue of The Holy Encounter. Toblerone? I recall Matt also wanted to update again as well after the banana lovin so really you got 2 of the 3 primary staff wanting to carry on. As Einstein said, You either live as if everything is a miracle or nothing is a miracle. That is your choice. DI articles!! Thanks for the wonderfull link Frank G. I really enjoyed those movies. In the 1970s a disease named Black Sigatoka was beaten back with enthusiastic applications of pesticide, but more recently a new strain of the original bane of the banana has threatened the plantations. Are you a cup that is overflowing because of your fears or worries from the past? The best bananas I have ever were on the South Atlantic island of St. Helena. Wrong- Reported ! Then, this morning, I could post again. I like cunts! Something So, if the end of the world was near, his idea of near was not my idea of near! Mozart Bananas meet an odd fate. What kind of element has the greatest tendency to attract electrons? The alternate domain (which redirects to this site) was set to expire on March 17 2010, but it has now been renewed to 2011. When you are ready to return Mr. Bellows, youll have one of the most loving communities waiting to get back at it! Im being Damn patient, waiting for another Damn article. Nothing new for about 2 years, what a bummer. The near-extinction of the Gros-Michel banana is another example one of two major cultivars of bananas, it became impossible to grow commercially in the 20th century after the emergence of a disease to which it was genetically vulnerable. Sorry i guess i jumped the gun. Its a different panel every episode with the exception of Alan Davies, whos there every week. Banana-Sexually or Asexually - 10125710 escobalbernabe94 escobalbernabe94 31.01.2021 Science Senior High School answered Banana-Sexually or I guess it was possible an automated removal but I live in hope. Im truly curious here. When I first became acquainted with DI there were two new posts a week and sometimes three. That really helps. Daring Sentiment Long story short GM does not equal BAD. Anger just serves as better motivation to write someone. Keep this site alive: Buy the book, and thanks to those who have. Im quite happy to foot the bill and create the website. Yes, Alan Bellows! If his hearts not in it, his hearts not in it. Thanks for the update Alan! Perhaps they just have multiple trisomies to account for the bulges!, Hiya, Take care of yourself, Alan. Yall will all-ways be the most awesome people in this gals cyber world. I dont trust any source that is widely available, such as Wikipedia, and could compromise big industries. I dont want it to, but it might end up falling off in to the oblivion where everything else of no interest falls. It would be nice if all the selfish whining people went away and stopped demanding more content from the good folk at Damn Interesting. Also, big thanks to all the commenters on DI for making the comments just as readable as the articles. This usually works for me: Therefore, god made it. Nice one. Will anybody be joining me? I wonder how long it is going to be now before i get a response here on my comment. Thanks for the brain food. Whoopee! Just let us know. Copyright 24 August 2009 All Rights Reserved. Thank to my wife Jill, Sounds tough. Oh and yes, I have secured a copy for me and my family to enjoy during our solitude time in the windowless room, and it has been well received. Hmmm Ive got an article ready for posting. Of course this says nothing about about future activity on the site. hi yall No one owes you a DI article. Todays music would be completely different without his inspiration, and if he had no bananas and peanut butter to eat he would have died years ago of starvation instead of being alive today.. Great article Damn Interesting as always. Perhaps one slice of banana per consumer per year, at a possible cost of $2 per slice. Im just curious as to what happenned to the site. Until then, updates will only come when I happen to have a bit of time, ambition, and joy all at the same time. . Ten years have passed since I last commented? If they make one great, if not thank you for all the free content and I see no reason why you need to turn over the website to anyone else. Description: Woman sexually eats a banana. I havent bothered to register because I never have much to add that the articles or the subsequent posts dont cover so there wasnt really a point to it. There were about nine months between In Soviet Russia, Lake Contaminates You! and Steely-Eyed Hydronauts of the Mariana. People were panicked about the site dying then, too, but it didnt. Until the middle of the twentieth century, most bananas on sale in the developed world belonged to the Gros Michel cultivar. Please become a real member by buying the book. How could you do that? he scolded. Because i had that same thought of contributing here more then only comments since the originally writers asks us to drop a article, but i did not came to it yet since I am doing some more research. You expect safety from the same crowd that rubber-stamped everything from DDT to benzoates to methylmercury? Im getting ready to check it for fingerprints and put out an APB on you all. Venting his spleen online in a safe and anonymous setting gives him a chance to feel strong., (Again the spam filter wont let me post a link ), In a July 22 NPR Science Friday interview, banana expert Dan Koeppel discusses the problem of banana monoculture, and why he says we should demand banana variety. To find the interview go to and type bananas in the search box., > blores banana news will go from spiritual food to tired satire in a matter of weeks. It seems to me that, if someone can