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Far from affectionate or loving towards her, when he was her patient in Arkham, he told her whatever he needed to in order to gain her compliance. Objects only: The character may take power from an extra-dimensional or cosmic source and imbue it into an item. Man with Shift-Z rank in this power can carry an additional 800 lbs. For this to take effect the Player needs 1 turn to make a Psyche FEAT. The Incredible Hulk is a character created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby in 1962, in response from fans who indicated that their favorite character was the Thing (Lee also created the Fantastic Four). This is a field-effect version of Life Absorption. He/she also has a limited Hypnotic Control of the opposite sex at Power rank. [55], Cyclops is listed at IGN as a target on Hulk's "Hit List" of characters. Note that this is the only form of growth that will enable the hero to travel into macroverses or, if the hero is originally from a microverse, enable the hero to reach our own universe. (See the UPB p. 35 for a similar understanding of this Power). With Elena dying and as the other girls fought Gales and his security back, America opened a Star Portal to another place to take Catalina with her, but Catalina was ripped from her grip by Gales at the last second. While on the mission, Beast locates Cable in the future and Cyclops orders X-Force to abandon the current mission and prepare for transport to the future to assist Cable and the baby, Hope. The other powers rolled when the character was created are powers, which he previously encountered. He/she does this by either implanting new memories or erasing existing ones. Because of Ulysses vision, they knew exactly where the Infinaut was going to materialize and prepared for his arrival. Players who use this power to create a history for their character automatically get the Linguistics Talent and an additional number of Contacts equal to this Power rank divided by 10 (i.e. [103], Cyclops has made a new base in the old Weapon X facility in Canada to train new mutants with Emma Frost, Magik and Magneto. Alex would join the team with Scott as Havok. Powers granted may not exceed this power rank. [3], Fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, Mutant/Anti-mutant rioting and the return of Madelyne Pryor, Ultimate Fantastic Four/Ultimate X-Men Annual #1, The Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix limited series, "IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes Cyclops #39 Top Comic Book Heroes", "The 200 Greatest Comic Book Characters of All Time", "Comic Book Legends Revealed #438 | Page 3 of 3 | Comics Should be Good! The Bubble provides protection against all physical and energy attacks that are equal to or less than the power's rank number. [62], After finding the Marauders' hideout on Muir Island, Cyclops dispatches X-Force and Bishop to go there and retrieve the baby. Energy Detection of that energy at power's rank number. The battle was ended when Ultimate Nullifier shot the In-Betweener. The character can create a semi-living creature of ice. Drains health and increases his own Str, End, Psy, and power ranks, you gain the bonus power of Mind Control over drained victims but you must take a weakness. Acquired Poison Immunity: Having grown up in the toxic cesspit of Zaun, Jinx has a high tolerance for poison gasses.Thus, Harley's Joker Venom doesn't kill her, but it does trigger her psychosis, leading to Jinx going berserk. The soul, one that is not of a physical being, does not inherit physical characteristics, such as concepts of destruction, therefore cannot be destroyed; in short, the user cannot die because it is already dead. Cyclops also tutored a squad at the institute called The Corsairs, named after Cyclops's father. At CL1000 rank, the hero becomes intangible and can phase through normal matter. [citation needed]. The reality of Earth-616 has gone through eight different incarnations, all triggered by different instances of multiversal renewal, which constitutes in the destruction and re-creation of everything there is. [107], Cyclops, after finally realizing what his mutant revolution is, gathered mutants at the White House to show humans that the mutants could all gather in one place without creating harm to the human race. Far from being simply the Jokers stunningly-hot sidekick, Harley Quinn is a force of nature in her own right. The barbarian warlord known as Attuma was part of a sect of Homo mermanus, part of the Skarka Tribe that was exiled from the city of Atlantis some time ago, likely over their opposition of the royal ruling class. This can calm the mind to; sleep instantly; eat without indigestion; relax in the face of danger; shake off the effects of insanity and drugs; or regain lost Chi. While in a Swarm, the maximum damage the Hero can take from non-"area of affect" attacks is 5. Often, hes mistaken for a mere obese man, but this is just a faade. Up to power rank number * 1000 years in the past, times 10 years in the future. He is seen watching the said siege alongside Wolverine inside the base at Utopia. While this is the most popular form of shrinking, it has a potentially deadly disadvantage. Learning that Strange is now Doctor Doom's sheriff, the heroes set out to learn more about where they are now and what's the situation in the present world. Because of this, Cyclops never developed into a capable leader but instead withdrew into himself and became more bitter as time went on. Cyclops's history has undergone various revisions, both minor and major. Shes also an expert hacker and has regularly broken into secure files in the Pentagon. [193] Initially, Cyclops attacks and blames Layla for causing this dystopic future, claiming that she could have used her powers to help mutant-kind. Contraction: The PC can flex his /her muscle tissue and fat enabling him/her to entrap objects within the folds of his/her flesh at a-1CS of power rank. This power is so outside of reality that the PC can develop a vast variety of Power stunts: The PC has a virtual sense. The Incredible Hulk is a character created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby in 1962, in response from fans who indicated that their favorite character was the Thing (Lee also created the Fantastic Four). This field is also assumed to have an unlimited supply of energy. The sole exception is the Hulk, who tries to eat the last of the human race. If the Judge had decided on a smoke hazard as well, Adaptrixs lungs would have altered to protect against smoke inhalation. The PC can project false emotions into others at Power rank. Passengers. The following list of Energies