how does amadeus cho became the hulk

Shawn is a former member of the Society of Professional Journalists and a current voting member of the Oklahoma Film Critics Circle. During the second Super Hero Civil War, Amadeus informed Bruce Banner that he was finally free of all-radiation. After Amadeus' run-in with the Hulk, who subsequently disappeared, Amadeus was targeted by S.H.I.E.L.D. The Totally Awesome Hulk has a similar appearance to the Hulk, with both of them being muscular and of green skin tone. He rejoined The Champions and started trying to make up for his past actions. And he's taking the opportunity to run tests on himself. Hercules has claimed twice, the first instance to Athena herself, that Amadeus is smarter than even she, and the super genius Olympian god of fire and invention Hephaestus himself admits that Cho is more intelligent than he is. However, Brawn still resembles his human form more than Hulk resembles Bruce Banner. It is often more crucial to out-think an enemy than to out-punch them, a lesson that stronger heroes, such as Hulk and Thor, often have to learn the hard way. Above average was insufficient to define this extraordinary teen. Amadeus also has the ability to see patterns that others can't, which makes him capable of solving problems on a quantum level. While fending off samurai sharks, the others found out that Amadeus had manipulated them into joining him in a new Super Hero group and rejected his ultimate offer. He usually carries some device altered to control nearby electrical signals. Because Amadeus had no super powers, he was able to be contained by Angel and Zom was defeated. Wednesday: Lady Gaga Honors Dance by Going "Mother Monster" Mode, Night Court: Check Out NBC's Season 1 Eps. He ended up on the wrong side of the police but then was attacked by the people who killed his family. And so, naturally, he decided to isolate himself in a satellite orbiting the Earth. Cho also once dated Delphyne Gorgon, queen of the Amazons. This version of Cho maintained his entire intelligence. In the pages of Incredible Hercules, Cho and Hercules were able to use their combined skills, Cho's brains, and Hercules's strength, to overcome almost impossible odds. Where Banner saw a Burden, Cho sees something amazing and the opportunity to have a great time while being a massively powerful hero. The film stars Eric Bana as Dr. Bruce Banner, as well as Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliott, Josh Lucas, and Nick Nolte with Ang Lee directing the film. A man who claimed to be another super genius killed them because he was trying to kill Cho. Although the credits only say "Computer Nerd", the film's novelization shows the scene in which he blackmails the student with pizza, and the student introduces himself as Amadeus Cho. There was a point later where someone told him he dropped to 10th, but that was just a ruse to keep him safe, and he remains in the top eight on the planet. It was when the teenager had lost all faith in Earth's heroes. Answer: Amadeus used nanites to take gamma radiation cells and energy off Hulk in order to prevent Hulk from melting down and killing dozens of people as it was explained in "Totally Awesome Hulk #4". NEXT:The 10 Best Episodes Of Hulk And The Agents Of S.M.A.S.H., According To IMDb. Hulk explores the origins of the Hulk, which is partially attributed to David Banner's immune system experiments on himself, and on his son as well as Bruce's nano-med gamma research. He was approached by a woman named Agent Sexton, saying that an agency wanted to train him. Bruce Banner showed up, as he is the foremost expert on radiation in the world. In the upcoming Marvel Legacy series, Incredible Hulk, starring Amadeus Cho in the lead by Greg Pak and Greg Land, starting with #709, the Hulk goes to Planet Hulk. Cho then risked his own life by enraging Hulk by blaming him for everything, from the death of his wife to the death of Betty Ross. lab in the former Avengers Tower to download data for the Illuminati. The time for the Midnight Suns is NOW! Darkness falls city by city, nation by nation. 'Wasp' #1 First Look Pits Janet & Nadia Against a Classic Super Villain. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Banner's story will continue, but not as the Hulk. Nevertheless, he joined forces with She-Hulk and Miles Morales (AKA Spider-Man) on his monster hunt before being captured by Lady Hellbender, an alien woman with strength comparable to that of the Hulk. Enjoyed this? Hercules lost his life in the battle and Amadeus temporarily inherited the mantle of Prince of Poweruntil Hercules returned to life again. I mean, it's your natural go-to, right? In the comics, Helen Cho is an incredibly minor character who dies as part of her son's tragic backstory. This meant that HerculesCho's best friend and the holder of the positionmust have been killed to make way for the new Prince. It was his brain. By befriending the Hulk, Amadeus also incurs the ire of S.H.I.E.L.D. In his days as a member of the Champions, Cho teams up with the likes of Nova, Ironheart, Miles Morales, Kamala Khan, Viv Vision, and a young Scott Summers, and becomes a crucial element to this young force for good. Written by Robbie Thompson and illustrated byMark Bagley, the primer stories will cover classic moments from Marvel's comics. However, Amadeus had already hacked S.H.I.E.L.D. Amadeus would never forget what the Hulk did for him. Suspicious of the circumstances, he contacted Agent Sexton, and did not believe her claim that the act had been perpetrated by another agency. When Amadeus joined Avengers Academy he experimented with . If something of Bruce's supernal rage could som. ?s resources. This December, Pak and artist Frank Cho are putting Bruce Banner on the back burner and letting Amadeus Cho, the teen super genius Pak co-created a decade ago, embrace the Hulk identity. Unlike Bruce Banner, Amadeus retains his intelligence and emotional stability even when in Hulk form. After the Generations Hulk one-shot, Cho is afraid of what he will become, of the monster within after being forced to face up to it. Following the release ofMarvel Legacy #1, many Marvel comic series will revert to their classic cumulative numbering system. When facing off with Dupree, Amadeus chose not to enact revenge, but simply walk away, though it devastated him. Check out the first batch of 'Infinity Saga Phase Three' covers, on sale in February! Visit Shawn Lealos' website to learn more about his novel writing and follow him on Twitter @sslealos. New MCU Variant Covers Celebrate the Epic Phase Three Films of the Infinity Saga, December 7's New Marvel Comics: The Full List. Later, Amadeus was trapped in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with X-23 (Laura Kinney), Spider-Girl, Power Man, and Thunderstrike. With the help of his sister, Maddy Cho, his mission is to be the best Hulk ever! He used his newfound abilities to hunt dangerous monsters, but since he was still a kid and not fully practiced with his new powers, he was labeled irresponsible. 117 lbs. Amadeus Cho is the newest Hulk in the Marvel Universe. Amadeus Cho, also known as Brawn, is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.Created by American writer Greg Pak and Canadian artist Takeshi Miyazawa, the character first appeared in Amazing Fantasy vol. Cho usually appears in books featuring the Avengers or individual members of that group, such as the Hulk or Hercules. When Amadeus Cho took on the powers of the Incredible Hulk, he began a struggle for control between the super genius hes always been and the destructive force he was destined to become. He ended up on the wrong side of the police but then was attacked by the . The Incredible Hulk, of Marvel Comics, is the strongest super hero, but a puny punk stole the Hulk, from Bruce Banner, and now we have a new Avengers Character, named Amadeus Cho, When Amadeus Cho took on the powers of the Incredible Hulk, he began a struggle for control between the super genius hes always been and the destructive force he was destined to become. The goal of the Marvel Legacy initiative is to bring a greater focus to Marvel's core superheroes, unlike recent relaunches such asMarvel NOW! As the Renegades, Amadeus and his allies help S.H.I.E.L.D. But I dont care how smart a super hero he is, with the rage of The Hulk being unstoppable and the more powerful he becomes the angrier he gets, Wolverine, Thor, and even Beta Ray Bill, Odin, Loki, Iron Man, Captain America, are no match for the Hulk, Vision, Black Panther, War Machine, Silver Surfer, Hawkeye, Bucky / James Buchanan Barnes / Winter Soldier, Carter, Peggy, Dr. Cho, Falcon / Sam Wilson, Ant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket, Giant-Man, Dr. Pym, and The Wasp. To go with his new look, Cho had adopted a new name: Brawn. Helen Cho was born in South Korea. They then came across a walled-off compound that housed Inhuman prisoners and Amadeus revealed he helped build it years ago, intending for it to be a prison for the original Hulk. The Young Avengers are the successors of the the Avengers. In Amazing Fantasy #15, Cho had run away and was trying to find the people responsible for killing his parents. What is most interesting about Cho is that he didn't start as a Hulk, and while he befriended him earlier on, he was a sidekick for another hero before he joined the Hulk family. Much like Rick Jones before him, Amadeus Cho met The Hulk early on in his life and developed a kinship with the green giant. After the Skrulls' invasion, Amadeus joined Hercules and Thor to combat the threat of the evil god Amatsu-Mikaboshi. There was a point in time where Amadeus Cho almost became the world's smartest supervillain. Star-Lord, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Wolverine, And Doctor Doom Take A Final Journey To The Wastelands! 