afford a monthly bill for an ISP, he should be able to afford a book ordered through Amazon. The flower is the reproductive part of a plant i.e., both male and female gametes are produced by flowers. One method involves the traditional techniques of selective breeding: although banana plants are clones, very occasionally they can be persuaded to produce seeds through a painstaking process of hand pollination. Its working. but thats a bad banana! No, not this one he replied This one is a Chocolate banana! Oh ok! and the kid ate the whole thing smiling. Thousands of roads enter it. I will wait for as long as it takes to get new the meantime the random article button is a wonderful thing. Meal Delivery Reviews. Damn I miss the Interesting posts here, but at least the comments section is alive. Hugs and best wishes for a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah etc. Another month without an article. The Milgram experiment How about if you put the book in your pants and take 5 valiums, youll fall asleep and DREAM your own articles! Hes a hero of mine. Where you got this notion of a contagion, Im not sure? Many questions arise, like: The map viewer utilizes Google Maps. Your comment has been placed in a temporary holding cell due to its resemblance to spam. I had heard some of these things in a radio news article, but your article adds nicely to that. Exactly the type of response i expected. Therefore, studying asexual reproduction Nobody deserves anything from the brothers and if there is never another article I will still remember the site fondly because, well, it is truly Damn Interesting. It is exported on an industrial scale from commercial plantations in the tropics. Alan Bellows? Some kinds of GM are probably harmless, such as copying traits from different cultivars of the same species. Background: More than that, though, I hope that Mr. Castle and the Brothers Bellows are okay., For anyone hungering for Damn Interesting stories, I have good news if youll settle for Quite Interesting. :), ti83 15 February 2010 at 02:29 pm In response to The Unfortunate Sex Life of the Banana, Oh and here is a short story I found to be DI , lets keep the keep the comments constructive guys. health systems science domains Menu; can anomaly scan detect down syndrome. This works people, try it! Banana politics news update (Sri Lanka): stuff at these sites The great path has no gates, Background: ^^ <3 Admittedly it would be nice for a new article, but to be honest I just can't bring myself to take this out of my favourites and I still check it most days. Have you bought the book yet? I dont do the Facebook or Twitter stuff, Im just not interested in it, so Ive no idea what Alan says on there. Join me in urging the Bellowses to publish another book. I hope people enjoy it! I agree with the ad idea, it will bring in revenue and can be done tastefully. It is becoming increasingly evident that this site began as a whimsy, and then became an advertisement for the book. I love this site and the creative writing of the articles. Enough apathy. Good. All Rights Reserved. try this out for a little light reading. You remind me of that annoying kid we all went to school with, the guy who ruled his little chess club or similar with an iron fist. To genetically modify something implies that it must have genes to modify. DI you are great, dont let the people who expect everything to be just as they want it, when they want it get you down. Project blog: Looking forward to read your new articles Alan, In the 1912 Summer Games in Stockholm, in the mixed-doubles tennis final, Sigrid Fick of Sweden accidentally smashed her partner Gunnar Setterwall in the face with her racquet during the first set. I disagree. Please ignore the 7 above; it was only a test., Map viewer: The farmers also had the advantage of experimenting, testing, and validating over several generations (rather than six months). Put up, or shut up. Since the new tree was unable to reproduce naturally, caretakers amputated some of its limbs and grafted them onto other citrus trees to produce more of the desirable fruit. (Broadband is required.) Never forget that theres a thousand of us waiting patiently for every one who yells and complains. Wow. energy? Herbicide? also introducing the new and improved I always wanted to do that. This concept is not new to any Course student. We may also need animals inside of the dome to use up the oxygen that is created by the massive amount of trees, or find another way to convert the oxygen to carbondioxide without having to bring new air into the system. He walks freely between heaven and earth.. If you can even call that living. This project did go on for more than two decades, and admittedly the goals were considerably more ambitious and challenging than isolating one particular crop endangered by disease. Freed from your vile puerile stench that coats babies and comely co-eds breath. . Why not post them until you get out of whatever is troubling you? Agreed: please, please I plead and beg that the control of the site gets handed over to or at least shared with Jason Bellows, So Nice And Informative too but specially last photo is dam goood. Hows about you show your support by going out and buying the book? Ah, those were other days. We were promised monthly articles a year ago. I think that weve passed ridiculous and were deep in ludicrous territory now.. Guys now 10 months later and not really any interesting going on here I am thrilled and happily to announce to you all that Chris Hall one of DI longest fans here gave life to another interesting site. Again how I see it and again prove me wrong on this, >> when the book came out, the articles were out. Its not