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He was the father of Elizabeth whom I had taken to several dances while at Cambridge and whose marriage had recently been announced in the London papers. We went on to Itobo for an inspection of the court records and found all in reasonable shape although the dispensary was falling down. At Voi we consulted the Game Ranger at his workshops and entered the Reserve. At the same time I worked closely with the Police who prosecuted criminal cases before the RM, and with the officials like prison officers, the immigration staff and the Probation Office, and I was frequently called upon to give evidence in the Magistrates Court about the misdemeanours of those who came before me at the Boma. New California laws will create 4 million jobs, reduce the states oil use by 91%, cut air pollution by 60%, protect communities from oil drilling, and accelerate the states transition to clean The cream came out of a tin, but it was in bright colours and beautifully decorated and was a hit with the children - and most of the parents; and I finished it in the evening. Tony was very keen on shooting, had a licence to hunt elephant - one a year - and always took his shot-gun out on safari. Changes were taking place in Dar es Salaam too. Deposited at the front door with my trunk and bags around me, I rang a bell and a porter appeared. Halifax is a major economic centre in Atlantic Canada, with a large concentration of government services and private sector companies. The only ways to reach it and its neighbouring hamlets were either from the sea or along the sea-shore; and I decided to use a borrowed bicycle, leaving the car where the road petered out at about 8am one morning and returning to it at 10pm that night. We came back with the wind behind us in about two hours. Frantically he started to scramble up the fence but was caught, stoned and crucified on the wire. So this was another royal command. In my first term at Johns, I attended a talk at the Colonial Service Club in Cambridge. [22], Secession Building by Joseph Maria Olbrich, Vienna (189798), Stoclet Palace by Josef Hoffmann, Brussels (19051911), Detail of the Stoclet Palace's faade, made of reinforced concrete covered with marble plaques, Austrian Postal Savings Bank by Otto Wagner, Vienna (19041912), New materials and technologies, especially reinforced concrete, were key to the development and appearance of Art Deco. I set out to train him in his basic duties and slowly he learned the job. She was also highly professional, made me take three codein and then did most of the preparations for the party under my instructions. On each occasion, Salim went off, rounded up labourers and bystanders, and directed efforts to move the vehicle forward. They said they had come from Korogwe and were on their way to inspect water-holes for cattle at Kiberashi on the Masailand borders. Someone else brought down a tin trunk of my clothes packed by Peter and Rummy; and Nevil visited and cheered me up enormously. When Simon and I stayed with the Magnays in October, Harrys stout landrover carried us back up to Morningside for a days escape from the sweltering heat of the plains. The effect he seeks is obviously one of picturesqueness and gaiety. That evening, the local Zaramo in Kisarawe village were dancing to celebrate the jando, (the rites of initiation of their young men). Our joy was mitigated a little by poor Harry who was feverish and whose nose bled copiously into the dust when we paused for a very late lunch. Soon after leaving Mswaki we came up with a road gang of twenty or so men repairing the roads. Industrial & Commercial Bank of China(Argentina) S.A.U. An African Minister agreed to preside and draw the raffles, and lots of tickets were sold. I was told later that he had died of a heart attack during the night. The harbour was too shallow for the Warwick Castle to go alongside so we sat in the bay some way off shore where I had my first view of Tanganyika. I bequeathed her all my plants, and asked her to look after Auntie Judys picture until my return. A large crowd of these well-dressed fellows all in orange - as it seemed to me - had gathered outside the palace to pay their respects to the Sultan; and I watched with delight the stately ceremonial dances they performed. Next day, Mrs Tilney collected me in the afternoon and took me down to the Yacht Club and out on the water in Mr Tilneys sailing boat. The run back to Dar was free of problems and we all felt wonderfully fit and refreshed after our night in the hills. I was shown round their new building and state-of- the-art studios amid waving coconut palms that had recently been built with a grant of money from the UK Government. Just add your supported cards and continue to get all the rewards, benefits, and security of your cards. The most sophisticated night-spot in Dar at that time was the Aquarium, where we could dance a little; and the Yacht Club provided a delightful venue and good dancing from time to time through the summer months. I rested my eyes and tested them again - and again. Charles Thatcher was the tallest of us with a quiet and thoughtful demeanour. One of the best known and certainly the largest public Art Deco sculpture is the Christ the Redeemer by the French sculptor Paul Landowski, completed between 1922 and 1931, located on a mountain top overlooking Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The sea heavily influences the climate of the area, causing significant seasonal lag in summer, with August being significantly warmer than June and with September being the third mildest month in terms of mean temperature. He was quiet, sensible, willing and a quick learner. No sooner had the Hanningtons left than the room next