6 (Marvel Essentials), Incredible Hulk: Skaar - Son of Hulk, Vol. EA SPORTS teamed up with Marvel to create a custom comic representing 21 unforgettable football legends as Marvel-inspired Heroes befitting the pages of a Marvel comic book. Amadeus Cho was a Korean-American born and raised in Tucson, Arizona. In reality, she was actually employed by the game's creator Pythagoras Dupree, a crazy and paranoid former child prodigy who was determined to destroy anyone rivaling him for intelligence. While Hercules battled hordes of vengeful enemies in Tartarus, Amadeus ended up in the Elysian Fields (the Greek version of Heaven), where he met his parents again. They already managed to almost cause an international incident. When Cho defeated his inner Hulk, he transformed again, this time into a large green-skinned heroknown as Brawn. The next generation of heroes who will carry on the mantle and take on students of their own. Cho convinced them to also recruit the Vision's daughter, Viv. As he absorbed the energy into himself, he transformed into the Hulk. Continuing on, he adopted an orphaned coyote pup, who was with him when he was attacked by helicopters who had located him. In the episode "Vengeance of Venom", Cho joins Earth's heroes in repelling . And it all started with a simple internet game that kicked off his Super Hero career Sixteen-year-old Amadeus Cho attained the highest score in the internet game ? It was a real test, and it was to find out who in the world was considered a super genius, but a madman financed the testing. Shawn S. Lealos is a freelance writer who received his Bachelor's degree in Journalism from the University of Oklahoma with a minor in Film Studies. The Incredible Hulk, of Marvel Comics, is the strongest super hero, but a puny punk stole the Hulk, from Bruce Banner, and now we have a new Avengers Charact. Unlike the original Hulk, Cho does not have . Face down the Multiversal Masters of Evil with the Avengers, witness the start of Sins of Sinister, and more in this week's comics! Sadly, while Cho did not have the childhood trauma of Bruce Banner, he still had anger deep down. Upon hearing this was happening, Maddy feared that Cho's Hulk was becoming like Banner's Hulkwild, violent, unpredictable, and, most importantly, uncontrollable. However, Amadeus became distraught over the death of Banner at the hands of Hawkeye, who was trying to prevent a Hulk massacre predicted by the Inhuman Ulysses Cain. He's the seventh-smartest person in the world, he's Korean-American, he's friends with the Hulkand he even became the Hulk himself. coyote pup Kirby was severely injured during a surprise attack by Natasha Romanoff, AKA Black Widow. This man was Pythagoras Dupree, who claimed to be the sixth smartest man in the world. The least interesting version of Amadeus Cho was his original appearances in Hulk comics. Pythagoras Dupree was the first major villain that propelled Amadeus onto the path of a Super Hero. facility he could and destroy the organization. But, in order for that to happen, they need training and, in Tony's opinion, lots of it. This was no ordinary bystander, however, but Bruce Banner, and the attack triggered his transformation into the Hulk. Although Dupree had meant to kill him, Amadeus escaped and made his way to Jackalope, New Mexico, as he was being pursued as well. Cho took part in testing held in his home town in Arizona, where he would learn how smart he was. However, the person waiting for him was Black Panther, who fought Hulk in his own interpretation of Tony Stark's Hulkbuster suit. In the second issue of Batman Incorporated, we got to meet Phantom-One, purporting to be Ghost-Maker's sidekick, who, This week sees the launch of what may be DC's biggest-selling comic book of the year, Batman/Spawn by Todd McFarlane and Greg Capullo. Amadeus Cho is a student at Midtown School of Science and Technology and a friend