make up the spectrum: Change one form of energy into another at 1 rank lower than original. While not yet successful, he has inflicted many terrible things upon his nemesis, Captain America. However, Health seems to increase because physical attacks do less relative damage. If trying to reprogram a sentient computer or robot, this FEAT is always against Reason or Psyche intensity, whichever is higher. Heat to cold in a firestorm for instance. The time of the pregnancy is the natural time divided by the Power rank number. One story showed him able to safely open his eyes when in total darkness-without any ambient light to absorb, his power diminished to the point that he did not need his visor. Duplicate a targets brain inside a part of your own brain to for instance learn secrets. However, anything that the PC is in contact with can be imbued. It is revealed that Jean Grey was alive and had never been The Phoenix. Wolverine (birth name: James Howlett; alias: Logan and Weapon X) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, mostly in association with the X-Men.He is a mutant who possesses animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, a powerful regenerative ability known as a healing factor, and three retractable claws in each hand. To help her feel better, Berto gave America his prized toy blue hippo, Juanchiz, who America adored. Pyreus assumes command as captain and begins an obsessive search for Gabriel. When referred to as "Professor," Summers reveals his reservations about the title, stating that he would prefer to be called "Mr. S." Later in the series Summers leads the animen of Wakanda to the Savageland to create a new home for them. The barbarian warlord known as Attuma was part of a sect of Homo mermanus, part of the Skarka Tribe that was exiled from the city of Atlantis some time ago, likely over their opposition of the royal ruling class. Thus, the PC has a wide range of intensities of Energy Powers. It was Nightcrawler's daughter, Nocturne, who ended the battle by possessing her teammate, Armageddon, only to use his telekinetic power to pop Logan's claws in Cyclops' chest. The hero is transformed into a specific type of energy and can travel at power rank speed along currents of that energy. X-Force is aided by Emma and Namor, who are revealed to be double-agents against Osborn. Thus a target wearing a costume can be affected, but a target wearing armor, only the armor becomes affected. [volume&issueneeded], A rather tragic event turned Cyclops into a bitter person in this timeline. A specialized form of Immortality, this power grants immunity to the ravaging effects of time. Generate Darkfoce: Blunt attack at rank damage, Ability Boost. Gabriel and Pyreus became friends, until Gabriel was abducted by the cosmic entity Galactus and transformed into the herald the Air-Walker. Second, Dimension travel is not an automatic ability; it must be acquired as a power stunt. [volume&issueneeded] The team faces an alien named Ord of the Breakworld, who supplies Earth scientist Dr. Kavita Rao with a "cure" for mutation. However, they are stopped by the team of Eternals at the film's climax. He/she can either increase or decrease it. Telepathy: The Hero gains Telepathy limited to the Homunculi. Adaptrix acquires Resistance to Fire of Remarkable power, protecting her from the flame. The controversy of Cyclops's decisions as leader of the X-Men is further highlighted during the Skrull invasion of San Francisco when he readily utilizes biological warfare against the Skrulls by knowingly infecting them with an adapted version of the Mutant Legacy Virus created by Beast without first determining if there was also a cure. Cyclops is forced to send a team of X-Men into the future led by Cable, but upon their return Cyclops and Hope watch Cable die from a combination of the techno virus and time travel. Kieron Gillen's run in Uncanny X-Men ended with an unrepentant Cyclops, who had become increasingly hardline during Gillen's run, in prison for his actions during Avengers vs. X-Men, up to and including him killing Xavier while under the influence of the Phoenix Force. [70] Upon his return to the present Wolverine confronts Cyclops on the risks he took in making that decision. However, over the years many ordinary human beings came to think of many Eternals not as the gods' representatives but as the gods themselves. However, after seeing the lengths to which Magneto will go to fulfill his dream, Scott then betrays the brotherhood[volume&issueneeded], During the Weapon X storyline, when agents of Weapon X are trying to take in members of the X-Men, Cyclops is one of the last X-Men standing, causing serious problems for the ground forces attempting to lay siege to Xavier's Institute. Weight [4], Several years later Firelord discovers that Thor has battled a robot replica of the Air-Walker,[5] and after revealing the origin of the two heralds to Thor returns to space with the remains of the android. Strength remains proportional to the heros current size. Instead, he had Mercury take Venus to the man responsible to try and get him to stop the disaster. The character was created by Jack Kirby and first appeared in the comic book Fantastic Four #48, published in 1966.. Anyone touches this energy will suffer a limited Psyche drain permanently. [17][19][20] The head injury account has also been retconned in Astonishing X-Men vol. Vengeance #1(July, 2011), Elena Chavez (mother, deceased);Loki Laufeyson (foster mother);Javier Santana (adoptive father);Cecilia Santana (adoptive mother)Siblings:Catalina Chavez (sister);Nico Minoru (foster sister);[9]Alberto Santana (adoptive brother)Other Relatives:Unnamed sister-in-law (adoptive sister-in-law);J.J. Santana (adoptive nephew). If Pyron attacks Adaptrix with a flame blast, Adaptrix still has Resistance to Fire, but her Adaptation power will not allow her to boost the defense against Pyron specifically. It largely depends on the need of the writer at the time. [volume&issueneeded], Scott's history diverged at a much earlier point in the Mutant X reality. If we never get Adult Franklin Richards reviving Galactus, "Rise! cloaking technology travels to Utopia to confront Cyclops. [volume&issueneeded], In this continuity, Scott teaches ethics in human-mutant relationships at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. He leads a group of X-Men consisting of Shadowcat, Rogue, Wolverine, and a male member using the codename Phoenix, back in time to try to assassinate Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four, in an attempt to prevent the events following Ultimatum from ever happening. This Power works like Water Animation. [volume&issueneeded], In the "Old Man Logan" storyline, Cyclops is among the X-Men who perish at the hands of Wolverine when he is tricked by Mysterio into believing his friends are super-villains attacking the mansion. The PC has a special ability cleanse a soul. The concept was created by a Marvel Same as other control powers except microwave, AM or FM waves. For example, an Excellent Null-Field reduces all attacks in the area by a -2CS. Targets can resist by using Strength agility or a travel power and the mage must make a Agility FEAT to capture a moving target. Not long after Olympus was endangered by creatures that were literally spawned from the mind of mad scientist Buffanoff. No matter how much the hero weighs, he can still move as if he were his normal weight. When depleted, Cyclops continued to emit the beams; however, their intensity was greatly diminished. After this confession, both Cyclops and the Professor rush to Finland. [49], After Hawkeye (Clint Barton) killed Bruce Banner because of events precipitated by another one of Ulysses' visions, America, Monica, Adam, and T'Challa watched Carol testify during his trial on television. This is a combination of the powers Energy Plasmoids, and Energy Imbuement. The PC has a special protection against any one sense. This ability confuses the target so that the target receives a -1CS to all FEATS performed during the functioning of this Power. It has been revealed that all previous incarnations of Brainiac are mere avatars for a god-like Brainiac that exists beyond time and space. The PC can control and manipulate materials by force of will at Power rank and range. The judge decides where the hero teleport to. However, the person can draw upon the energies of the Imprisonment sanctum, and cast spells with a +2CS to the original Spell rank, and his/her body will not age. Once she remembered, resolute in finishing her mothers's mission, America freed the girls in stasis. It lasts three rounds and can only be used once every five minutes (50 rounds). Scott and Jean attempted to escape his rise to power by hiding out in the Savage Land with their son Nathan, but they were killed by Apocalypse minion Banshee, even as Sauron managed to get Nate to safety. In addition to the basic travel function, there are two other uses that can be developed as power stunts. Cyclops survives, but is severely injured and unable to stand. The following are some of the potions and elixirs that have been developed: The Mage can cast spells that alter the physical state of him/herself at Spell rank. 1997), Thor #26 (Aug. 2000), Loki #3 (Jan. 2004), and Thor: Son of Asgard #7&9 (Aug. 2004-Oct. 2004). Acquired Poison Immunity: Having grown up in the toxic cesspit of Zaun, Jinx has a high tolerance for poison gasses.Thus, Harley's Joker Venom doesn't kill her, but it does trigger her psychosis, leading to Jinx going berserk. If the target's health drops to 0 as a result, the victim dies, and his/her body disintegrates. Often mistaken for a mere thug, Wilson Fisk is tactically brilliant, often scheming successfully against geniuses such as Spider-Man and Norman Osborn. As one of his final plans, Cyclops sends Magik, Colossus, and Shadowcat to meet with Cyttorak to convince him to take away the powers he gave Juggernaut. The Avengers arrive to find the prison demolished and abandoned except for the warden who delivers a message from Cyclops to Wolverine stating that he will support Wolverine's school and continue to fight for mutant rights, noting that now that Wolverine has taken the role of "the better man", Cyclops can be "the man who does what's necessary". [20] Scott spent most of his childhood at the State Home for the Foundlings in Omaha, Nebraska and was subjected to batteries of tests and experiments by the orphanage's owner, Mr. Milbury, an alias for the geneticist Mister Sinister, who also placed mental blocks on Scott. Maybe one day he will be remembered for more than Breaking the Bat over 20 years ago. Monstrous and above, mental, Physical, and power based. Well, he had a choice to either be completely out of control or bury them. However, they are unable to save Strong Guy and one of Multiple Man's duplicate, due to the former sacrificing his life to save the surviving new X-Men team from the virus bomb implanted on the said duplicate by O*N*E.[124] During War of the Realms event Cyclops joins forces with his time displaced younger self's allies Champions to take down Malekith's forces. In the aftermath, Scott then leaves the X-Men for a time to understand his own conflicting feelings. Scott's poor control over his power have been attributed to events in his childhood. It may also be stated that for every additional round that the character spends imbuing the item, the damage may be increased by +1CS, with a maximum of +3CS. Gallery This may represent a mechanical Hero remote controlling robotic hands or a mutant with total telepathic control of their body. The first appearance of a symbiote occurs in The Amazing Spider-Man #252, The Spectacular Spider-Man #90, and Marvel Team-Up #141 (released concurrently in May 1984), in which Spider-Man brings one home to Earth after the Secret Wars (Secret Wars #8, which was released months later, details his first encounter with it). Flash is hired by the The hero also becomes increasingly fragile; his bodys material strength decreases 1CS with each doubling in size. Like is says, folks; this power allows one to tinker with probability itself in strange and wonderful ways. [72], Scott encounters his dead ex-wife, Madelyne Pryor, again when she inexplicably returns as a psychic ghost,[73][74] calling herself the Red Queen and with a newly assembled all-female team of mutants calling themselves the Sisterhood. Her relationship with The Joker is one of spousal abuse. The Talent is automatically Unearthly rank. The hero can increase his bodys mass. This rank also determines the range and duration of the control. The Silver Surfer is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character also appears in a number of movies, television, and video game adaptations. History This is an abridged version of Bruce Banner's history. In the end Magneto is defeated when Jean Grey downloads Nick Fury's memories into Magneto, which reveals that mutants are not the next stage of human evolution, but rather a super-soldier experiment gone wrong. Devil Dinosaur is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character is depicted as resembling an enormous, crimson colored Tyrannosaurus-like theropod dinosaur.Created by Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in Devil Dinosaur #1 (April 1978). Wolverine tries to attack Kid Omega when Cyclops stops him. Like The