door was occupied by a fourteen-year-old schoolboy named Douglas. I counted the wretched cows tails, and then went out to the school and spent some time chatting with the head teacher and visiting his school shamba. I knew she wanted me to love her and I wanted to love someone, but there was no spark. The European residential area of the town was deserted - all means of livelihood gone. It was cheerful family affair at the Browns, decorating the tree and enjoying a supper of oysters and cooked ham. Oddly enough, I never remember asking him the same question. John also introduced me to the squash court on my first Sunday and lent me a squash racquet from time to time. I was glad to see the back of him. It was a noisy but effective procedure, and it carried us home to Handeni dirty and exhausted, and much later than expected. We were introduced to Reed, known as DC Urban who was to be our host for the next day or two in his bachelor quarters. We had not expected to see them again and were delighted to do so, all talking at once as we gave them our first impressions. I showed Bakari how to cook things like an omelette, and help came in the form of a book ordered from the Times Bookshop; Cooking in the Tropics, at 7/6d, exactly what was needed. The only other Europeans on the station were John and Daphne Ainley. Learn about Cape Breton Islands first inhabitants the Mikmaq people - and the settlers that followed from England, France, Ireland and Scotland. One was Rufiji Barker, an elderly fellow who had for many years hunted elephants for their ivory and wild animals and reptiles for their skins all over East Africa, notably in the Rufiji Delta. I ask forgiveness of the purists for omitting all such prefixes in order to simplify the text. It was a cold meal; I ate little and drank water. Ten police askaris joined us and patrolled the area all night, but without success. It was too cold for mosquitoes so no net was required over my bed at night. An ambulance was based at the little hospital, and the prison was a large and substantial building. Over a drink at the Yacht Club afterwards, Rex told me about the job he had lined up for me. I told him I should like to serve the young uneducated men such as those I had worked with in the Army, that is to train their characters and exert some positive influence over their natures. After World War II, the dominant architectural style became the International Style pioneered by Le Corbusier, and Mies van der Rohe. This was the result partly of the large quantity on the market, and partly because of import restrictions in Uganda; so, despite many promises to pay, the tax was not coming in as it should. In the afternoon I went over to the Club, and attended the Committee meeting. The beds were the traditional wooden boards, and on my first visit I took over eight spring beds for the prefects. E C. B. N. H. CO. 2022. Then began the long wait for the materials to arrive. On the road to the charmingly-named village of Bububu, we visited the ruins of one of the sultans palaces at a wild place called Kidichi. Unfortunately, in the event, he was unable to get down to Dar and simply sent a message of encouragement. The highest temperature ever recorded in Halifax was 37.2C (99.0F) on July 10, 1912,[21] and the lowest temperature recorded was 29.4C (20.9F) on February 18, 1922. Among the best known French Art Deco poster designers was Cassandre, who made the celebrated poster of the ocean liner SS Normandie in 1935.[96]. Of the eight of us destined for Tanganyika, I knew only Harry Magnay, who had been at Johns in Cambridge but had had a different circle of friends to me although we had come across each other from time to time on the rugger field and elsewhere. An officious immigration official stamped my passport and I felt at home again in the country to which I had already given my heart. Some of the group found it easier than others, I suspect. One was a boy aged 12 found wandering about at 3am in the commercial centre - I ordered his father to be called in. I also met the Assistant Minister who was a shrewd and interesting African chief, learning the job with the civil service on the spot. With the help of the Careers Service and under the influence of Robbie Robinsons teaching about the Expansion of Europe I came to realise that there would indeed be a useful job of work to do among a colonial people, and it would be immensely interesting to do so. He told me the Nyamwezi tribe was one of the biggest and strongest in the Territory, inhabiting three large districts in the Western Province including Nzega. It was strenuous exercise. Next day I threw a lunchtime party for them to meet some of my neighbours. It was a long morning. I was on the fringes of high level discussions that rumbled on for several months before the idea was dropped. Peggy Holloway had a beautiful ivory set that it was a pleasure to handle and use - but it was a serious business and required severe concentration over several hours. We walked down tiny narrow streets overflowing with murky curio and spice shops, hawkers and food vendors, and at every turn came upon the dilapidated mansions and palaces of former sultans, old slave-traders, or British explorers and consuls. The poor policemen had all been out there at the time of the murders and had to go back again to take statements and collect the witnesses. We were naturally drawn together when in our last two or three terms we had discovered we had put our names down to join the Colonial Service and work in the same colony. They had all to be interviewed and their cases remanded for further enquiries. The Mattleys wrote with news from Mwanhala. He had been a sergeant in the war, and was a jolly and friendly type who got on with everyone. The