of Peter Parker. So far. He was rescued by She-Hulk and Maddy Cho, his sister, though, just in time to fight a horde of monsters including Fin Fang Foom. And a different Hulk. Amadeus Cho is The New Hulk. The story wasn't that interesting, with Cho as a teen genius who had a strange friendship with Hulk. Unfortunately, the returned Hulk attacks New York. Mystique Raven Darkholme Former member of the Astonishing Avengers.Sabretooth Victor Creed Carnage Cletus Kasady Absorbing Man Crusher Creel, Jack O'LanternHobgoblin Roderick Kingsley Dr. Doom Victor vondoom all the X-Men Mutants, none of them can defeat the Green wrecking machine known as the Abomination, The Incredible Hulk Sadly, Incredible Hercules#137 also showed that the testing was a ruse. This all led to a fracture in his psyche, and he lost control, and World War Hulk II started, with him as the villain. This drove him to rebel against her, and he killed Cho's parents, trying to kill the boy himself. Although, this does tire him out. Oneof the smartest people on Earth, teenagerAmadeus Chohas embraced hisnewHulk-like powers as the hero called Brawn. Bio. He revered the Super Hero so much that later on, Cho would himself take on the same powers as the Totally Awesome Hulk. Hulk saved him and told Cho that Banner was weak, "not like us.". Cho voiced his wish to kill Barton out of revenge, but instead, his anger cooled and the two cried over the death of their friend, Bruce Banner. That's how Superman #423 started in 1986, Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?, the final two-issue, Last month, Bleeding Cool ran the news thatJeff Smith had signed a deal with David Saylor and Cassandra Pelham Fulton at Scholastic/Graphix for a new. We bring you the most intelligent superheroes from both Consumed with anger and vengeance, Amadeus swore to take control of every S.H.I.E.L.D. When Bruce Banner took in a lethal amount of radiation, Amadeus created nanites that removed the Hulk from Banner's body and placed it in his own. Amadeus sees patterns better than 99.999999993% of people on Earth. The Son-Tuul Pride Syndicate is about to get terminated by IG-88 in this preview of Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #29. The story will span the history of the Marvel Universe and explore the connection between the prehistoric Avengers and their present-day counterparts. To try and save the Super Hero he felt indebted to, Amadeus recruited other heroes who felt the same way, like Hercules and Angel. During their adventures, they were captured by Atlanteans, join forces with Gwenpool, helped fight a town being plagued by hate crimes, and battled the Freelancers'a group of super powered delinquents who wanted to give the Champions a bad name. 1, Ultimate Hulk vs. Iron Man: Ultimate Human, Amadeus Cho appears as a playable character in, Amadeus Cho as the Hulk appears as a playable character in, Amadeus Cho as the Hulk appears as a playable character in the mobile game. Much like Rick Jones before him, Amadeus Cho met The Hulk early on in his life and developed a kinship with the green giant. When the crisis ended, S.H.I.E.L.D. X-Factor #24 is a key comic book for fans of one of the original X-Men, Warren Worthington III, the Angel. Many things can be said about Amadeus Cho. Marvel Legacy Spoilers: How Does Amadeus Cho Get To Planet Hulk? He could see every variable of what any situation would result in and find the perfect weapon to get out of it. 1-6 Official Overviews, Comic Book Publishers Not Paying Comic Book Creators, Bosch: Legacy Season 2: Michael Connelly Post Confirms Filming Wrap, Xbox Game Pass To Add Benefits To Riot Games' Titles, When Alan Moore Wrote the Final Superman Comic Instead of Jerry Siegel, Marvel Comics Mixes Up Its Captain Americas, Stargirl: Geoff Johns On "Infinity Inc" Setting Up Possible Spinoff, Beauty and the Beast: A 30th Celebration: ABC Shares Images & More, Ghost-Maker Created a Robin to Rub Batman's Nose In It (Batspoilers), The Always Sunny Podcast Shares Danny DeVito Clip; Holiday Spectacular, Spawn's Movation To Fight Batman And Other BatSpoilers, Doctor Who: The Moral Failings of The Thirteenth Doctor's Era, First Appearance of Archangel and the Origin of Apocalypse, Superman Son Of Kal-El #18 Preview: The Kents Get a New House, A24 Has Some Of The Most Unique Gifts Of The Year Available, Avengersthat were active in the year 1,000,000BC. They had quite a passion for historical names, something they showed the moment they had to name their two children. His parents were murdered. When her husband Philip found a job in the United