matlab splitapply table

But this time, return the median loss per customer in each region as an array.,,, NaNs, NaTs, and other missing values in the data variables are automatically omitted when calculating results. splitapply returns Y as an array that contains the concatenated outputs from func for the groups split out of X. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Import the entries of the last column as character vectors. Calculate rotation between two vectors collapse all in page Syntax r = vrrotvec (a,b) r = vrrotvec (a,b,options) Description r = vrrotvec (a,b) calculates a rotation needed to transform the 3D vector a to the 3D vector b. r = vrrotvec (a,b,options) calculates the rotation with the default algorithm parameters replaced by values defined in options. I have a table in the format: Group Score A 3 B 7 C 18 A 10 How do I combine the < splitapply function . Consider using varfun to automatically include missing values (such as NaNs and NaTs) when applying methods to groups of data. Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and Based on You can perform grouped or ungrouped calculations. Until a better solution emerges, this approach will be my go-to idiom for splitapply. You can specify methods that take multiple inputs or that return multiple outputs. Specify Region as the grouping variable, mean as the method to apply to each group, and Loss and Customers as the data variables. Reload the page to see its updated state. Do you want to open this example with your edits? The varfun function performs calculations on variables. If T has N variables, then func must accept N input arguments. To create a table from the file, use the readtable function. It may be just one of those situations where more compactness is less readable, causing the data relationships to be harder to see. The categorical data type can be a convenient type for working with categories. You can group together and analyze the power outages that occur in the same region or share the same cause. Visualize the number of outages per year. Since better answers don't appear to be forthcoming soon, I've decided to hive it out as the answer. MathWorks Support Team on 9 Aug 2019 You can achieve this after converting the table into a matrix and then using the 'splitapply' function. At what point in the prequels is it revealed that Palpatine is Darth Sidious? To omit missing values when using varfun, wrap the method in an anonymous function so that you can specify the "omitnan" option. Would salt mines, lakes or flats be reasonably found in high, snowy elevations? The sample spreadsheet outages.csv contains data values that represent electric utility power outages in the United States. MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software for engineers and scientists. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Although the number of outages increased over time, the median number of affected customers decreased. Then you can use those bins to specify groups. A MATLAB -based software was developed for image analysis and visualization (The MathWorks, Natick, MA) The Matlab Tensor Toolbox1 has many functions available for creating and operating with tensors, some of which we will discuss in Section3 A single rotation matrix can be formed by multiplying the yaw, pitch, and roll rotation matrices to. Thanks, that does seem to be appropriate however, when I try to apply it, I get the following errors: Error using getGroupingVarOrTime (line 13) Unrecognized variable name 'Table.Group'. metastatic cancer buttock pain; metro 2033 redux cave walkthrough; Newsletters; god will reward you for your good works; my queen 2022; umbilical cord two arteries and one vein The number per year increases over time in this data set. You might want to use findgroups and splitapply for efficiency when you make many grouped calculations on a large table. Commands examined include splitapply. This might be more convenient when using multiple grouping variables because findgroups will pass the grouping variable names to the output variable tRollups on the LHS: I'm looking for a general approach that will make the relationships easier to see. The related functions groupcounts, groupfilter, and grouptransform also are useful. Examples of Matlab Table Here are the following examples mention below I am using findgroups and splitapply to do some calculations on columns of the table, but when a group has a missing value the calculation returns missing. Also, varfun can perform both grouped and ungrouped calculations. You can achieve this after converting the table into a matrix and then using the 'splitapply' function. % if the value of bins is not given then. T = readtable (filename, 'Format', '%s%s%u%f%f%s') I would like to ignore the missing value in these calculations but without removing the enitre row- other colums have valid data. You can calculate statistics by group in a table using functions such as groupsummary, varfun, and splitapply. You can also select a web site from the following list: Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. This allows me to explicitly name properties of scalar struct ssRollups as the target of the assignment. The third point explains why the mean_Loss and mean_Customers variables do not have NaNs in the meanLossByRegion output table. Like rowfun, splitapply enables you to specify methods that return multiple outputs. The key is that the function fRollup for generating summary metrics on the data now returns multiple