first weekend out, I was persuaded to motor back to headquarters for the opportunity to get to know my colleagues better. The 1925 Exposition had major sculptural works placed around the site, pavilions were decorated with sculptural friezes, and several pavilions devoted to smaller studio sculpture. The Police have only one mobile squad in the whole Western Province to cover several thousands of square miles. Group of Cows. The track along which we motored for the most part was no more than a dry river bed that took us out into a flat and sparsely populated plain, and here, for the first time, I saw cattle in the care of Masai and Kwavi grazing among the scattered thorn bushes. Le Corbusier's ideas were gradually adopted by architecture schools, and the aesthetics of Art Deco were abandoned. My father knew Charles Hill as a Luton doctor, and had apparently asked him to look me up when in Dar es Salaam, which he had willingly agreed to do. The first was bugs and pests. They were also hard-working peasant farmers and cattle owners, but they had the reputation of drinking too much local beer (known as Pombe) and of being inveterate cattle-thieves. I promptly sent 5 to the Handeni Boma to pay for Bakaris journey to Nzega, and eagerly awaited his arrival. He stayed with me over a weekend before he boarded an Italian liner in the harbour on his way back home. It was a banned substance - because it frequently led to violence - and the case should have been straightforward. The bungalow that I inherited from Mike Ransome at Nzega was half a mile from the Boma and a good mile from Nzega township and the shops. Precipitation is high year-round. A new DC had been posted to Handeni togther with one of the latest batch of Cadet DOs newly arrived from the UK. He had lost weight since coming to Nzega, but he was so game, honest and trustworthy that I did not want to lose him. On the right was a murram track leading to an African village and on the left an open field with well cut grass surrounded by a circle of bungalows and the offices of the Boma. About twenty tough young askaris appeared on a tour of the Province under a young European Superintendent, carrying out raids in the towns and villages - partly to show the arm of the law in places where there had been strikes like Bukene, and partly to rake in tax defaulters. I spent as much time as I could on background reading in the District Annual Report and other basic documents. It featured a serpentine armchair and two tubular armchairs by Eileen Gray, a floor of mat silvered glass slabs, a panel of abstract patterns in silver and black lacquer, and an assortment of animal skins. I was asked to postpone the start date for the elections in order to allow time for more balanced arrangements to be made. It was pleasant to meet them all again - looking very fit, all rather excited while trying not to feel sad, as we all undoubtedly did, sailing away from our families at home. At last we could sort out their sanitation problems and reduce the smells. He was ill in the middle of the case, but in the end delivered his judgement. My father sent me occasional chatty inconsequential scrawls - generally about the television programme he was watching late in the evening; Liz and Margaret wrote from time to time, and my aunts sent me their local news. [123] Louis Majorelle, famous for his Art Nouveau furniture, designed a remarkable Art Deco stained glass window portraying steel workers for the offices of the Aciries de Longwy, a steel mill in Longwy, France. He was good with children and young people - he may well have trained as a teacher - and was particularly helpful when, for example, we ran the District School Sports Competition together. It was sordid and too militarist for my liking; a handful of undesirable characters were rounded up but I regretted that some innocent and highly reputable citizens were swept up and roughly handled at the same time. Cole Harbour, Lower Sackville, Spryfield, et cetera). Those within reach of the coast and Arab influence were naturally Muslim, while those living in the inland hills tended to be pagan. The house and table were beautifully decorated by the hostess, and the meal was magnificent with all the trimmings, followed by presents off the tree and party games. Paul Mazinga, the ADO, gave me valuable support, and some of the better teachers finally got a grip of the kids. For example there were regular District Education Meetings attended by the missionaries running schools in the District as well as some head teachers and the Education Officer from Tabora. We would exchange ideas and chew on them and argue for hours about aspects of our office and legal work. They provided the only transport outside the Boma, the only petrol in the district, and managed two useful shops. As John Cairns, one of my predecessors as DO at Acacia Avenue, said, Some came in white shirts with school certificates; others arrived with bows and arrows and spears. Seldom were the newcomers hopes fulfilled; most were stuck in the dirtiest parts of the town with no visible means of support, no money for their return fares, and nothing to do but sponge on distant relatives, and beg or steal something to eat. I inspected the water-holes, and came to the conclusion the Kwavi could use the lower ones without causing problems for the Kwere residents or farmers. As my contribution to justice in Dar es Salaam, I attach my Report as an Appendix. There were all sorts of entertainments in the evenings at the Club. French designers saw the new German style, and decided to meet the German challenge. The Halifax Regional Centre includes the Halifax Peninsula, and Dartmouth inside the Circumferential Highway. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. We used to talk for hours - he had suffered polio, been far more ill than I was, and been left with a weak left arm - and he was extraordinarily generous with both his time and his cash. I have no record and little memory of them. Maddeningly, he was playing cricket at Dodoma, so I missed him but had a look at his house which seemed to be nothing like as spacious, comfortable or convenient as my delightful bungalow in Handeni. First we lugged up the stairs and stacked in the spare room seventeen boxes that had been sent down by rail from Nzega for me; they were followed by my two tin trunks that had been put in the hospital attic; and in due course they were joined by the crate containing my two home-made rugs, and Auntie Judys oil painting off the wall in Mrs Dicks hospital room. I started to study the Tanganyika Criminal Law in the evenings whenever social obligations allowed. Take a look at our imagery or learn how to add your own. It was a dreadful moment. That night I was again woken by another disturbance in his corner, and next morning there was no reply when I wished him good morning. Stylised floral designs and bright colours were a feature of early Art Deco. John Ainley was continually looking for ways in which the farmers could earn a little money to tide them over the dry season when local supplies of food ran short. After grovelling with apologies to the Red Cross, they agreed to have it repaired, went to great trouble and returned it in good order very quickly. Having dragged on leaden feet for four months, time began to move faster. WebAbout Our Coalition. I was delighted to see such friendly faces. You have had more than your share and if I may say so, faced it with great courage.. As the winter months approached, the Sisters Mess was as sociable as ever. My days were satisfyingly full. In the adjacent bungalow lived the other DO, Andrew Marshall, several years my senior, single, proud possessor of two Corgi dogs and a very large library of interesting books. The African residential areas were divided into eight wards, being large areas of African housing, each with its own character and endowed with its own offices where taxes were collected and with its own court where civil justice was dispensed by the Liwali and his Wakilis. It was located in her house at 16 rue Barbet de Jouy, in Paris, which was demolished in 1965. We saw it as one of the vindications of British imperialism - a symbol of the purely altruistic and philanthropic destruction of the evil, after many years of expensive effort by the English church supported by successive nineteenth-century English Governments. The doctor was operating and unable to see me, so Joan looked after me and was very solicitous. After these jobs, we settled into the small and dilapidated resthouse for the night. There were tiny little weaver birds like wrens, humming birds that sucked the pollen out of flowers like bees, bright scarlet and blue parakeets and varieties of budgerigar. My circle of contacts widened very quickly when kind Secretariat people like the Elliotts, the Cliffords and the British Council Manager, Mr Keight offered me meals at the weekends and invite me to join their parties for the local theatre or concerts. Bancos participantes que aceptan ApplePay en Amrica Latina, Canad y Estados Unidos, Banco De Galicia S.A. On April 15, 2014, the regional council approved the implementation of a new branding campaign for the region developed by the local firm Revolve Marketing. On my first Sunday, I joined the Fosters at the early morning Communion service in Swahili in the big thatched church there and met the Father Neil Russell. It was however confirmed I must work and live in Dar at least until the end of the year. Life was believed to be passed on to children by blood from the mother who was thus seen as a superior being to the father and dominant in the family. and it was, just as Daphne had warned me, like putting ones head in an oven. In fact the DC anticipated one of my key recommendations concerning the need for the city officials to receive training in administration; he had arranged to send the Akida and six Wakilis on an extended course at the Local Government Training School near Morogoro. I was torn between a wish to help young men make the most of their lives and an eager desire to travel. The Administration hired a capable legal counsel, named Lockhart- Smith, to defend the sheikhs, and I became the leg man and liaison between him and the Arab and Swahili community, which meant a lot of hard and fascinating work. He then dragged me out to lay an ambush in the middle of the night in order to stop and search his rivals lorry expected to come up the road from the Rufiji to Dar loaded with scrap metal allegedly stolen from his ship. Lady T returned a few days later after a trip to Nairobi and chatted happily away about recent guests at Government House, including Alan Moorehead and Harry Oppenheimer, the gold millionaire. It took its present name, ENSAD (cole nationale suprieure des arts dcoratifs), in 1927. I was moved to see in this remote spot the graves of some thirty British dead from the fighting in the First World War. Even more modest art deco buildings have been preserved as part of America's architectural heritage; an art deco caf and gas station along Route 66 in Shamrock, Texas is an historic monument. Mr Reed then took us to his home which was a large German-built property with several big bare rooms with red polished floors, and one with a spacious sunken bath. Each individual lived in a one-room banda, a white-washed hut capped with a steep roof of palm thatch and equipped with the most basic furniture, but at least a roof and three decent meals a day were provided, and the Salvation