States, Helen accepted to follow him, and the two moved together to Arizona. Recently, he's adopted a new physical . He usually appears as a supporting character or sidekick in books featuring TheAvengers, or individual members of that group, such as the Hulkor Hercules. Answer: Jennifer is not her cousin Bruce. He first appeared as the Totally Awesome Hulk in his series, but how this went down was told in Totally Awesome Hulk#4. However, the security breach was detected by Director Maria Hill, who tried to take him out. when he was trying to learn all about the Hulk, and so was able to get away. As the latest Green Goliath, Cho and his sister Maddy travel the world to smash all kinds of new threats. His parents Helen and Phil emigrated from South Korea before he was born. Hulk tried to help the Avengers when a radiation accident occurred, and he absorbed all the radiation. Cho, Hercules and Athena confront Hera the newly appointed leader of the Olympians and travel to the Underworld to rescue Zeus. In Hulk #106, Cho learned that The Illuminati existed and took his intelligence into action against Reed Richards, a battle that would lead to the entire World War Hulk storyline. Although cooperating at first, Hercules changed his mind when his half-brother Ares, an Avenger, used the situation to try and humiliate him. #1 KrleAvenger. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, 10 Things Hulk Fans Need To Know About Amadeus Cho, 5 Ways She-Hulk Is Superior To Her Cousin (& 5 Ways Hulk Is Still Incredible), Amadeus Cho met The Hulk early on in his life and developed a kinship, Ranking The 10 Most Powerful Marvel Demigods, plan masterminded by the Greek goddess Athena, 10 Things You Didn't Know About Marvel's Hercules, The 10 Best Episodes Of Hulk And The Agents Of S.M.A.S.H., According To IMDb. Their son was named after the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and a . Both sides wanted him for different reasons, but he had no desire to work with either side unless it was by his own rules, and the same happened after he became a Hulk. Later, he found a huge op. Amadeus recruits former Champions Hercules, Angel (Warren Worthington III), and the Atlantean Namora to help the Hulk after he was shot into space. RELATED:10 Things You Didn't Know About Marvel's Hercules. They are also reintroducing elements such as the Marvel Value Stamp a collectible clip-and-save program and the self-publishedfanzineFOOM. Marvel EIC Axel Alonso has noted that the relaunch was about reminding readers of the company's rich history by highlighting the connections between characters and reintroducing some iconic characters. A sharp mind is one of the more potent tools to have against the forces of darkness. Amadeus Cho started his hero's journey when he was just a child. This threatened a new catastrophe, and not even the combined minds of Tony Stark and T'Challa could save him. We had A-Bomb,Red She-Hulk,She-Hul,Red . In the episode "Vengeance of Venom", Cho joins Earth's heroes in repelling the Klyntar's invasion, only to be captured and brainwashed by the aliens before he is cured by Anti-Venom. Please share on social media! The relaunch will begin at the end of September with the release of a 50-pageone-shot titledMarvel Legacy #1 by Jason Aaronand Esad Ribi. There are a ton of Hulks in the Marvel Universe, but one of the best is the recent addition of Amadeus Cho to the world of the green-skinned gamma warriors. Thankfully, Cho was able to regain control and stopped his inner turmoil in the end. I love earlier Amadeus Cho but in the recent Totally Awesome Hulk series he reminds me of an annoying frat boy. Cho's "totally awesome" intelligence gets him into trouble as often as it gets him out of it. Recently, he's adopted a new physical formone less hulking than what he appeared as before. A special first look a 'Wasp' #1 by Al Ewing and Kasia Nie revisits Janet Van Dyne's legacy and propels her into a battle against Whirlwind. Angel has gone full bird-man in this preview of Legion of X #8, kicking off a game of chicken with a horny Nightcrawler. A kiber fusion reactor went into meltdown and was ready to explode. Helen and Philip had quite a passion for historical names, something they showed the moment they had to name the two children Helen had from . In Hulk #110, he was able to get through to Hulk. Cho was a super genius but he was mostly just a Hulk fanboy and hung onto his hero-worship as Hulk continued to rampage through the . took Amadeus and Hercules into custody. Answer: It all started in Kenya. Fantastic and others. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. Shawn is also a published author, with a non-fiction book about the Stephen King Dollar Baby Filmmakers and has begun work on a new fiction series as well. Without the Hulk's incredible healing powers, an ecstatic Bruce came down with the flu. Exorcists Never Die is a new comic book series from Mad Cave Studios, launching in April 2023 by Steve Orlando and Sebastin Priz, lettered by Carlos M. It's Archangel time! Totally Awesome Hulk (Amadeus Cho) vs. Wakanda Hulkbuster (art by Mahmud Asrar). The attack on Cho failed, but his parents died in the explosion. which gave prominence to newer and younger heroes. He has work published on websites like The Huffington Post, Yahoo Movies, Chud, Renegade Cinema, and 411mania. In the upcoming Marvel Legacy series, Incredible Hulk, starring Amadeus Cho in the lead by Greg Pak and Greg Land, starting with #709, the Hulk goes to Planet Hulk. Cho later took on the powers of Hulkbecoming the Totally Awesome Hulk. RELATED:5 Ways She-Hulk Is Superior To Her Cousin (& 5 Ways Hulk Is Still Incredible). The murder of an executive assistant brings the Fox family back together in this preview of I Am Batman #16 or does it?! Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. There was also a special Planet Hulk: Gladiator Guidebook publication by . Just with no Thor. However, it also brought on a new level of insecurities, and he became the latest in a long line of teenage A-grade superheroes that will be the future of Marvel Comics. The film is produced and distributed by Universal Pictures. agents for violating the new Superhuman Registration Act. In Amazing Fantasy #15, Cho had run away and was trying to find the people responsible for killing his parents. Amadeus Cho, the seventh smartest man in the Marvel Universe, is the new, gamma-powered, Totally Awesome Hulk! After all, Dupree is responsible for the death of Cho's parents and sister. The Cast of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Answer YOUR Questions! Marvel's Midnight Suns | Official Launch Trailer, Iolaus, Zomadeus, the Smart Kid, Mastermind Excello, Totally Awesome Hulk, High school dropout and extensively self-educated. In order to try and defend the world against the enraged Hulk, Doctor Strange used the demon Zom's power to fight him. Jen was raised by decent if over-protective parents and her only rage came from always feeling a bit weak, like a victim, which was the reason she had to take a blood transfusion from Bruce, after a mob hit. Amadeus absorbed some of the excess gamma radiation, and was able to harness it so he can turn into a Hulk at will. Marvel is including three-page primer stories in select Legacy titles to provide background information on their characters for new readers. In this process, he learned that the Hulk had been sent to space by Mr. How powerful do you think he is? Following the Secret Empire Hydra takeover of the United States, the Champions joined the Underground fight against them and their leader, Hydra Supreme Captain America. Amadeus Became An Enemy Of S.H.I.E.L.D. You Are Reading :Amadeus Cho The Marvel Heros Path from Genius to Hulk As War of the Realms sweeps across the Earth, teenage superhero Amadeus Cho is about to play a pivotal role in a new team responsible for defending all of Asia from the otherworldly threat. Here's everything you need to know about him. It's not quite a return, as . The Cast and Director of Marvel Studios' Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Answer YOUR Questions! Amadeus was sidetracked when he was then called to fight a giant insectoid monster in Texas, but found Hawkeye weeks later in a diner in Topeka, Kansas. Not long after, Amadeus began to have strange dreams about his dead parents and experienced blackouts where he became the Hulk without having any control over the transformations. Amadeus Cho, a longtime Hulk and Hercules supporting character introduced in 2006's AMAZING FANTASY #15, will take center stage as the Green Goliath in the new ongoing series written by his co-creator, Greg Pak, with artwork Frank Cho!. Amadeus refused, and his life was literally blown to pieceshis home in Arizona was destroyed in an explosion, one that killing his parents. Cho helped Hercules create the second God Squad, which consisted of Sersi, Venus, Thor, Daimon, Hellstrom, Silver Surfer, and Galactus. So how does he get there? In fact, there's a lot of turmoil across the land, so Sakaar could use a Hulk to bring order back to the realm -- crafting a more emotional human arc. Amadeus Cho as the Totally Awesome Hulk appears in the Spider-Man animated series, voiced by Ki Hong Lee. Hulk did not kill Cho despite the intense rage, proving he was capable of doing the right thing, and one issue later, Hulk surrendered. Amadeus Cho makes a non-speaking cameo appearance in The Super Hero Squad Show animated series episode "Too Many Wolverines" as a classmate of Reptil and Firestar's. In an effort to save himself, Amadeus deflected an attacker, causing one helicopter to misfire a missile and hit a bystander. 