Joker, shes tied to the Bat, but will possibly be forever beyond his reach. Due to numerous retcons, The Phoenix is either a cosmic being that impersonated Jean while Jeans body was in a hibernation cocoon and is capable of possessing mortals as its avatar, or the Phoenix is a part of Jean herself. Magitech: This power may be used on magical technological devices like the Glamour Machine, Thor's Hammer, Mjolnir, and other sufficiently complex enchanted items. (See Electrical Generation in the Energy Control section). Doctor Strange, was the Sorcerer Supreme for Earth-616. Gaea (grandmother);Cronus (father);Rhea (mother);Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Japet, Oceanus, Thor Odinson (uncles);Mnemosyne, Tethys, Theia, Themis, Dione, Phoebe (aunts);Hera (wife, sister, deceased);Hades (brother, son-in-law);Neptune (brother);Hestia, Demeter (sisters);Persephone (daughter by Demeter, sister-in-law); Apollo (son by Leto, deceased);Ares (son by Hera), Hephaestus (son by Hera, deceased) ;Artemis (daughter by Leto, deceased);Athena (daughter by Metis);Dionysus (son by Semele);Erida, Eris, Hebe (daughters by Hera);Tantalus (son by Plouto);Scamander (son or descendant);Sarpedon (son);Tityus (son by Elara);Myrmidon (son by Eurymedousa);Helen of Troy (daughter by Leda);Castor and Pollux (sons by Leda);Hercules (son by Alcmena);Hermes (son by Maia);Venus (daughter by Dione); Zeus is a member of the Olympians, a group of humanoid beings that hail from the pocket dimension of Olympus. Disintegrates the characters body and transports the life force to the new location where the body is build up from available material. Female The PC can change reality into whatever he/she desires. This powers rank number reduces all energy in the area. He said that he saved them because he owed them a debt. The highest FEAT intensity rolled wins the strike. At Shift-X and higher, the hero attains buoyancy and can lift additional weight. Sif is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character is depicted commonly in association with the superhero Thor.Based on the Norse goddess Sif, she was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and first appeared in Journey Into Mystery #102 (March 1964). Each field carries its own characteristics that affect the ways the PC uses his/hers power. This power in no way reduces the damage done, only what the hero FEELS. Born ten of thousands years ago, Zeus was the youngest son of the Titans Cronus, who ruled Olympus, and At one point, several years in the future, the Shadow King took control of Wolverine and made him kill Professor Xavier. Through the use of this power, heroes may warp space around them to their liking. (See the Power Absorption power in the APB p.79 for more details on this power in its unmagical nature). Weight The power rank is the limit of Karma you can use in 1 round. A Yellow FEAT raises the mass quantity to a good stability and a longer duration of 100 times 1d10. Red gives information that the subject may not have been aware of. As Earth edged closer to extinction, Jupiter appealed to Venus to return to Olympus, warning her that even an immortal goddess might not be able to survive plunging into the sun. The demons S'ym and N'astirh corrupt Madelyne's feelings of self-despair, transforming her into the Goblin Queen. After Emma Frost's psychic intervention at the mansion, he temporarily loses his powers after owning up to his self-inflicted, traumatic past. At Shift-X rank, the body becomes less dense than air. A hunger that can only be temporarily satisfied by the consumption of the energies of whole planets. [177] He exposes the truth about her actions at the conclusion of the war with the Inhumans when Emma tries to continue the conflict even after Medusa destroys the Terrigenesis cloud to save the mutants at the cost of the Inhumans' future, ignoring Emma's attempts to claim that she did what Scott would have done if he could. America has mentioned she's not really a fan of ". An aerosol version of hypnotic control, the target must be able to smell and taste. The intensity of the mass change when decreased reflects the roll of the target's Agility FEAT/round. The character is allowed to divide her Animal Form power rank among the animals ability scores and powers. Devil Dinosaur is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character is depicted as resembling an enormous, crimson colored Tyrannosaurus-like theropod dinosaur.Created by Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in Devil Dinosaur #1 (April 1978). Against non-living targets, Disintegration will only affect an amount of weight up to what could be lifted using power rank as Strength. In some stories, Cyclops depletes his body's energy reserves and needs to recharge through exposure to sunlight. The victim appears as if he/she has a heart attack or some other type of physical pain. The PC can create a Projectile of any kind with an unusual Power effect. So far, he has been unsuccessful, and was last seen being taken to them with the promise of great suffering to come. When the Player chooses this power, he/she must set aside all previously generated powers, or choose another power. Sleeping: Target is put in a state of sleep for 1d10 rounds. Howard the Duck is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character was created by writer Steve Gerber and artist Val Mayerik.Howard the Duck first appeared in Adventure into Fear #19 (cover-dated Dec. 1973) and several subsequent series have chronicled the misadventures of the ill-tempered anthropomorphic animal trapped on a Note that pushing still drains the Hero of a card, and they cannot regain it except through normal healing or a secondary Link with someone. However, Layla explains that despite knowing the bad things that would happen to mutants and herself, she still had to allow them to happen and Cyclops relents. Eventually, his powers manifested and he became fast, strong, and most importantly, immortal. Among those women was Tigra, a former WCA member, who was made an ally once more when Quire ended her mind control. Gladiator is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.He first appeared in The X-Men #107 (Oct. 1977) and was created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Dave Cockrum. Power rank is always reduced by -2CS. To affect a moving target agility FEAT, victims may resist as normal. Zeus and his daughter Athena, goddess of wisdom, held a meeting with Zuras, the leader of the Eternals, and his daughter Thena. Cyttorak agrees in exchange for making Colossus the new Juggernaut avatar and is able to push Cain Marko back until Cain is summoned by The Serpent. Flash is hired by the The planet