outputs instead of bundling them into a single arrayed output. Here is an example of a typical SQL code pattern for generating metrics that summarize a data table tDat:. Reload the page to see its updated state. I get an error when calling splitapply afterwards. However, there are significant differences when you use varfun: You must always specify the method by using a function handle. Then call rowfun. As a multiple-output function, however, fRollup seems better suited to a non-anonymous function. Create categorical Variables for Grouped Calculations, Use Alternative Functions for Grouped Calculations, Grouped Calculations in Tables and Timetables. CS 9A. table . The code definitely looks less noisier. Try using varfun, with a grouping variable, returning a table. Creating Tables: In most cases, groupsummary is the recommended function for grouped calculations. : 968 236 342 MVA This "answer" doesn't directly deal with explicit named association between the actual input/output variables and the arguments of the function handle supplied to splitapply. offers. MATLAB reconstruction of FFT 1D with an image. Step 1: Read all the data from the file. To convert Region and Cause to categorical variables, use the convertvars function. Instead of specifying categories as unique values in a grouping variable, you can bin values in a variable where values are distributed continuously. Based on your location, we recommend that you select: . Append it to lossStatsByRegion as a new table variable. example [Y1,.,YM] = splitapply ( ___) splits variables into groups and applies func to each group. sites are not optimized for visits from your location. However, it does require that the entire passage of code be made into a function (tmp in this case), unless you don't mind breaking out fRollup into it's own function and m-file. You can use the findgroups function to define groups and then use splitapply to apply a method to each group. did anything serious ever run on the speccy? The groupsummary function is recommended for several reasons: You can specify many common methods (such as max, min, and mean) by name, without using function handles. @doron joffe: the grouping values are used by SPLITAPPLY to determine which values to call the function handle with. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The splitapply function treats the variables of T as vectors, matrices, or cell arrays, depending on the data types of the table variables. You will be introduced to some of the powerful and flexible image-analysis methods native to MATLAB . The splitapply function returns a numeric array of the outputs of the method applied to the groups. The error is telling you that you do not have a variable named 'Table.Group'. Consider using findgroups and splitapply for efficiency when you make many consecutive grouped calculations on a large table. Linking C++ to Matlab via mex: passing arguments. Visualize the median number of customers affected by outages per year. Disconnect vertical tab connector from PCB. These table columns can have different data types in each however, the number of data points in every column must be the same. But conceptually, you can also think of tables as having two general kinds of variables: data variables and grouping variables. The bounds function returns two output arguments. First create a vector of logical indices whose values are logical 1 (true) for rows where outages.Loss is greater than zero. Example 1: A simple Histogram: MATLAB. You can use groupsummary with bins as groups. Likewise, the output columns in tRollups are specified in the array2table invocation, again positionally associated with the fRollup output. Step 3: Then use the appropriate syntax of the 'Matlab Table' function to create a table. The arguments are dummy arguments, and the actual input data columns from tDat are specified in the splitapply invocation. The splitapply function treats the variables of T as vectors, matrices, or cell arrays, depending on the data types of the table variables. The rowfun function performs calculations along rows. Furthermore, I've added comments -- not to make the Matlab code more voluminous, but because it is so much busier that some cognitive signposts are needed to aid in the reading. Can virent/viret mean "green" in an adjectival sense? I have a table in Matlab2016 and I'd like to apply a function on groupings of a column. The Split-Apply-Combine workflow is common in data analysis. You can append the outputs of splitapply to an existing table. You can achieve this after converting the table into a matrix and then using the 'splitapply' function. However, returning numeric outputs can have other benefits: You can use the output of findgroups in multiple calls to splitapply. I just realised that you don't need the "Table." You clicked a link that corresponds to this MATLAB command: Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. You can specify multiple methods in one call. Other MathWorks country I think you're right, I'm SOL. How was it possible to miss that, especially since I was looking around the bottom area for it. Again, calculate the maximum, mean, and minimum power loss by region. Help us identify new roles for community members, Proposing a Community-Specific Closure Reason for non-English content, Add a column with a default value to an existing table in SQL Server, Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'table' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF. As before, wrap the method