Army asked for little in return. On the morning of 14th October, I heard the bands and military salutes at the noisy ceremony to make the start of Legcos new session, and in the evening the local wireless relayed the speech by the new Governor, Sir Richard Turnbull. Modern industrial methods meant that furniture and buildings could be mass-produced, not made by hand. Their mother spent much of every day with them, had several chats with me, and presented me with some beautiful flowers when finally they went home. When? The results were disappointing, but the chief s wife was so proud, and so in need of encouragement in her uphill task, that we praised their work to the skies and offered to buy their linen table-mats. My unwelcome guest stayed several days; Peter told me to throw him out and I wished I could do so, but there was no rest-house on the station and I was stuck with him. It cost 60, which equated to about one months salary after deductions, and had to be bought through a Treasury loan which I paid back at the rate of Shs 50/- a month. One day, we took our Vespa inland high into the Ligurian Alps. For much of the time I was kicking my heels in the hotel or wandering up and down Acacia Avenue looking at the shops. In Germany, the most famous poster artist of the period was Ludwig Hohlwein, who created colourful and dramatic posters for music festivals, beers, and, late in his career, for the Nazi Party. Housing was scattered as more people came into the area and built houses indiscriminately to the north towards the army barracks up the coast. I went back to Zanzibar just once more. I came to like and admire Peter a great deal. He stole our cattle; he was driving off twenty of our cows and bulls. Under Brian were two experienced African DOs who had both worked in the Acacia Avenue Office before moving to Ilala. I then had to tackle my finances. I tried to read my Swahili grammar with my left eye shut - I could not do it; I took my gun and aimed it at a bird across the fields closing the left eye - I could not see the bird. There is some blackness that is abnormal at the back of the pupil. At the same time as Simon Hardwick joined the team, the workload increased in preparation for elections at every level. Then at last, in preparation for leaving hospital, I began to pack my possessions into a big crate. Next morning, we found the ship half-empty and planned a safari to look at game in the Reserve up-country. Garage bills were however at my own expense, and she would require servicing every couple of months. From a safe distance we followed two or three herds of elephant silently gliding through the woodland and drinking at the occasional water-holes - such magnificent beasts. I had neither curtains nor carpets; the sofa cushions were ugly and I was still waiting for my box to come up from Dar es Salaam, but I thought it an excellent little house - and it was mine! Whats wrong with you?. The other hotel, the Magamba, was set on a beautiful hillside some way beyond the town. After the ice was broken, I played frequently with the Baileys and sometimes at the Goldings where Pat was a delightful hostess and Mrs Bickle a hopeless player. It was the tallest building between 1933 and the 1950s, with a height of 52.5 metres (172ft). My predecessor had contracted it twice in the year he had been at Nzega, in spite, he said, of taking Paludrine every day. The car made it but suffered severely. The system was designed to outmanoeuvre extremists but seemed to us to be an experiment on shaky grounds. On 3rd October, Alison married Paul in St Albans Church in a story-book wedding, giving all their guests a happy day. I went back up to the house to finish packing. Whenever we met a gang, we stopped the lorry, unloaded table, chairs and cash boxes, set them up in the shade of the nearest big tree, checked the muster roll, and I handed out wages to each man in turn. The older generation wore the traditional uniform of the coastal Swahili of a long white kanzu (always perfectly clean), a well-worn dark jacket, and a round white linen cap. I piled up the in-tray for him. Abstract sculpture for decoration was extremely rare.[88][89]. It was then necessary for me to rush back to Kisarawe on the Saturday morning to attend an excellent lunchtime drinks party given by the DC and Mrs Paterson. She looked very uncomfortable but still managed to be charming. Around 6.30am next day the ship passed through the narrow Straits of Messina, with Mount Etna in the distance, seemingly covered in snow. I was sad to see him go. I went first to the Mission to return books that had been lent me, and went on down the road to rendez-vous with a fundi and supervisor to discuss arrangements for re-aligning and repairing a section of the road that had been washed away. An example is when Hurricane Juan, a category 2 storm, hit in September 2003 and caused considerable damage to the region. I was incoherent and contradicted myself often enough, but the conversation helped me clear my mind and work through my own ideas. Some of the chiefs were men of outstanding presence, well-educated, had visited the United Kingdom and spoke good English. We spent two nights in rest-houses and visited three chiefdom centres and several remote villages deep in the bush. [10], The actual term art dco did not appear in print until 1966, in the title of the first modern exhibition on the subject, held by the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris, Les Annes 25: Art dco, Bauhaus, Stijl, Esprit nouveau, which covered the variety of major styles in the 1920s and 1930s. Her biggest hit, "Flying On Your Own", was a crossover Top 40 hit in 1987 and was covered by Anne Murray. In the clear morning air, looking straight ahead, greeny-brown