that I dont have the interest in contributing articles. Is there a rational explanation for the incident? Sexually , only cells and unicellular organisms divide asexually, iguanas have half their genes from each parent, and look different as well as have 2 parents. If I didnt love DI so much Id go spare! I have been following this site for many years now. Ten years have passed? Best Regards. Damn Interesting, Indeed! Currently the project covers Africa, with a recent expansion to Costa Rica; further expansion may eventually follow. GMOseugenics on steroidswhich have so far proven to be a far less predictable and far more destructive trial-and-error science?. @161angryratman its not the same. Not to mention the you are a moron, and you can [insert random senseless action of masochism] because I am of a different opinion type of comments that the rest of the internet is pestered by. Until then, updates will only come when I happen to have a bit of time, ambition, and joy all at the same time. In my family, we go through 3-5 Cavendishes a day. I dont get this, did you not understand what I meant by being a tool? ;). Your welcome Haffa, I even bought the book. Stop wrestling with your fearful thoughts; you will never win and the fear will become more real to you because of your resistance. Today, bananas and their close relatives, the starchy plantains, grow in a number of different varieties or cultivars. I could bullet a dozen long lists outlining the reasons for the long-lived Damn Interesting neglect (e.g., under-employment, over-employment, creative burn out, pudding, divorce, financial shenanigans,, etc), but cataloging the causes does nothing to resolve them; it just squeezes them into bitter excuse-juice. They also eat orange peels with pulp and the cores of a variety of fruits with varying enthusiasm. Perhaps it was set to auto-renew. I have just realised that i was the last person to comment on this article in 2009. In Unisexual flowers, either the male reproductive part i.e. Genetic Modified Foods have so far had no significant destructive effect. Describe the images produced by a plane mirror, a concave mirror and a convex mirror. Each one of my posts is individual. The quarentined off the town of Kailua-Kona, and sytematically killed every banana plant!(Planticide? but I found that holding the book instead of looking at a screen heightened the pleasure and experience of reading the articles.. Or look up the conditions Monsanto puts on the sale of their grains, which include a prohibition on scientific testing to scrutinize their claims about how well their products work. I still look in most days in vain hope. And having a new place to go, with updated content, would be DI. I am sure it would make all of us readers happier, and it would continue to advertise the book. You know you have problems with anxiety with things like this freak you out. My suggestion is to write a short message to Allen Bellows , this is his mail address, to keep his site up even if we all have to pay a little contribution for it. Yes, theyre not the ideal solution, but its something to work with right now. Hes young, and hes afraid to confront people in real life; odds are high that hes been dominated, submissive, and fearful all of his life. can be used once? We have no bananas I await the next post, and until then will continue to read the fascinating comments of others that also return here with baited breath, if even just to read the comments of the faithful. Had no idea its been this long! Thanks for caring enough to make suggestions, but for this project, ad-based revenue is not an option. Im sure these guys have lives, families, jobs until theres a subscription required, I think we get what we get and like it. A) How many two-digit numbers can be formed from the digits 1, 3, 5 and 8 if each digit Strawberry plants can be propagated asexually by allowing plantlets on the ends of stolons (runners) to grow in soil. work!!! Be honest, we have all found that piece of tasteless, gray food between our teeth and instead of spitting it out, we pick it out, look at it, re-chew it and swallow it. Is your Dad OK? Then recognize that it is exceedingly unlikely that things will work out anything close to ideally. Ill just read the good ones and skip over yours. Unemployed 18 year oldswho lve wih their parents dont have much cash to spare after car insurance and gas. Lets hope that Alan et al come back soon. All you really need to know is that I have done both., Bad puns make my eyes bleed. We know you seem to have the drive to keep making this place something, and even have stuff on the back burner. Check out to listen in on the current transmission. Long live the intellegent and amusing DI followers! I think anybody foolish enough to donate money to this webpage should feel outraged at the lack of willingness of the creators/authors to update it. Im starting a blog with similar aims of producing interesting science articles with some science debunks and interesting stuff around the internet on the side. Can you not find somewhere else to post your strange rantings? In some places in the Course those fear thoughts are seen as clouds that can be easily moved through. I believe you may be experiencing some confusion. When they get brown and soft, they get must more sweet. Not all (re-)combinations of genetic material are possible through selective breeding, so its conceivable that GM could produce something that would never result through a more natural process. A fine DamnInteresting article. ), I dont remember if it was the cavendish variety though. Id heard a bit about bananas being clones before but navel oranges too! 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