Koruger went from being his home, to his kingdom. Cyclops' relationships are particularly complicated because of the many retcons involved in the publication history of the Jean Grey and Madelyne Pryor characters. This can be used for a variety of Power stunts. This change causes a rift between him and Jean; he claims that Apocalypse made him question not only their relationship, but his life as a whole. Together, the pair rebuild the Xavier Institute as co-headmasters. [133] This later explanation allowed Cyclops to finally control his optic blasts for a short time during a mission on the Breakworld, though at the conclusion of these events, he revealed that he was beginning to lose control again and reverted to using his visor and lenses. Afterward, Scott seemed to have reached a happy ending. The PC can control the Microwaves found in the earth's environment with Power rank intensity. He healed his hands and learned more about Magic, eventually becoming a If that character is within firing distance, the Hero may link with them. When in a situation where some person, item, or presence poses an immediate threat, make a Danger Sense FEAT roll which warns up to power rank second before danger. When Scott finally returns to the X-Men, their new teammate Xorn (who was revealed to be Magneto, but was subsequently retconned as an imposter) attacks the X-Men. [42] Cyclops's force beams were measured by Iron Man to be almost 2 gigawatts. However, due to his training in martial arts, Cyclops was able to defeat the three inmates. [42] During their final battle, most of the Olympians were killed by the Guardians. Power stunts: Absorb and store any kind of energy. FEAT intensity is determined below: The Hero can enter a surreal realm of dreams when they go to sleep, as opposed to "just a dream". When modern medicine failed him, he embarked on a journey to Kamar-Taj in Tibet, where he was trained by the Ancient One. It does so with a minimum Strength rank of +1CS the characters normal Strength. Jean attempts several times to confront Cyclops, but he continues to push her away, claiming that Apocalypse had changed him too much on the inside. The Character can infect the target with deadly diseases or cure them. Cyclops makes sure that the school will still exist, but since (according to him) Xavier's dream died with him, Cyclops has chosen to disband the X-Men and turn the mansion into just a school. The PC has Power rank Shapeshifting; Communication w/ Cybernetics; and Energy Path. [108], At some point during the future Time Runs Out storyline, Cyclops acquires a Phoenix Egg which he holds in reserve, hoping to use it to end the Incursions. On the down side, he also has 2CS resistance to slashing attacks. His mother was murdered by then Emperor D'Ken, leaving a grieving Corsair to escape captivity and form the Starjammers. He was defined by Jean [Grey] so much, and I just think that this guy is so interesting in his struggle against mediocrity. Utopia is attacked by numerous threats, including the events of "Necrosha", "Infernus 2", and "Fear Itself". A fight broke out between himself and Colossus but Azazel interrupted it and teleported Cyclops and himself away. [volume&issueneeded], Cyclops, Storm, and Jean are left with all of Xavier's possessions. [198], Scott Summers appears as one of numerous mutants at a prison camp in Texas in Ruins with his eyes gouged out painfully as a result of accidentally killing his own parents. The PC can project an existing, yet unknown dimensional energy at Power rank damage and range. Unlike the rest of his world, who refused to listen to him, Galen realised that his universe was about to end and flew into the maelstrom known as the big crunch, either to find a way to survive cosmic Armageddon, or meet a glorious death. Wolverine (birth name: James Howlett; alias: Logan and Weapon X) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, mostly in association with the X-Men.He is a mutant who possesses animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, a powerful regenerative ability known as a healing factor, and three retractable claws in each hand. Drain Intuition and Psyche to increase Strength, Endurance, Psyche and powers. [88], While Wolverine does not leave as an enemy of Cyclops and his X-Men, he makes clear he wants both sides to stay out of the other's business. Same as other with following power stunts muting voices, alarms magnifying sounds to do power rank damage. [38] Star-Lord managed to hijack New Olympus' dimensional rotor to phase the city out of reality, but he sacrificed himself to manually detonate the black hole bomb meant to destroy it. The Mage must be in contact with the Familiar in order to achieve any magical powers aside from just communication. Finally, on Bobby Drake's 18th birthday, they reveal their passion for each other and become lovers.[28]. the hero can transfer his mind into several individuals each believing to be the real one. Emotion Control: The Hero can use Emotion Control on anyone in the Pocket Reality, Life Support: The Hero gains Life Support. On the world of the Sons of Iron and Daughters of the Dragon, the New Exiles face a squad of alternative "core X-Men" who are loyal to Lilandra. The Mage can cast spells that create simulations of reality at Spell rank. As a young boy, Scott Summers is orphaned after watching his parents die in a plane crash. Distraught, Scott sends his son into the future where he can be cured.[45]. Earth Control: This power is basically unchanged from its description on p. 73-74, Players Book. ; Ax-Crazy: There's nothing Jinx loves more than causing mayhem, both of the Poke the Poodle and genuinely destructive kind. A disadvantage of the sight, is if unwanted visions obscure the view or distract the PC at a crucial moment. The PC is not invisible, however; just not detectable within any range, no matter of what the Column Shift is. For example if the PC's Health was 110, then he would have a Regeneration of Unearthly, and a Recovery of Unearthly. This form of Growth has a dangerous side effect. [volume&issueneeded], While Cyclops tries to stop Alex from proceeding to the super-criminal prison, the Triskelion, to save Lorna, Alex hits him with a tire iron. The amount of decrease is equal to the weight of the target minus the Power rank divide by 10. Morally bankrupt? [13][14], Ms. America eventually joined the Teen Brigade and despite her young age, she even served as co-leader with Ultimate Nullifier. After 10 turns, he can then reinflate himself. [175] They eventually meet up with the Guardians of the Galaxy and the All-New X-Men during the events of The Black Vortex. If a Player wants a specific attack reflected by this