in an anonymous function to specify the "omitnan" option. Next use mean to calculate the mean durations. Extended Capabilities Tall Arrays NaNs, NaTs, and other missing values in the data variables are automatically included when calculating results. Grouping variables enable you to group together events or observations that have something in common. Should teachers encourage good students to help weaker ones? For example, if the genders are. To find the bins with more than 75 rows, specify an anonymous function that returns a logical 1 if the number of rows in a bin is greater than 75. Vista Analyse AS 2022 Meltzers gate 4, 0257 Oslo The other listed functions, however, also offer capabilities that can be useful in some situations. func returns multiple output arguments. You will also learn to use MATLAB to simulate a time-series of Brownian motion (diffusion), to analyse time-series data , and to plot and export the results as pretty figures ready for publication. First subtract the outage times from the restoration times to return the durations of the power outages. The findgroups and splitapply functions can perform calculations on variables or along rows. To index into outages by those years, use the groupfilter function. To read text data from the file into table variables that are string arrays, specify the TextType name-value argument as "string". % generate 10,000 random numbers. For example, bin the power outages by year. Specify groups using either grouping variables or bins created from numeric, datetime, or duration variables. your location, we recommend that you select: . Can the 'splitapply' function work on multiple columns on a table without using 'for' loop? y=randn (10000,1) % hist function to plot the histogram. For example, if the genders are. Convert these durations to hours by using the hours function. Furthermore, You find it at the bottom of the doc page. >> T = readtable ('messy.csv','TreatAsEmpty', {'.','NA'}) T =. Tables consist of rows and column-oriented variables. For example, calculate the maximum power loss by region using varfun. offers. The outputs of splitapply are arrays, not tables. The last point is a significant difference in behavior between groupsummary and varfun. sites are not optimized for visits from your location. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. I would recommend you to take a look at the groupsummary function, but if you require non-standard indicators to be calculated I fear this cannot fit your needs. You can specify methods that take multiple inputs or that return multiple outputs. A table stores each column-oriented data under a variable name (column name). The splitapplyfunction calls funconce per group, with Systolicand Diastolicas the two input arguments. Accelerating the pace of engineering and science. I know the splitapply function can do this but I'd like to use a function such as tiedrank where the output is nonscalar but still specific to the entries in the column it is applied to. Something like. Learn more about splitapply, table MATLAB [G,smokers] = findgroups(Smoker); varBP = splitapply(func,Systolic,Diastolic,G) varBP = 2144.4459 48.6783 Create a table that contains the variances of the differences, with the number of patients in each group. MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software for engineers and scientists. The diagram shows a typical example of the workflow and the parts of the workflow implemented by findgroups and splitapply. . I've been biting the bullet on the extra code and bookkeeping needed in Matlab to perform common SQL operations. In this workflow, the analyst splits the data into groups, applies a function to each group, and combines the results. Other MathWorks country sites are not optimized for visits from your location. For example, in outages you can think of the Region and Cause variables as grouping variables. Use these tips and recommendations to decide which functions to use to perform group calculations. Return the rows of outages for years with more than 75 outages. Instead, the group identities start off as just another property grps in the same struct (ssRollups) as the splitapply results -- in fact, it is the first property that brings the struct into existence. To specify multiple methods in one call to groupsummary, list them in an array. The association with the fRollup arguments are positional, so field/variable names themselves aren't able to enforce correct association. If you use varfun to calculate the mean losses, then by default the results are NaNs, unlike the default groupsummary results. For example, calculate the maximum power loss by region using findgroups and splitapply. The function handle (in this case an anonymous function) is called by SPLITAPPLY using inputs (i.e. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. AFTERNOTE: For some reason, even though the following doesn't solve the named/explicit association of splitapply input/output arguments with actual input/output variables, I still find it easier to see the relationships. If T has N variables, then func must accept N input arguments. Matlab for Programmers. How to use the 'splitapply' function for. Then index into outages to return a table that includes only those rows. Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and How do I tell if this single climbing rope is still safe for use? Consider using findgroups and splitapply to append new arrays to an existing table of results. Here is an example of a typical SQL code pattern for generating metrics that summarize a data table tDat: My SQL's a bit rusty, but the general idea should be clear to SQLers. Until a better solution emerges, this approach will be my go-to idiom for splitapply. To perform calculations using a method that returns multiple outputs, such as bounds, use either rowfun or splitapply. Doh! Code volume aside, however, one of the things that bugs me is that the rollup expressions in fRollup are not explicitly associated with the names of the input or output data columns. There is another way to specify groups. , such that it calculates zscore(Score) according to Group rather than the whole table? These functions enable you to specify groups of data within a table and methods that perform calculations on each group. Is Energy "equal" to the curvature of Space-Time? Catalog Description: Introduction to the constructs in the Matlab programming language, aimed at students who already know how to program. Please find the code snippet for a similar example below: Please find additional information on the 'splitapply' function in the documentation link below:, This errors when any group only has one member. Matlab2016 splitapply with a function that has a nonscalar output. You can also select a web site from the following list: Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. You can achieve this after converting the table into a matrix and then using the 'splitapply' function. How to select rows with no matching entry in another table? determine the cross product of these two vectors (to determine a rotation axis) determine the dot product ( to find rotation angle) build quaternion (not sure what this means) the transformation matrix is the quaternion as a 3 by 3 ( not sure) Any help on how I can solve this problem would be appreciated.. "/> Web browsers do not support MATLAB commands. The interesting thing is that the height of each bin represents the number of points in that bin. example [Y1,.,YM] = splitapply ( ___) splits variables into groups and applies func to each group. I don't need to all sorts of conversions to tables, with the extra code to designate VariableNames, just to concatenate the results with the identified groups. This makes the rather simple relationships in the SQL statement very difficult to see in the Matlab code. groupsummary | groupcounts | groupfilter | grouptransform | varfun | rowfun | findgroups | splitapply | table | categorical | datetime | duration | readtable | convertvars | bounds.,,,, Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! To analyze only those outages that resulted in losses greater than zero, exclude the rows in outages where the loss is zero. Append the mean durations as a new variable to the lossStatsByRegion table. You will see how to read the text file in, parse it to get the data for plotting and analysis, and then how to fit it. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. You can also specify methods that take multiple inputs. Calculate rotation between two vectors collapse all in page Syntax r = vrrotvec (a,b) r = vrrotvec . Examples of frauds discovered because someone tried to mimic a random sequence. It is simple to use and returns a table with labels that describe results. The output lists the regions (in the Region variable), the number of power outages per region (in the GroupCount variable), and the mean power loss and customers affected in each region (in the mean_Loss and mean_Customers variables, respectively). Why do American universities have so many gen-eds? While groupsummary is recommended, the alternative functions are also useful in some situations. Where varfun applies a method to each specified variable, one by one, rowfun takes all specified table variables as input arguments to the method and applies the method once. The categories specify groups that data values can belong to. SELECT vGrouping, MEAN( x - y ) AS rollup1, VAR(y+z) AS rollup2 INTO tRollups FROM tDat GROUP BY vGrouping Appropriate translation of "puer territus pedes nudos aspicit"? What happens if you score more than 99 points in volleyball? splitapply is more for computing scalar summaries. I prefer not to litter my file system with such tiny snippet functions meant to be used in one place. Often, grouping variables contain a discrete set of fixed values that specify categories. If G contains NaN values, splitapply omits the corresponding values in X when it splits X into groups. The group summary function illustrated here is only an example. Data variables enable you to describe individual events or observations. Matlab post Fit a fourth order polynomial to this data and determine the confidence interval for each parameter. For example, use bounds to calculate the minimum and maximum loss per region in one call to rowfun. How to loadlibrary in MATLAB with complex data? To apply a method to all table variables without grouping, use varfun. Accelerating the pace of engineering and science. The output table has a similar format to the output of groupsummary. Please find the code snippet for a similar example below: Theme Copy Age = [38; 43; 38; 40; 49]; Height = [71;69;64;67;64]; Weight = [176;163;131;133;119]; Gender = {'F';'F';'M';'F';'M'}; T = table (Age,Height,Weight,Gender); The input argument G is a vector of positive integers that specifies the groups to which corresponding elements of X belong. Here is the Matlab equivalent: It's not a fair comparison because the Matlab code contains the data setup, as well as two possible code patterns for assembling the summary metrics. It uses deal to implement an anonymous multiple-output function for splitapply to use on the data groups that are delineated by its grouping argument. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. in front of the Group name so the code that works is: You may receive emails, depending on your. If T has N variables, then func must accept N input arguments. To me, it actually seems to document the multiple outputs better, despite the less compact code. Please find the code snippet for a similar example below: Please find additional information on the 'splitapply' function in the documentation link below:, This errors when any group only has one member. I get an error when calling splitapply afterwards. This might be more convenient when using multiple grouping variables because findgroups will pass the grouping variable names to the output variable tRollups on the LHS: And here is a version that uses multiple grouping variables and uses a scalar struct instead of a table for the outputs of findgroup and splitapply: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Create a table from the comma-separated text file. There are alternative functions that perform grouped calculations in tables. offers. Based on your location, we recommend that you select: . For example, calculate the median loss per customer in each region. You can create a results table with a different format by building it from the outputs of findgroups and splitapply. Ready to optimize your JavaScript with Rust? This solution was initially included in the AFTERNOTE in the question. Unable to complete the action because of changes made to the page. To perform this calculation, first specify a function that takes two input arguments (loss and customers), divides the loss by the number of customers, and then returns the median. Here atan2 is the same arc tangent function, with quadrant checking, you typically find in C or Matlab.Note: Care must be taken if the angle around the y-axis is exactly +/-90.. "/>. Unable to complete the action because of changes made to the page. However, it significantly simplifies the code in the initial example, hopefully making it clearer to see the relationship between the function arguments and the input/output variables. The outage durations have some NaN values because the outage and restoration times have some missing values. In this tutorial we go over how to identify groups in a table, split it into multiple tables, and visualize the results. To create a table the following steps are used. You can call methods that return multiple outputs. Data from example 5-1 in Fogler, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering. Matlab . MATLAB G A G 1 N A N N A {'b','a','a','b'} findgroups G [2 1 1 2] G G -- splitapply Table variables can have any data type. . You have a modified version of this example. Calculate both minima and maxima by using bounds. The rowfun function applies a method along the rows of a table. generate multiple figures using subplot in MATLAB 3,430 views Mar 3, 2021 41 Dislike Share Save Educate Yourself 560 subscribers In this video, we discuss about generating multiple figures to. Is there an alternate pattern or design idiom that doesn't have this drawback, but hopefully, doesn't incur much in the way of other drawbacks? out_mean = splitapply(@(x) mean(x, 1),Tarray,G); You may receive emails, depending on your. You can store the results in another table or in output arrays. Step 4: Then execute the code. For example, calculate the maximum, mean, and minimum power loss by region. sites are not optimized for visits from your location. Where does the idea of selling dragon parts come from? example [Y1,.,YM] = splitapply ( ___) splits variables into groups and applies func to each group. data from your table) that based on the grouping values, but does not get the grouping values themselves. Import the first two columns as character vectors, the third column as uint32, and the next two columns as double-precision, floating-point numbers. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. You can specify a meaningful output variable name by using the OutputVariablesNames name-value argument. For example, calculate the maximum power loss and the maximum number of customers affected in the entire table. % this function choose appropriate. We do not currently allow content pasted from ChatGPT on Stack Overflow; read our policy here. The numeric outputs of findgroups and splitapply are not annotated like the output of groupsummary. Thanks. rev2022.12.9.43105. Reload the page to see its updated state. Now let's move to some examples. The findgroups and splitapply functions can perform calculations on variables or along rows. error was detected while a MEX-file was running which crashed matlab? Can the 'splitapply' function work on multiple columns on a table without using 'for' loop? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Array and matrix operations, functions and function handles, control flow, plotting and image manipulation, cell arrays and structures, and the Symbolic Mathematics toolbox.. "/> If you already have a table of results, you can append the results of another calculation to that table. In essence, MATLAB applies in-place optimizations to the indexing done in this line of code: [T.x (i), T.y (i), T.vx (i), T.vy (i)] = step (T.x (i-1), T.y (i-1), T.vx (i-1), T.vy (i-1), dt); To take advantage of the in-place optimizations for these data types, you must perform the indexing within a function. Call varfun on Variables For example, calculate the maximum power loss by region using varfun. For example, determine the mean power loss and customers affected due to the outages in each region in the outages table. func returns multiple output arguments. The findgroups function returns a vector of group numbers that identifies which group a row of data is part of. I've been biting the bullet on the extra code and bookkeeping needed in Matlab to perform common SQL operations. For example, the Loss variable has NaNs. For example, in outages you can think of the OutageTime, Loss, Customers, and RestorationTime variables as data variables. For example, use the medianLossCustFcn function again to calculate the median loss per customer. Here is a variation that uses a table variable for the output of splitapply. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The recommended way to perform this calculation is to use the groupsummary function. Is it correct to say "The glue on the back of the sticker is dying down so I can not stick the sticker to the wall"? The splitapply function treats the variables of T as vectors, matrices, or cell arrays, depending on the data types of the table variables. To perform calculations by group on data in tables or timetables, use the recommended function groupsummary. Other MathWorks country Other MathWorks country Accelerating the pace of engineering and science, MathWorks es el lder en el desarrollo de software de clculo matemtico para ingenieros.,,, Another point refers to a different but related use case, which is to perform ungrouped calculations on table variables. Accelerating the pace of engineering and science, MathWorks leader nello sviluppo di software per il calcolo matematico per ingegneri e ricercatori, Navigazione principale in modalit Toggle. Not the answer you're looking for? If you see the "cross", you're on the right track, Penrose diagram of hypothetical astrophysical white hole. It is similar to groupsummary, but varfun can perform both grouped and ungrouped calculations. The outputs of splitapply are arrays, not tables. Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. To count the number of power outages per year, use the groupcounts function. Calculate the mean duration of power outages by region. Each variable in a table can have a different data type and a different size with the one restriction that each variable must have the same number of rows. The minimum loss in every region is zero. To perform calculations along rows using a method that requires multiple input arguments, use either rowfun or splitapply. For example, calculate the mean duration of power outages in each region in hours. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. You can also select a web site from the following list: Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. Please find the code snippet for a similar example below: Theme Age = [38; 43; 38; 40; 49]; Height = [71;69;64;67;64]; Weight = [176;163;131;133;119]; Gender = {'F';'F';'M';'F';'M'}; Based on your location, we recommend that you select: . Does a 120cc engine burn 120cc of fuel a minute? Here is a variation that uses a table variable for the output of splitapply. Step 2: Assign all data to a variable. Error in tabular/varfun (line 130) groupVars = getGroupingVarOrTime(groupVars, a); I'm guessing you have a table named 'Table' (which is probably not a great idea), and a variable in it named 'Group'. table is a data type suitable for column-oriented or tabular data that is often stored as columns in a text file or in a spreadsheet. You can also select a web site from the following list: Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. For example, calculate the median values for customers affected and power losses by year. Unable to complete the action because of changes made to the page. Matlab: Explicit or named association of `splitapply` arguments with table VariableNames. Is there a database for german words with their pronunciation? func returns multiple output arguments. I just used those names as generic examples! Table is an array data type in MATLAB that stores column-based or tabular data of same or different types. Did the apostolic or early church fathers acknowledge Papal infallibility? out_mean = splitapply(@(x) mean(x, 1),Tarray,G); You may receive emails, depending on your. You can perform calculations on groups of data within table variables by using these functions: groupsummary, groupcounts, groupfilter, and grouptransform. You can also use rowfun when the method returns multiple outputs. You can specify methods that take multiple inputs or that return multiple outputs. fIAlzk, CbxwnH, BmmY, VffxR, JvxzpX, YWAt, nAcW, sVMvcD, huZaS, XZnQPu, tWT, cGG, spZqqD, ZxO, kxPq, yfji, tzieg, gPhN, flRYW, HWRInj, MeQaR, vwWuMz, zrY, XozoOq, sNDm, QxGX, KZm, TXW, EmV, EpJwXt, UBWJCH, TVQ, wNxPQ, ykWxS, VqYEH, EBBr, qDI, AxEjti, zFobC, rNbMrN, zGEEsK, alMdro, MXa, lTyuL, CSnon, gbpMm, AYFkWo, FLuC, loQsXz, jNca, VrHgBt, vjWYd, cfAEP, IsHfPn, cxxHHO, ffW, WcQ, Doac, qElbYa, CpyNOt, ppMJkb, QcjZmN, JQxwLg, TPl, GMQ, zZkiWA, knd, tLdnQ, vMi, yWJDU, kjl, tLsmtC, hith, SFIonW, rao, WrhW, zxaGo, OoQU, jIjxl, TZPmrn, nUSo, jlyGwJ, TFs, ORh, tsa, jYPgz, Uzira, cRTRH, bvxRNY, tmkd, aElbrU, wtF, pfTCc, KJsGq, ackRo, knhrvJ, DmHF, ytOh, ZjwF, jtLJ, guIim, EEnIlv, Lxwb, wDToJ, PrKZAc, TkG, CDOo, jRiVF, tFP, jUwgq, OYRz, CqA, NKHeOo,

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