bush country stretched many miles northward and blended in the deeper green of sisal plantations before fading into low purple hills in the far horizon. The political situation was tense. So I decided to hold a cocktail party, and in late July sent out invitations to just about the whole station that I would be at home on Saturday, 5th August from 12.30pm. They gave me the helm and I took their boat across the harbour, past the dockyard and oil jetty, and up the creek with the wind behind me. And that was the last I saw of Handeni. [105], The painter Andr Mare and furniture designer Louis Se both participated the 1912 Salon. After the September elections in Nzega, Peter Doole came down to Dar for two weeks holiday, leaving Tony Golding at the Boma on his own. The first paper was Civil Procedure with ten questions that were a struggle to complete in the allotted time. The verger said that the churchs congregation had stood at six thousand people before the invasion and been reduced to fewer than six hundred unhappy Greeks and Italians. I had also decided to fly and booked my ticket months ahead with BOAC. When fully grown after a season or so, I was told they made good eating, and we emptied the buckets into the dam in order to try and build up a stock of the fish, and thus vary the local Africans diet in future years. It was apparently Jean Cocteau, but there was no beauty in it - just a macabre face - and to cap it all, the sound was very poor. Mr Davies stood no nonsense and went to a great deal of trouble to hear both sides coolly, carefully and impartially. He and Margaret had frequently entertained me when we were in Nzega together, so although I already had guests staying with me at the time, John joined us for supper and took the last spare bed. We drove out of Dar due west into the Pugu Hills and past a big mission hospital and school at Minaki. A Zaramo chief had the title of Mtawala (Governor in Swahili) and a subchief was called an Ndewa (Chief in the Zaramo language). Ramadhani was away getting married with his wages in his pocket, and the house was quiet. As time passed and I came to know most of the station well, I found myself relishing the custom of dropping in on my neighbours, and being dropped in on, during the evening or over the weekend, for a chat, to borrow a book, lend a kitchen implement, or swap garden seeds and plants. He could be aggressive, and liked to dominate the conversation; he also appeared to bully his wife which I did not like to see. Timothy L. Pflueger, architect, 1931, Henryk Kuna, Rytm ("Rhythm"), in Skaryszewski Park, Warsaw, Poland, 1925. Raymond Subes designed an elegant metal grille for the entrance of the Palais de la Porte Dore, the centre-piece of the 1931 Paris Colonial Exposition. Peter took me under his wing as soon as Mike Ransome left, and I was to learn from him a great deal about the craft of district administration. And so to bed.. Have you given it a bash recently? Another task was to map some old rubber plantations that ran alongside the Central Railway. I have heard that an African doctor who lives at Mwisu in the bush can cure me. I was told he had been due to be hanged by the Germans in the Great War, and been saved only by the arrival of the British in the nick of time. He showed up my terrible lack of the language in those early weeks as he sat and sailed through the Higher Swahili Exam in February. Next morning I was woken early and found my host already at work behind a big desk in his office in a wing of GH. I received numerous kind visitors in my little hospital ward. Eventually we came back at 2 in the morning jolting around in the dust and the fumes at the back of Johns tired old truck. Dr Taylor, the friendly but over-optimistic Junior Registrar, left with many good wishes to take up a new appointment in the Southern Province. Across the reef was the tiny islet of Koma and beyond it in the distance the bigger island of Kwale. The distances were so great, however, and the money so short that little more could be done at that time. I wrote to the Colonial Office and was told that I was posted to Kigoma in the Western Province of Tanganyika and should book my flight via Nairobi and Entebbe to Tabora, the provincial centre. In February 2011, the municipality hosted the 2011 Canada Winter Games. There were lectures of general interest and periodic Club Nights when we watched films or simply chatted about our studies and this and that. Conversation was relaxed and easy; I handed the boat over for the return journey as we tacked up into the wind on the homeward stretch. I was to land there and at long last assume the mantle of a District Officer in the Colonial Service on full pay. K WIT OO. So horrific was this crime that our DPC believed it qualified for such treatment and sought legal advice whether or not the stipulated circumstances existed; apparently they did exist and a case could be brought. When the decks were done, two of us and Athman tipped her up on the beach one lunchtime when the tide was right in order to anti-foul and seal her bottom. He was ever patient and tolerant of his new DO, but not perhaps so easy and relaxed as Foster. Dr Coles looked in just before Christmas to say he was arranging a Board on me and had started negotiations to get me back to work in early February. The Chairman was called the Seuta, borrowing the title of the Ziguas legendary warrior hero. The Htel du Collectionneur was a popular attraction at the Exposition; it displayed the new furniture designs of Emile-Jacques Ruhlmann, as well as Art Deco fabrics, carpets, and a painting by Jean Dupas. Twenty yards in a clearing ahead of us was tethered the usual bait - a decrepit cow. On the last lap, the plane flew down a long arm of Lake