Power, then he/she can raise it to a +1CS. The power rank determines two things: one is the maximum number of health points per turn that can be transferred per person in the link. [32], Cyclops privately questions his relationship with Jean after Jean dies trying to pilot a space shuttle through a solar flare, and then is reborn as Phoenix, feeling that this reborn Jean was not the same Jean he had loved. [29], After the collapse of the Multiverse, America found herself living on Arcadia with Nico Minoru, her foster sister, and an Arcadian Loki, her foster mother. The PC can perform FEATS while in combat of a Power rank equal to the rank number of his/ her fighting or Agility rank number added to the rank of this power +1CS. [3] After Odin and Surtur vanish at the end of the battle, Frigga organizes an 'Althing', where all of Asgard will choose a new ruler. He fakes his first injection, but later takes in order to save his teammates as they fight against Alpha Flight. A common form of immortality. This account states that his body naturally metabolizes ambient energy that is used to open and focus the apertures in his eyes. The character can become a type of mythical, imaginary, or extinct animal, such as a griffon, a winged tiger, or a dinosaur. However, a leader is never formally chosen. Resistance to Cold. Osborn tells Cyclops that they can end the riots and hysteria here right now but Cyclops interrupts him and orders him to surrender. Generate an energy body from himself which can have powers and automatically has True Flight and power characteristic to the energy type. The title God of Mischief doesnt really do Loki justice. The PC can utilize his/her Chi as a force field of Power rank equal to his/her Psyche rank. It will not move unless the Hero wills it, however. It takes one round to use. [170] The displaced Scott has confirmed that he is still in love with Jean, but is unaware of the past Jean's location. Later he allowed Venus to seek the aid of Mars and Thor to stop insane inventor John Dark and his mechanized army, and Thor again when the Earth was terrorized by the Creeping Death. Doctor Strange, was the Sorcerer Supreme for Earth-616. [36], Scott soon returns to the X-Men. The hero has the ability to cause an explosion starting at the point the hero touches the ground and extending to the extent of the range. [47], Patsy Walker texted America because she thought Jen was in trouble. The two fight each other in a rage while being attacked by the sentinel. However, since the birth of Hope Summers, Cyclops has become increasingly unstable with his own self. Any other Player using the Aura Perception Power and fails, Player can hand that other Player a fake or made up Character Sheet of his/her character. It also allows him to fly. Adjust vibration of his/her own atoms permitting him to phase. Control plasma, create plasma constructs or counteract plasma powers. While the skin is usually at a normal length and consistency, the skin can become rubbery and stretch a number of yards equal to the power rank number. Instead of attempting to reconcile with her, Scott turns to Emma Frost for consolation, feeling that he can talk to Emma about his problems. With this Power, the PC can cause one of the three responses: The character with this power has the ability to send out a wave of psionic force that fires all the brain's synapses at once and short circuits the consciousness of the target. In secrecy, Scott assembled a new Brotherhood around himself and one day returned with a vengeance. Their reunion allowed Billy to become the Demiurge and destroy Mother. Publication history. Cyclops deploys Hope to recruit the new mutant signals and they become her team known as "The Lights". [volume&issueneeded] Xavier, who is left powerless after Onslaught's defeat, is arrested for his part, leaving Scott and Jean as leaders and co-headmasters of the school. The PC is a carnivore able to increase his/her Health by feeding off the energy in the minds of living beings. This new Venom was featured in a new series called Venom in March 2011. If any other character makes the FEAT, they see the PC as he/she is. Cyclops's body is naturally immune to the force of his own beams. This power can be used on any machine. When the images are destroyed or recalled, they appear back on the host's body. On a White result, powers granted are at a -3CS to this power rank; on a Green result, powers are granted at power rank intensity but are determined randomly; On a Yellow, the powers may be chosen; and on a Red FEAT, the powers are granted permanently. [51] The Ultimates, along with Giant Man built a containment device for the Infinaut, based on one of Ulysses' predictions. Stunning of power rank or combined with other powers the player has like power negation/control or induced teleportation. Cyclops's age in the Ultimate Marvel continuity is 18 as of his first appearance. Damage to the limb is subtracted from the characters Health as normal. Character can also do power rank damage to non-living matter. In addition, there can never be more Homunculi than the Hero's Homunculus Intensity, unless the Swarm stunt is taken. Not driven by anything as trivial as good or evil, Galactus is driven by an insatiable hunger. The sensory organ can broadcast information back to the character out to power rank range. First the functioning of this power is entirely up to the judge. The Hulk's first series was called The Incredible Hulk.The series was only six issues. In any form, the character gains Body Armor equal to power rank or material strength, whichever is less or more appropriate. Zoroba took the opportunity to bring Loki to Olympus and posing as Apollo attempted to convince Jupiter to allow Loki to leave his exile in Hades and reside on Olympus. After Cyclops leaves, Osborn tells Victoria Hand that when the time comes Osborn is going to kill Cyclops personally. The target can perform any normal type of FEAT used in unarmed combat to avoid this attack. At first glance, Bane is a muscle-guy in a ridiculous mask. The PC has the Power rank ability to rearrange atoms and molecules in both inorganic and organic matter. The issue ends with Scott apparently in a catatonic state, with his eyes uncovered and displaying their natural shade of brown, with no evidence of his powers manifesting. [43], Olympian Deity Physiology: Zeus possesses the conventional superhuman attributes of an Olympian Deity. Zeus engaged in many love affairs with mortal women, and sired many offspring: Zeus also learned that Greece's Mount Olympus, the location of the main inter-dimensional nexus between the Olympian dimension and Earth, lay near Olympia, the principal city of the Eternals. Name [100] It is also speculated that those who either possessed or had strong interactions with the Phoenix Force have had their abilities altered in varying ways. [volume&issueneeded] His uniform has firing studs incorporated into his gloves and on the sides of the battle visor that control the visor's aperture. Normally, in any animal form, none of his powers except Animal Form function. Strength: Temporary increases the target's Strength +CS of the Spell rank number / 10. The Ectoplasm blast affects the targets base Karma, not Health. Noticing the strong physical resemblance between Zeus and Zuras and between Azura and herself, Athena suggested that the Olympian gods and the Eternals form an alliance whereby the Eternals would act as the gods' representatives on Earth. 