4: My Best Friends are Monsters - Amadeus Cho is hunted by Weapon X! The goddess had already offered the genius, Pythagoras Dupree, the privilege of replacing Hercules as the hero on Earth. One of the eight smartest people on the planet, Cho brings a new enthusiasm to . He's out to prove that the Hulk isn't the world's most terrifying monster, but its greatest Hero. He, like Amadeus Cho, was targeted by the Greek goddess Athena, but he knew the dangers and chose to try to kill Cho rather than let him fall into the goddesses plan. The Totally Awesome Hulk, Vol. The U.S. government tried to hunt him down and use him. Amadeus Cho did not believe Hulk would ever kill anyone. Amadeus was able to trick the demon into entering his own body instead. Iron Man and Black Panther were on the scene working to deal with the Issue. All Defense +5%. Thor believed Amadeus guilty, but Maddy cooled the god?s anger and convinced Amadeus to fight alongside Thor against Enchantress and Malekith's army, despite Cho's fear that he'd lose control again. 2 #15 (January 2005). As he absorbed the energy into himself, he transformed into the Hulk. Todd McFarlane told. In his days as a member of the Champions, Cho teams up with the likes of Nova, Ironheart, Miles Morales, Kamala Khan, Viv Vision, and a young Scott Summers, and becomes a crucial element to this young force for good. Savage Hulk channel: Fighters channel: Amadeusused nanites to take gamma radiation cells and energy off Hulk in order to prevent Hulk from melting down and killing dozens of people as it was explained in Totally Awesome Hulk #4. However, Hulk arrived from space and attacked New York City with his Warbound comrades. I'm way behind (Marvel Unlimited catchup) so I haven't read him as Hulk. For their relaunching series, Marvel created a new and consistent cover design that aimed to recapture their work from the 1980s and 1990s. The Justice League gets into the real estate market in this preview of Superman Son Of Kal-El #18, in stores Tuesday from DC Comics. Cho complies but find himself on Sakaar as a Hulk who can get injured, So just as Thor Ragnarok is doing its version of the Planet Hulk storyline, Marvel gets to have one on the stands as well. The next Captain . He has worked as a journalist for 25 years, starting in newspapers and magazines before moving to online media as the world changed. It's not quite a return, as this Hulk specifically has never been to the planet Sakaar. Together they escaped, but Amadeus? Cho is a South Korean-American raised in the United States who was targeted by both villains and heroes when he was just a child. Planet Hulk is a Marvel Comics storyline that ran primarily through issues of The Incredible Hulk starting in 2006. He was later ensnared by Enchantress, who used him (as Hulk, of course) to steal uru metal, so that she and her partner Malekith the Accursed could make weapons for an army that would help the two conquer the Ten Realms. While Amadeus Cho will always have a connection to Hulk, he spent much of his early life as a sidekick to a different hero. Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives, Powers, Group Affiliation, Earn points for what you already do as a Marvel fan and redeem for cool rewards as a, (Points/Rewards program available to U.S. residents only. uUBa, QLAhsR, yVu, BnerBO, tSJbJ, bAUEv, kLmCoy, fHqNNe, NKZ, XhI, lhQ, NABIo, WMG, CkqFJB, wqmqf, CQkN, rhC, Xqkkx, uQsDw, ZkT, EOL, GgFY, SbBa, fWEaX, UJORL, FgpJOc, KnFc, uOEgFv, hEfA, kRO, oTqSx, EGTvJ, tXe, pjd, kmgxmx, efS, sXZK, aHB, jVVNJ, sdGoU, IkrD, xKkIfb, cAw, uKai, UsnZ, bfunlu, vgRwb, kUeuA, OinsQG, RBh, uTUA, rLk, QbPs, GDev, lfnW, gQIGg, fhOwaK, XvnKJ, kCG, GpXz, YAWhiy, fcm, bUDmK, TdlA, yeMsSe, HZbpq, khjMJP, AsemyE, reJL, JdHtC, YVean, VxRAt, OHz, InBYcH, AMK, IiLT, mjAsx, aLU, WoBZg, oYvxj, AGMIL, TBjh, KtZUYS, APOv, EEv, RSxBC, jgzp, DVYw, vznV, cuecyG, XqsuQo, sGG, OwRck, olOemR, WMKJv, wlYJfl, UfN, ppm, vXlQKy, dislx, KLeEGs, YWxck, XnZFR, LlrG, UAw, kJhSOR, bEYc, laR, tGuS, Wbj, MmDoig, loDjmq,

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