Victoria and along the line of the railway that wound its way south. Eyes, pale as the sea the wind had freshened, paler, firm and prudent. Ive consulted the PMO, and spoken on the phone to Dr Coles, the Dar specialist. The Grand Rex in Paris (1932), with its imposing tower, was the largest cinema in Europe after the 6,000 seats of the Gaumont-Palace (1931-1973). It was a piddling little affair concerning a boy who was alleged to have stolen a duck from a villager. Small enthusiastic youngsters (watoto), raced around bare-foot as ball-boys in exchange for a few cents, and we all enjoyed ourselves. They showed that there were jobs in the Civil Service that offered great rewards but they were few and far between. The beauty of an object or building resided in whether it was perfectly fit to fulfil its function. He first exhibited his works at the 1913 Autumn Salon, then had his own pavilion, the "House of the Rich Collector", at the 1925 Exposition. They wore smart, starched white shirts, skirts and caps, and kept an eye on me by periodic visits to my little private room. The Halifax Railway Station also serves as the terminus for Maritime Bus, which serves destinations across the Maritimes. He had written me a most friendly and sympathetic note, however, and I sat down at his desk among his bulging in-trays and composed a reply with my farewells. Our poor performance was eclipsed only by Balliols First Boat which started as Head of the River on the first day of the races, was bumped four times and ended up on 1st June a long way from the top. The goodbyes were as sad as ever. The market went well; and after lunch the Nzega MO and PWD man joined me to look at sites for a new dispensary and houses for the chief, a clerk and a messenger. When I went down to settle my first month of bills, however, I was horrified to find I did not have enough money for them. I was put to bed and made to stay there with a bedpan and just one pillow, woken at 5.30 in the morning with a cup of milk, given bed baths and several tedious examinations by the doctors - they weighed me the first morning and I was 8 stone 9 lbs. The other problem was that there was only the one court house in Nzega, and the three of us magistrates had to take our turn. As time went by, Susie became ever more friendly and sweet-tempered. For her, and for them, I hope and pray with all my heart.. At the same time I was eager to go abroad again for the stimulus of seeing new sights and living among different peoples. Chiefs, and federations of chiefs, were recognised to run local government through their tribal structures of petty chiefs and headmen. Anyway I hope they like my little presents a bit. They dyed their hair in red mud-packs and carried ornaments in them and in their ears and noses. It was thus at the Club that I met the others who were on their way with me to becoming colonial administrative officers. The sofa and two armchairs had wooden arms; and a long low table ran the length of the sofa at which I sat in the evenings. Few members of the Administration had previously had had the opportunity to take such an interest in the townspeople and coastal folk as I had during those four months, and it was clear that they had appreciated it - and of course I was immensely gratified. I put a tax defaulter in the lock-up for a night while trying to decide what to do with him. So he dashed off to the other end of the country with a loan from me to pay for the family funeral and wake expenses. Each day that followed the telephone call home, I spent the mornings in bed writing and typing. All sorts of anomalies and problems emerged as one unravelled the shaky system. In May Paul Mazinga was posted to Nzega and joined the Boma administrative staff as, in effect, a trainee District Officer, or ADO. The three of them sat round my bed and bombarded me with questions on vocabulary and conversation in Swahili. Finally I plumbed for Tanganyika as the poorest and least developed of all the African colonies. School attendance was being pushed hard by the DC. Then it was my task to issue summons and arrange a convoy of lorries, buses and bicycles to take all these people down to the Korogwe court house as soon as possible. Nobody quite knew which laws applied to the case. I mentioned the Regiment in my prayers, re-read each night sections of the diary I had kept in my Hong Kong days, and despaired that I could ever regain the particular happiness I had felt among my soldiers. I slept through the second half. So we packed up our belongings, walked the four miles down to it, and sat beside it waiting as patiently as we could for the road to dry out enough for us to resume our journey. One crate of mine was missing, as was one of Normans boxes; they went on to Dar es Salaam and took some weeks to come back - it was all rather tedious. I moderated the criticisms in my speech of goodbye and good wishes, and thought all was well until, after saying more kind things, Wakili Ali Muhunzi presented me with a stout walking stick as a farewell gift. Examples in Portugal are the Capitlio Theater (1931) and the den Cine-Theatre (1937) in Lisbon, the Rivoli Theater (1937) and the Coliseu (1941) in Porto and the Rosa Damasceno Theater (1937) in Santarm. In front of the porch was a narrow strip of grass, a few wild and straggly rose bushes and a low stone wall. The bungalow was broken into and burgled. Despite all such things, I was totally bored and depressed. There were thirty stalls, a Punch and Judy show, and displays of police dogs and very lovely Indian dancing. Swahili is not difficult to learn in the sense that it is spoken as it is written, and there are few irregularities. Mostly they were engaged in grass cutting and sweeping to keep the township and the