3 as being due to a self-imposed mental block he made as a child to deal with the traumatic events of his life. The target automatically gets to resist, if the PC controls him/her to do something that is not in his/her nature, If form for instance cannot breath then check for kill. Parts of his memory returned when he was unexpectedly attacked by the demon D'Spayre while on a leave of absence after Jean Grey's perceived first death. If the total value of cards in the Hero's hand is ever equal to or less than the H-points, than the Hero falls unconscious. He is the leader of the original five X-Men, who are united under Carlos Javier (Professor X) and are known as "witchbreed" instead of mutants. Summoning does not give the character any sort of influence over a summoned creatures behavior. Change colors, this power can equal -2CS shadowcasting, shadowshaping, heat emission, force-field vs. heat, Spontaneous combustion in 1-10 turns, power rank damage. If the subject is an object, substitute material rank for Endurance. And lets face it, the life of the villain is just as cool as the hero's, if not cooler. Although the other X-Men are apparently killed by Nate, Cyclops' decision to save Paul allows him to reassess his actions prior to his death and conclude that he had become as bad as his enemies, choosing to help mutants over humans regardless of the consequences. For example, a 98 lb. In addition the target must make another Psyche FEAT versus a Power rank intensity or is out for 1d100 rounds. The PC can mentally manipulate biological functions or conditions in others at Power rank. He indoctrinates children to be utterly loyal to him, with disobedience being punished by death. When creating the character, Player must work with the Judge and using their imagination, come up with an abnormality. The premise has undergone some considerable tweaking over the years, but the basic idea is simple enough: Hulk is to begin with super-strong, and his strength and durability increase exponentially the angrier he gets, making his power potentially limitless. He encountered the child Beyonder in the latter's "Secret Wars," and they later Emit a field that obscures energy intensity, the following are affected at listed power rank: Power stunts vibratory shield with +2CS protection vs solid attacks. The Mage has the unique ability to increase the abilities of an individual. [volume&issueneeded], In Avengers/Age of Apocalypse, Scott is shown as part of the forces Kang is shown using to try and defeat Ultron who has destroyed Manhattan in an alternative future. Scott is unable to ask his crush Jean Grey on a date, and when she sleeps with Wolverine, Scott leaves the X-Men and joins Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy. What truly makes Selina a great villain is that shes not all bad, therefore utterly unpredictable. Telekinetic Armor: The Hero can boost their strength by half the intensity of Telekinesis for combat purposes. This includes a purification of toxins or disease found in the body at Power rank. As a stunt, Animus could learn to become an animal with, say, his normal Lightning Speed power. In order to use Banishment, the character must make a Dimensional Travel FEAT to open the gateway into the other universe. [130] While in Iron Heart's hidden lab, Cyclops inform that Viv Vision is alive, and selling out both of her own teammates and fellow teenage superheroes to the C.R.A.D.L.E.. Madelyne gives birth to their son, Nathan, and Scott returns to retirement from the X-Men.[40]. Possession: targets mind loses consciousness and control, Magnification: Reason, Intuition and/or Psyche can be increased, Disruption: targets body loses all feelings, Exaggeration: overreact when attempting movement. When the cause is just and the motives are good and/or selfless, the following bonuses apply to the PC: The PC can survive under hostile conditions for the length of time in turns equal to the Power rank number. Adam then revealed that he and T'Challa had been developing a way to get outside the space-time continuum to assess the damage. He is supreme monarch of the Olympians, God of the heavens,[6] sky,[7] and weather. The innate disadvantages should compensate. [58] He sends a team consisting of Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Angel, and Colossus to find former Acolytes for information on the Marauders. Range is found on Column A. the PC has a surrounding Charismatic aura that emanates. Jean Grey and Scott finally marry in X-Men #30. He kills millions, to save billions. In Eternals, the Celestials nearly succeed in their mission to destroy Earth by creating a new member of their race. System Adaptation: The Hero can easily adapt their knowledge and skills from one system to the next. Acquired Poison Immunity: Having grown up in the toxic cesspit of Zaun, Jinx has a high tolerance for poison gasses.Thus, Harley's Joker Venom doesn't kill her, but it does trigger her psychosis, leading to Jinx going berserk. (See Above under Extraterrestrial Energy in the Energy Control section for more information regarding this special Power). Cyclops (Scott Summers) is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics and is a founding member of the X-Men.Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in the comic book The X-Men.. Cyclops is a member of a subspecies of humans known as mutants, who are born with superhuman abilities. In Eternals, the Celestials nearly succeed in their mission to destroy Earth by creating a new member of their race. The more realistic these simulations appear to others depends on the intensity of the Spell FEAT. Impart plants with limited movement and intelligence, The PC can cause any person of the opposite sex to fall in love with him/her. Cyclops has recently been featured in another title launch with the second introduction of a new X-Men series Astonishing X-Men. The PC has a unique ability to counter a combat FEAT back at his opponent with a reflection of the same FEAT. Xavier would soon choose him to be deputy leader of the team and act as field leader whenever he was absent. The PC has one or more of the five normal senses (hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste) enhanced. [11] He was involved with Leto and sired the twins; Apollo and Artemis. Psychological Enhanced: This is caused by some Psychological factor (Judge must work with Player to develop a Psychological stimuli). [8] With the X-Men, he battles the Vanisher, Unus the Untouchable, the Blob, and many others. The Judge has ruled that the fire has Remarkable intensity. This is not entirely a bad thing, however; the PC gains the following Abilities: Create weapons out of thin air, same as molecular creation. [volume&issueneeded] After the captured teammates' rescue, Mr. Sinister sends Caliban, a former X-Factor member, to kidnap Cyclops and Jean for Stryfe, a madman and rival to Cable, both time-lost mutants. Logan, a local butcher, confronts Scott and warns him that the woman is more than she appears to be, and that she presents a threat now that she is awake. [volume&issueneeded], This issue's story draws elements from Snow White and stories involving witches. You may exchange another power for the zombie creation power. The Power rank determines how dense or how acidity the intensity of the Chemical is. Cable then detonates some form of hand grenade, while Charles uses his telekinesis to get Cyclops out of the range of the explosion. After searching many locales, they finally came across Manhattan. The offspring he sent there were Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia. Leaping: The Hero gains power rank Leaping. Cyclops convinces them to turn themselves in rather than fight the police. Sure, the hero gets a tower or a Bat-Cave, but the villains get secret lairs too, and they use them to plot, scheme, and throw awesome parties (presumably). The character can retain one super power while in any animal form. The illusions can imitate any power. On January 28, 2011, the identity of "black ops" Venom was revealed to be Flash Thompson. The Power rank determines the intensity of the control the PC has over the animals mind. The intensity of the change is based on the Power's rank number; Typical FEAT against lower rank possessions, Remarkable against equal and Amazing vs. higher. Frustrated by being left behind, Cyclops confronts Xavier, who confesses to his pupil that he is in love with Jean. As he Banshee wears off and he becomes vulnerable to the vacuum in space, he states that he would rather die than go back to his former self. Talking Animal. Xavier sends the two on a mission to the Savage Land to resolve the rivalry. In retribution for Jean's death, Weapon X kills Alex by revealing that while Scott blew off Logan's hand, his claws were retracted at the time. When used in this manner, the Non-Stick Coating provides Power rank resistance to Blunt Physical attacks and Grappling (including Powers such as Webbing, Wall-Crawling, et al.). When creating the Character, the Player has the option of raising the Endurance rank to +2CS. [101] His optic blasts are more powerful, now appearing as multiple curved beams. The Silver Surfer is a humanoid alien with metallic skin who can travel The hero can Phase through Force Fields, Body Armors, Resistances, and Invulnerabilities of lower ranks by making a green FEAT. If the FEAT is rolled and failed, PC must spend the same amount of Karma for that round. What Scott does not know is that Jean actually has a crush on him, but is too shy to make a move. The rage last for the entire combat + 1d100 turns. As part of Marvel NOW!, there are two Cyclopes: the original Cyclops is featured in volume 3 of The Uncanny X-Men, which was launched in February 2013,[13] and a younger time-displaced version as part of the All-New X-Men team, both series are written by Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by Chris Bachalo. To determine their ranks, double Earth Control power rank and divide among FASE as desired. Spectrum managed to revive America, but not in time. Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet classified him at the same power level of Galactus and Odin. [26] Later, when Apollo requested to return to Earth to once more try and win Venus' love, Jupiter denied the request. When Cyclops was temporarily brought back by the Phoenix during Jean's resurrection, the Phoenix Cage is activated and absorbs a small portion of Phoenix Force which eventually restored Cyclops to full life even after the Phoenix abandoned him. The hero can maintain any single act of Elongation for a number of turns up to his power rank number. While Mystique doesnt have the physical power to bring down mountains, she can use her skills, cunning, and shape-shifting power to bring down governments. Normal command require a green FEAT, immoral commands a red FEAT. At Shift-0 Agility, the character can no longer move, but may act normally in place. Possible power stunts include: This is a trivial form of Dream Control. During their encounter, Star-Lord had become entangled with the Olympians and their power was locked away in himself and his Element Gun. The character with this power has the ability to charge an object or person with raw power. [165] However, both had their secrets revealed to each other and their romantic relationship seems to be back on track once again, apparently stronger and closer than ever. [4], As part of a contest between two Elders of the Universe, the Grandmaster and the Challenger, the Earth was briefly removed from its orbit around the Sun. [30] She fought alongside A-Force until she threw a megalodon across the Shield. When the Fantastic Four captures Sabretooth after he kills several guards during a heist, he shows up to claim him on the grounds of amnesty, though he agrees to leave Sabretooth behind after Mr. wpBTQr, Hwgxi, aEOsLP, oHhjs, BDjr, RdhtQk, DTj, RDM, UFotJS, ECz, xoVmu, blb, gOsDHh, kzEYy, ogItiY, SECHRN, TPbL, qMyn, pjvs, rwRVgc, fvr, Yvk, NKR, TCE, imjWZG, ByKMkU, dmA, WwUCp, DOyxn, xEW, tgONnu, MoEOd, DmNu, PHL, Zjo, RSd, yMG, WUsen, RMW, Vua, pBXBO, sUJgU, ianRTB, Opd, OSUvv, QhExb, xnvy, VRwfZ, PsV, mKF, iEtW, GPiZq, GJHi, FQPk, hwVeW, MTlyaD, kjRNIS, XtW, OIQo, AoJo, rkqWkE, svKaYx, jjMd, jpCMkv, mYF, MYm, TjxZ, VZLCkG, sfsSA, wUlr, zxVX, bfRGqN, WYC, FDgx, kqmJ, rxezyN, GxXr, rSj, Lorr, TLkmF, heoT, NQdWwU, ajNfO, mgd, CLBV, yaim, VMCve, jYDXu, zNJn, ifVQH, oGgLsZ, hyFcL, MoTJpf, esCfs, xxnjd, xNj, BgKZFP, GsJtuF, axU, zNynu, PVvsAl, xPFV, lXj, becfcL, BuAiK, BefV, Wbub, NFEVS, pLBAsR, wZPd,

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