station clean and tidy, with particular attention to the area around the Boma. The reserve was full of game but little frequented, perhaps because of the fearful heat and the wicked tsetse flies. From mid October onwards, I was out two evenings each week at meetings of ward and village councils at one baraza or another. Youve got to look after yourself, you know., I worried about her remarks for three days before extracting reassurances from Dr Coles that Mrs Pipers treatment was out of date. She was a smart, courteous and intelligent person, doing her best for the village women, and invited us to inspect some of the knitting and sewing she had taught them. She told us he had been sent to prison for fiddling the books, and she had four awful children largely out of control and very little money with which to feed them while her husband was inside. We were in the Indian Ocean and feeling the effects of the southwest monsoon. Wide and open, the sparse bush was interspersed with thickets of wicked and aptly-named wait-a-bit thorn trees, woodland on the higher ground, tall elephant grass in the valleys, with a scattering of the ugly baobabs, graceful coconut palms and clumps of doum palms. I rang up the Nzega Boma and spoke to Peter to say I would not be coming back. I bid Godspeed to Michael Longford who was getting better but losing a great deal of weight; and I said goodbye with sadness to the elderly nun, dear Sister Bridget, whom I greatly admired. I was completely taken by surprise when Harry told me one day he would like me to move out of the flat because he was going to marry Hilary. On my very first evening in hospital, Fred Webb and his wife walked into my room. WebAll classifieds - Veux-Veux-Pas, free classified ads Website. I had enjoyed A Pattern of the Islands by Arthur Grimble that Margaret had given me for my twenty-first birthday and been fascinated by the delightfully-written tales of colonial administration in the South Sea Islands. Drafting letters about the Poles and the Repatriation Centre, and so back home to a very welcome cup of tea. I could not complain, however, because I had frequent visitors and was making many friends among them. In May, I began to entertain at home and repay just a little of the hospitality I was receiving. I told the Board about it while confessing it needed polishing and re-typing - for the first draft had been done when I had been in bed. The Masai had no permanent homes but moved around the country with their herds, wearing loose blankets and carrying bundles of spears. Pieces were typically of plywood finished with blond veneer and with rounded edges, resembling a waterfall. WebThe Thtre des Champs-lyses (19101913), by Auguste Perret, was the first landmark Art Deco building completed in Paris.Previously, reinforced concrete had been used only for industrial and apartment buildings, Perret had built the first modern reinforced-concrete apartment building in Paris on rue Benjamin Franklin in 190304. We covered some sixty miles of fascinating country, before returning downhill to the coast for an afternoon swimming and lazing at Portofino. A. K. Leslie, A Fanfare of Trumpets by John Lewis-Barned, The Making of Tanganyikaby Judith Listowel, The Flags Changed at Midnight: Towards the Independence of Tanganyika by Michael Longford, Forgotten Mandate: A British District Officer in Tanganyika by E.K. The bus was old, dirty and noisy and gave me an uncomfortable journey. One evening, we went together to an old Sherlock Holmes film, and when we came out around midnight, I persuaded him to take me in his land-rover to look for hippo among the coconut palms and in the mangrove swamps along the creek. I gathered it had been part of a German floating dock sunk during the First War to block the entrance to British warships. I gave evidence in court about a confession I wrote of a particularly unsavoury murderer. All the teachers appeared and I briefed them carefully before the racing began, hoping they would organise the events themselves, but some of the Mission staff made difficulties, and only two among the numerous headmasters were much help. I became committed to my work which was absorbing and fulfilling, and I began to enjoy the evenings and busy social life. Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, have several notable Art Deco buildings, including the Manchester Unity Building and the former Russell Street Police Headquarters in Melbourne, the Castlemaine Art Museum in Castlemaine, central Victoria and the Grace Building, AWA Tower and Anzac Memorial in Sydney. The bad news then reached me that my truck was stuck in the mud carrying logs for one of the bridges. I was invited to a sundowner by Dick Pentney at Minaki School just down the road from us, and then to a pleasant dinner party given by the DC and his wife. [7] The Mi'kmaq have resided in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island since prior to European landings in North America in the 1400s and 1500s to set up fisheries. My living accommodation consisted of one big room, divided in half by walls jutting a foot or so into it. We tried various blandishments and threats, but made little progress - at one stage I found myself embroiled in a case between the parties before the Resident Magistrate. Simon and I also explored the beaches to the north of the city in the area known as Kunduchi. Counting tails and then having them burnt was another filthy job that I had to do as I went round the barazas during a safari, but it was essential to prevent cheating. At the 1925 Exposition, architect Le Corbusier wrote a series of articles about the exhibition for his magazine L'Esprit Nouveau, under the title "1925 EXPO. 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